chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #640 on: 05-30-2008 13:03 »
« Last Edit on: 05-30-2008 13:03 »
By some devine intervention i am only just watching this episode... So now, a Double the fun double the episode RUNNING COMMENTARY! Although, i think this one won't be as long, i want to enjoy this ep, so i'll only come back if its something important. Holy jesus... Cool flash forward idea... Smug pricks shot it all in one go. Jeremy Bentham... meh Forgot how pretty Kate was in this scene Hmm.. so 3 years, that places them in 2007?... or 8? Hmm, so how did ben get them all away? *ACTION ENSUES* Nice Tackle Sayid! FUCK YES RICHARD!!! FUCK YESSSSSSSS Ew... walts old... Lol "LEader Stuff" Yay, Dan and his boat! Hmm "GEt back here" Was she Ben's gal friend...? Just throwing it out there. How the fuck is keamy still alive? Richard double cross? Fuck... "You just killed everyone on that boat" "so" PLease don't jump hurly... Wait.. i can see what's going to happen, we'll think hurly will, but sawyer will instead.. knew it. There's the thing she has to fulfill i guess. Why the fuck would Jin stay? Desmond is the one who know's bombs... Fuck.... Jin... Michael :'( That was really upsetting. Heh, Sawyer conveniently lost his shirt. Goddamnit, how do they make me feel sorry for someone who just killed a boatload of people? I <3 you ben :'(  The island moved and ben has gone... C'mon JJ, give us another one of your famous, "Think they're dead, but will start spluttering and be alive any second now" Yay! Predictable JJ, Hi Desmond! The fuck was up with Claire's accent? OMG!!! I HERAD "MISS WIDMORE!" PEnny! I thought those guys coulda been beardies from end of season 2 I was thinking how are they going to hide Des and chopper dude, but i guess penny is in on it all aswell. ew... "One Week Later" Since when the fuck do they do that? Shit, who's it actually going to be? Ben... or Desy... Holy jesus.. it's ben. Hmm, i reckon it's locke then... YEah, little to much build there. Ben gave it away just by being there. I need to sleep and gather my thoughts. Answers in Bold... Originally posted by Ninaka: Some notes and questions. In no particular order either, it's completely random!
Nearly cried with the Penny/Desmond reunion!!! Awww.. yay Same! There were some very very nice moment. and some downright unhappy ones, Sun screaming in agony. Rather upsettingWhat's Sun up to dealing with Whidmore in London? She obviously blames ben for everything and wants to get back to himOH MY GOD it's LOCKE. Coffin. Whoa. As soon as ben popped in the door, knew it would be lockeAnd how's Ben off the island this time? I don't think it's a "this time" When he pushed the lever, he woke up in desert (Same parka, bleeding arm) and hasn't been back sinceoh man how bad was it when they're in the helicopter and the island disappears!! Shitting pants time! Pants well shatI knew Jin would really die. Knew it. Poor Sun... makes it so much harder... As i said, that was really distressingoh oh and redhead-face lady staying on teh island, where the other dude says something about "coming back" and she's all "i don't know where I was born" stuff? Whoaa.. more to come next year! Could she be Ben's doll buddy perhaps?What if they have to move the island again in the future?? He blew up the time machine thingy with the bunnies to get into the cold cave (I was half expecting the Polar bear! Aww). So what will they use next time??? Well i think the same way, the time travel chamber was irrelevant, he was just blowing it up so he could get through.Army dudes dead. He was so deliciously evil! Keamy was indeed a BAMFlol you know they're all gonna die on the little boat thingy when its' full of people who are extras and not main characters Heh totally, but i was expecting Christian to do something... but it was a pretty powerful line after you realise the actually meaning. Also, when Walt asked about his dad in the psyche place, you could see hurley was hurtin'Heh Rum.  okaaaay so what the HECK is with Claire?? She's gotta be dead if Jacob is channelling her - right?? *Shrugs*That was awesome... just like a movie!! [/spoilers] Also, few more things. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO DAN!!N!N!NQRWQ HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GO THE NEXT HOWEVER MANY FUCKING MONTHS WITHOUT KNOW IF DAN IS ALIVE OR NOT!!!!!! "I'm sorry i made your life so difficult" was such a nice line, again, i don't know how they can make me care so much for someone as horrible as ben.


