
Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Flying Spaghetti Monster. Look it up.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #91 on: 03-31-2007 19:13 »
« Last Edit on: 03-31-2007 19:13 »
Flying Smoketti Monster™!  I say bring back the old sounds of FSM, the "clanky clank chukety chuckety ROOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" sounds, they were scarier. Was it the same episode where the sounds changed to that light "tssssst hiss" sound, and where Locke dropped the dynamite down the hole when he was being dragged in (by a rope?)? I wonder did he break it somehow and thats why the sounds changed? FSM seems a bit neutered since then, before he was awesome; kerploding trees and smiting foliage in his wake... but now he just flies around now like an emo smog... Originally posted by Gocad: Vincent is basically the island's Grim Reaper. It was pointed out to me that in Exposé, Vincent pulled the blanket off Nikki and Paulo, he knew they weren't dead, and he was possibly trying to save them! Interesting, no?  Then again, maybe he was just cold in his evil lair and stole the blankie.

Space Pope
« Reply #92 on: 03-31-2007 20:11 »
« Last Edit on: 03-31-2007 20:11 »
Originally posted by ~FazeShift~: I say bring back the old sounds of FSM, the "clanky clank chukety chuckety ROOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" sounds, they were scarier. Ya, we haven't really heard the big mechanical-dinosaur noises it made since the first season. Originally posted by ~FazeShift~: Was it the same episode where the sounds changed to that light "tssssst hiss" sound, and where Locke dropped the dynamite down the hole when he was being dragged in (by a rope?)? I wonder did he break it somehow and thats why the sounds changed? FSM seems a bit neutered since then, before he was awesome; kerploding trees and smiting foliage in his wake... Actually, I think we'd heard it make those sort of clicking/hissing sounds in that episode before Locke was dragged into the hole as well. And we have heard it do some mad things since then, like the first time Eko saw it, it came crashing through the trees like a dino, blowing them up. Originally posted by ~FazeShift~: but now he just flies around now like an emo smog...  Except when he's smashing people into trees. Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
It was pointed out to me that in Exposé, Vincent pulled the blanket off Nikki and Paulo, he knew they weren't dead, and he was possibly trying to save them! Ya, I realized that afterwards as well.

Space Pope
« Reply #93 on: 04-01-2007 04:37 »
« Last Edit on: 04-01-2007 04:37 »
Originally posted by ~FazeShift~: It was pointed out to me that in Exposé, Vincent pulled the blanket off Nikki and Paulo, he knew they weren't dead, and he was possibly trying to save them! Interesting, no?  Then again, maybe he was just cold in his evil lair and stole the blankie. You think that the Lost creators have decided to lead Vincent's character development in a different direction? If so, then I wholeheartly oppose this move! Fact is, Vincent's presence means death is around. I think he took the blanket because he knew that these two were doomed anyway...and there is no need to have a good blanket wasted on them.  Look at the scene again. He just swoops in, takes the blanket and is gone again. Had he sensed that they weren't dead, should he not have done what dogs always do in such a situation? You know, barking and doing other dog stuff?

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

We should have a Lost Tarot deck. Vincent should be Death.

DOOP Ubersecretary
She did say "we know it doesn't like our fences", but I'm not convinced that's what they were originally built for. And it's good they brought back the cool noises, they must have read my old post!  Kate and Juliet naked mud wrestling in the rain! *faps*

Space Pope
« Reply #111 on: 04-06-2007 04:28 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2007 04:28 »
Well, we can assume that the BCT™ does not simply kill people for no raeson (at least not always), as the Mr Eko story has proven. And it seemed to me that those flashes indicated that the BCT™ has read Juliet also. The perspective in this scene indicated that the BCT™ knew where they were, but IIRC the flashes were only around Juliet's face. Anyway, this made me thing that the BCT™ had read Locke's mind back in season 1, too. Speaking of Locke, am I the only one thinking that he's now one of them?  To be honest, I hope that Juliet's encounter with the BCT™ means that she is doomed, because she is one of the few likeable characters on the island. And unlike Kate she does not cause disaster with every step she makes... 


Originally posted by Gocad:Speaking of Locke, am I the only one thinking that he's now one of them?  I'm curious about the bandage on his hand in that scene. Probably a result of smacking the old man about a bit too hard (quit giggling!). Also, Kate is pretty retarded. You'd think she'd remember looking out of the window and seeing Juliet put on a gasmask right before she got knocked out, but no... Looks like Said isn't going to be getting much sleep if he wants to make sure Juliet doesn't kill everyone while they sleep. Poor bastard 
chay´s head

Space Pope
Zmithy, I don't think we see Julz putting on a gas mask. She was genuinely gased with the rest of them, she just woke up a lot earlier than kate.
Yah, just checked, No Julz with mask, in fact, you don't see anyone worth noting, no Locke, Tom or Ben. Just randoms.
Also, No ameh, you can't kill kate. You must be forgetting that she has boobs...

DOOP Ubersecretary
Yeah but they're on Hugo... Hugos ass is bigger than Kates too but we still won't ogle him... much.FSM™ has the best T&A after Nikki.