
DOOP Secretary

Am I allowed to say that I am Legend was better than Cloverfield? No? T-O-O-BAD!
Also, nice to see Salli Richardson getting some work in between seasons of Eureka.
HookerBot 5000

Liquid Emperor
BDC: Which one was Lizzy Caplan? :S Cloverfield. I enjoyed this very much  More so than I thought I would. A
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Lizzy Caplan played Marlena in the movie. The sarcastic one who exploded after being bitten.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by HookerBot 5000: Ohh, I thought she got her throat cut or something. I was gonna say, there was quite a lot of blood just for that...haha. You obviously don't watch enough anime

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #533 on: 02-11-2008 07:05 »
« Last Edit on: 02-11-2008 07:05 by coldangel_1 »
Here we go with some more ridiculousOne-Sentence Reviews!The MistSome things never change, like the pure fun of watching hicks get disemboweled by hideous monsters or the uncomfortable silence in the cinema when the director tries to get all deep and philisophical about the above. Fight ClubIf guilty pleasures were criminal, this mindfuck masterpiece of disturbingly violent and psycho filmmaking would warrent the death penalty. EpochRough-hewn stapling of poorly thought-out sci-fi themes, cutout characters, and shoddy special effects make this one for the whole family... to shit on. ZodiacAn entertaining but flawed flick; ignoring the fact that the main character doesn't appear to age a day from 1969 to 1991, basing films too closely on actual events makes them convoluted and overlong, with far too many characters that could easily have been combined for brevity without losing any of the story. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Knockin' on Heaven's Door)For those who have seen the series, this is more of the same awesomeness, just bigger - and for those who haven't, your pathetic lives are incomplete. The KingdomIt's, like, ironic and stuff because, like, their culture is different from our culture, and stuff... oh and - America - FUCK YEAH!! Die Hard 4.0 (AKA - Live Free or Die Hard)Bruce is back, and he's brought some hip young co-stars to further highlight the fact that he's actually older than God, but he can still yippie-ki-ay with the best of them. Shoot 'Em UpGuy at Blockbuster told me it was the most stupid movie he'd ever seen, so I didn't rent it. VacancyGot about ten minutes into the movie before a dirty great scratch on the disc interfered with further viewing - though the first ten minutes were okay I suppose. Day of the DeadBasically the same as Dawn of the dead, but this time set in a military bunker.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by DogDoo8: Cloverfield I must be the only person that didn't like this movie. I didn't.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by DogDoo8: Cloverfield ... I must be the only person that didn't like this movie. ::Waves::


Originally posted by DogDoo8: Cloverfield Thank god thats over, I must be the only person that didn't like this movie.
Other than the complete bullshit, it was alright.

DOOP Secretary

He cast Winnona Ryder as Spock's mother in the new Star Trek. There's nothing more he can do to us.

DOOP Secretary

DogDoo, did you miss the Cloverfield thread and this thread around Jan 18th? Both disparagement and totally unwarranted love of that film abound.

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by DrThunder88: DogDoo, did you miss the Cloverfield thread and this thread around Jan 18th? Both disparagement and totally unwarranted love of that film abound. Yeah probably. My short term memory isn't all that crash hot anymore.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #546 on: 02-15-2008 04:45 »
« Last Edit on: 02-15-2008 04:45 »
Originally posted by coldangel_1:
Got about ten minutes into the movie before a dirty great scratch on the disc interfered with further viewing - though the first ten minutes were okay I suppose.
I bloody hate that....! Can't people just look after dvd's, I swear it has nearly turned me off hiring out movies anymore.... I just got out a few last week including The Protector and most of the awesome fight scenes either skipped or locked up so I missed half the film....what I did see was great though....(except for the lame plot) Has anybody seen The Prestige man this in an awesome film....saw it in the cinema then just saw it again....a lot better the second time for sure but at the end I was still in awe at the twisty ending....schweet....

DOOP Secretary

Yay. Only 340000 more until it becomes the bloated mess offtopic is.