I like how they're bringing in some weird elements without going all-out sci-fi. Liked the orientation video.. "never put metal in the time-travelling microwave" just as Ben is loading it with the stuff. Best quote of the season: Locke: Was he talking about what I think he was talking about? Ben: If you mean time-travelling bunnies, then yes. Keamy was very badass, I'm glad he got a fight scene with Sayid before he went. His actual death was a bit surprising in comparison, Ben took him out really quickly. The end scene was a nice twist... I was almost certain it was going to be Ben, even though I really didn't want it be. And it wasn't! Wait, it was Locke.. that's almost as bad.  Wondering how season 5 is going to play out now.. seems like the freighties are going to become major characters in the on-island scenes.. the "sawyer, juliet, bernard and rose plus whatever the hell happened to claire show" wouldn't be so interesting. As for the off-island stuff, I'm wondering where they'll pick up the timeline from. I was really hoping we'd get to see the temple this season. The weird ancient ruins in ben's house and in the orchid.. want some more info on the island's history.

DOOP Ubersecretary
How did Locke get off the island?  "Dead": Jin? Michael? Locke? Mr. Eko? Charlie? None for certain, hell even Christian is still teleporting around like he's a non-dead young teleporting guy of 25!

DOOP Ubersecretary
Maybe that's why they kept some, and trained them to use complex levers and things. One polar bear must be cheaper than a super strong team of monkeys! One mystery solved! 
chay´s head

Space Pope
Originally posted by ~FazeShift~: How did Locke get off the island? 
I'm guessing the same way that ben used to. @Josh/Guy who stole Prowla's Avy: Mmm, Dan is floating about the sea with no where to go  @BDC: Jeremy Bentham. At first i thought it was an anagram, but it's a real person... Also, it was Locke... @Ben: Heh, as funny as the Lever pushing polar bears sound... it's probably true. @Amy: Don't get me wrong, i love ben, i think he is a genius. In my top 3 fav characters, But he does do some horrible things.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Ben summed it up himself where he's got to do things by emotionally detaching himself from them to be a good leader. When he pushed the lever, he woke up in desert (Same parka, bleeding arm) and hasn't been back since Ohhh yeah! You're right! going by the skeleton found in Tunisia by redhead chick..? That's right, I forgot that's how she came into the story... I really didn't see it coming with Locke being in the coffin. I mean, I didn't WANT to think about it either. Of course I'm hoping it was Ben but that'd be too simple, glad to see him jump up behind Jack, much to my surprise. Small throw away by the name change - doesn't seem like it was necessary now that we know it was Locke, unless this will tie into a whole sequel fill in where we find out why he had to change his name and how he came to leave the island and die? Could she be Ben's doll buddy perhaps? Huh? and no, Dan had not gotten back with the next boatload infact he is now stranded in an ocean with no boat to go to, or an island to go back to. Poor Dan Yeahhhhh poor Dan!  Hope he has enough gas to get back to the island... Dan is still hiding something though. He knows something we don't. Something big. I found it interesting how the island "plooped" out of the water. heh I wasn't sure what I was going to expect, maybe a fizzle or lifting, but it literally went underwater PLOOP! So... where does it go to? Who decides its new location? Is it completely random? And then: How the heck are they going to GO BACK to the island when they don't know where it is now?? Also, is this the end of the line for Penny & Desmond? Their little saga is essentially over, right? They found eachother.. love love love etc. Well, with the exception of her father, of course. Hm I guess Ben is technically out to kill her to get back at Whidmore. Right? Shit, okay... ohhhhh WHY will it be so long before the next season!?!