Space Pope
Originally posted by coldangel_1: Die Hard 4.0 (AKA - Live Free or Die Hard)
Bruce is back, and he's brought some hip young co-stars to further highlight the fact that he's actually older than God, but he can still yippie-ki-ay with the best of them.
Got about ten minutes into the movie before a dirty great scratch on the disc interfered with further viewing - though the first ten minutes were okay I suppose.
Die Hard 4 was my least favorite. I mean the action was good and all but I didn't think it fit in with the Die Hard movies. It seemed like another Bruce Willis-blows-up-stuff with the addition of yippie-ki-aye thrown at the end. Also about that lovely catchphrase: While I agree that it's awesome to say that, especially if you're not even doing anything that compares to kicking terrorist ass, I'm gonnna criticize all the Die Hard movies except the first for improperly using it. The first one, he didn't even say it at the end of the movie, he said it during the discussion of cowboys so it made perfect comedic sense. The second one I guess sounded alright when he blows up the plane, it was cool to say and it seemed to fit. The third one and the fourth one totally didn't need to use the phrase. But I'll be honest in the fourth movie it reminded me that I was still watching a so-called Die Hrad movie. None the less it's annoying to here it used over and over again. As for Vacancy, if you don't take the film too seriously thean its a pretty enjoyable little thriller. This and the movie Red Eye are some awesome movies that are under the radar but really worth watching. Now I'll admit that Vacancy has some "how can _____ know/do/say ______?" moments, but if you overlook them it's still a fine film.
Nicky boy

Bending Unit
national treaures: the book of secrets it was better than i thought, even though it dragged on for a while B+ die hard: 4.0 a great action film, hasnt lost its originality at all. A-

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #554 on: 02-22-2008 06:14 »
« Last Edit on: 02-22-2008 06:14 »
John Rambo.
I don't know! Its... its like... the movie was on speed. Alright, it been a few years since I saw any of the Rambo movies but I can remember that they weren't like this.
John 'Rambo' lives as a cobra catcher and is approached by christian aid workers who want to go to burma, he makes friends with women aid worker and takes them, they get caught/killed, Rambo joins Soldiers mercenaries, rescues remaining christian aid workers and kills over 100 men or there abouts.
Very graphic killing, lots of exploding heads, legs, arms, chests, pretty much everything body wise explodes or gets ripped to shreds. Very good movie if you have a fetish for bloody limbs, but also good if you want a good chuckle and are not squimish by gore.
B+ for extra bloodiness, please.
DrT edit: sorry aid workers not mercenaries, but hey they went there with bibles to hand out, so, whatever.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by DogDoo8: John Rambo. ... John 'Rambo' lives as a cobra catcher and is approached by christian mercenaries who want to go to burma, he makes friends with women merc and takes them, they get caught/killed, Rambo joins Soldiers mercs, rescues remaining christian mercs and kills over 100 men or there abouts. They were mercenaries?

Liquid Emperor
10,000 BC
It looked like this movie, the SFX and the CGI took a step back to the year 10,000 BC and used the technology from then to make this movie.
The quality was shit, the story was meh and the acting and dialog was tragic. In a lot of the dark scenes the picture was dirty and there was alot of white noise. The CGI was nothing special, in fact, I was amazed at how bad it was considering this movies budget. It was like going to the Museum of Natural History and seeing all the stuffed exhibits walking around like stuffed exhibits.
Its a prophecy movie about two people who love each other and who will save the tribe, but wait theres more, the chick get kid napped and the guy goes after her and the other tribe people who were taken too. He teams up with a Rival to the chieftom, the old chief and a young boy who wants to be a hunter. And along their journey the characters meet a new people who have a new prophecy that main character fulfills.
Also, D'lah (main character) finds out what happened to his farther along his journey.
I give this movie. 6,000 out of 10,000 BC's

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by DogDoo8: 10,000 BC
It looked like this movie, the SFX and the CGI took a step back to the year 10,000 BC and used the technology from then to make this movie.
The quality was shit, the story was meh and the acting and dialog was tragic. In a lot of the dark scenes the picture was dirty and there was alot of white noise. The CGI was nothing special, in fact, I was amazed at how bad it was considering this movies budget. It was like going to the Museum of Natural History and seeing all the stuffed exhibits walking around like stuffed exhibits.
Its a prophecy movie about two people who love each other and who will save the tribe, but wait theres more, the chick get kid napped and the guy goes after her and the other tribe people who were taken too. He teams up with a Rival to the chieftom, the old chief and a young boy who wants to be a hunter. And along their journey the characters meet a new people who have a new prophecy that main character fulfills.
Also, D'lah (main character) finds out what happened to his farther along his journey.
I give this movie. 6,000 out of 10,000 BC's So it's a shitty version of Apocalypto with a sinning heathen (probably) for a writer/director/producer?