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #653 on: 05-31-2008 00:07 »
« Last Edit on: 05-31-2008 00:07 »
Double post for Javier... Originally posted by Javier Lopez: wow .. what a season finale!
-I seriously doubt that Jin is really dead.. in a less grade same with Michael.. Nah, he's gooone. Gone. -What happened to Dan and the people on the Zodiak? is everyone else aboard the freighter dead? They didn't make it back to the freighter. They were still on the zodiac when it went kablewey. We think so anyway... I highly doubt they got all the way there. Anyone standing on that freighter is most surely dead. There was enough plastic explosives to blow up a 747, apparently. -Who is that mysterious bald man who pursues Harley and visited Locke when he was in wheel chair? The black guy? Jacob in a different form. See Chay's link below. He's right. Abaddon had some hand in the creation of the four-man team that arrived on the Island
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #660 on: 05-31-2008 12:30 »
« Last Edit on: 05-31-2008 12:30 »
Originally posted by Slackit02: Did that to Sun? He didn't do that to her. Yah, the boat exploded. Ben didn't put the explosives there. He didn't hire the mercenaries. He killed a man who killed his daughter. I find that to be very understandable. Did you see Ben when Alex was killed? Plus, incase you forgot - Jin isn't dead.
You are forgotting about the rest of the boat crew and the three redshirts evacuated to it.. far as Ben knew everyone was evacuating to the freighter.. including the Helicopter wich should have been there BTW: Im the only one who thinks that Jack's father being the same as Claire's father is going too far in the mess? BTW2: I looked at the boat explosion frame by frame.. in the last shot where Jin was seen waving his arms you could see the crew about to evacuate in red lifejackets.. in the shot of the explosion you cant see the red jackets or either jin and there is some clear frames of the boat .. yes.. i know they may simply use a CGI model with no people on it and thats it like in "old" movies they used models wich didnt contained "scaled people".. but this is Lost after all.. nothing is just cassual PD: I asume that anyone who reads this have seen the finale so i dont use the spoiler tag..
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #663 on: 05-31-2008 13:37 »
« Last Edit on: 05-31-2008 13:37 »
Originally posted by Slackit02: That whole running around alive while Sun is having her baby thing? There was nothing in that episode that indicated that Jin was in a flashback while Sun in a flash forward.
BZZZZZZZZZZZ Mistake.. he was doing a "job" for his "boss" = flashback Originally posted by Slackit02: Javier: Again, Ben was protecting his home, his family. I would have done the same thing.
That doesnt make Ben god.. it makes you evil As i said before when Michael went killing innocent people only to get Waltz release.. in your view you can destroy the entire damn mankind and issolate yourself .. that way you will be least from humans.. I know i will not blow up a boat full of mostly innocent people to save my family .. Why im arguing this? This is peel.. Moral cant be argued here

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by BirthdayClown: Wait, who is Jeremy Bentham? So do we have an answer yet? Originally posted by Javier Lopez: You are forgotting about the rest of the boat crew and the three redshirts evacuated to it.. far as Ben knew everyone was evacuating to the freighter.. including the Helicopter wich should have been there
BTW2: I looked at the boat explosion frame by frame.. in the last shot where Jin was seen waving his arms you could see the crew about to evacuate in red lifejackets.. in the shot of the explosion you cant see the red jackets or either jin and there is some clear frames of the boat ..
The explosion was disappointing. I thought it would have been way bigger, especially when (Desmond?) said "it was enough to blow up an airplane carrier". Also, wouldn't the pressure wave hit the chopper?

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Sawyer was busy riding the surf. I doubt it. Jin was in a flashback while Sun was in a flashforward. The way they were edited together was to make it look like they were in the same timespace, but it was a red herring which we discovered at the end of the episode. So do we have an answer yet? I really hope you're not being serious. Sigh!! Incase you are though... it's Locke. I believe everyone on the freighter is dead. And even if he did survive, the Oceanic 6 are left believing he really is dead anyway. Explains why Sun really mourns his death, and not just leaving him. How do they know black-guy-from-The-Wire's name already dammit? I don't know, it's just on the lostpedia. Grr. Maybe it's in the credits??? I never see credits on my downloads though.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Yep there was a shockwave... everything sways violently... I'm surprised nobody fell out! Oh oh speaking of falling out, what'd Sawyer whisper to Kate before he jumped out and swam back to the island?? 

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Oohh... okay, I think I know what you're saying. I just need to read up on what happened again.... I don't remember clearly enough to reference!

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

I can get podcasts, I suppose I can get anything off the internet really. Just need to know who is streaming them and where?
Damnit Chay, you shoulda been here for my finale viewing pleasure.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

AWWWWW.......! Here, you earned one of these: 

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Ninaka:
So do we have an answer yet? I really hope you're not being serious. Sigh!! Incase you are though... it's Locke.
Oops, brane not worky good. Locke. ...but how? Now some random tidbits:from the article about explosion physics We also finally got to see who was in the coffin that had Jack so torn up in last season's flash-forward finale. It was Jeremy Bentham—named for an 18th century philosopher who managed to preserve his head after he died
Fun fact from the lostpedia: Matthew Abbadon (black wheelchair pushing guy, attorney that visited Hurley) is an anagram of "what bad boatmen" And finally one more question: the name on that coat Ben was wearing, Halliwax, it's dr Candle Lostpedia article