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chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #640 on: 05-30-2008 13:03 »
« Last Edit on: 05-30-2008 13:03 »

By some devine intervention i am only just watching this episode...

So now, a Double the fun double the episode RUNNING COMMENTARY!

Although, i think this one won't be as long, i want to enjoy this ep, so i'll only come back if its something important.

I need to sleep and gather my thoughts.

Answers in Bold...

Originally posted by Ninaka:
Some notes and questions. In no particular order either, it's completely random!

Also, few more things.



"I'm sorry i made your life so difficult" was such a nice line, again, i don't know how they can make me care so much for someone as horrible as ben.

« Reply #641 on: 05-30-2008 14:10 »

I like how they're bringing in some weird elements without going all-out sci-fi.

Liked the orientation video.. "never put metal in the time-travelling microwave" just as Ben is loading it with the stuff.

Best quote of the season:

Locke: Was he talking about what I think he was talking about?
Ben: If you mean time-travelling bunnies, then yes.

Keamy was very badass, I'm glad he got a fight scene with Sayid before he went. His actual death was a bit surprising in comparison, Ben took him out really quickly.

The end scene was a nice twist... I was almost certain it was going to be Ben, even though I really didn't want it be. And it wasn't! Wait, it was Locke.. that's almost as bad.  :hmpf:

Wondering how season 5 is going to play out now.. seems like the freighties are going to become major characters in the on-island scenes.. the "sawyer, juliet, bernard and rose plus whatever the hell happened to claire show" wouldn't be so interesting. As for the off-island stuff, I'm wondering where they'll pick up the timeline from.

I was really hoping we'd get to see the temple this season. The weird ancient ruins in ben's house and in the orchid.. want some more info on the island's history.

Space Pope
« Reply #642 on: 05-30-2008 14:25 »

I think the most distressing part of this episode was knowing who was on the boat when it blew up. For example, I don't think Dan had gotten to the boat with his last raftload yet, had he? I'll rewatch the episode to make sure. Also, weren't Rose and Bernard on the boat?

Starship Captain
« Reply #643 on: 05-30-2008 15:58 »

Neither Rose or Bernard were on the boat, and no, Dan had not gotten back with the next boatload infact he is now stranded in an ocean with no boat to go to, or an island to go back to. Poor Dan  :(

Urban Legend
« Reply #644 on: 05-30-2008 16:24 »

"I'm sorry i made your life so difficult" was such a nice line, again, i don't know how they can make me care so much for someone as horrible as ben.

Chay, Ben is not horrible.  He is amazing.  I watched the episode with my mom, and when Ben killed the army dude and said "so", she was horrified to know that I totally agreed with Ben.  He is the best character ever, and I think he is totally the good guy.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #645 on: 05-30-2008 19:22 »

How did Locke get off the island?  :hmpf:

"Dead": Jin? Michael? Locke? Mr. Eko? Charlie?
None for certain, hell even Christian is still teleporting around like he's a non-dead young teleporting guy of 25!

Space Pope
« Reply #646 on: 05-30-2008 20:09 »

Originally posted by cha's head:
I don't think it's a "this time" When he pushed the lever, he woke up in desert (Same parka, bleeding arm) and hasn't been back since

Oh yeah..

That's pretty cool. So... does that mean that a polar bear moved the island last time - going by the skeleton found in Tunisia by redhead chick..?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #647 on: 05-30-2008 20:53 »

Maybe that's why they kept some, and trained them to use complex levers and things.
One polar bear must be cheaper than a super strong team of monkeys!

One mystery solved!  :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #648 on: 05-30-2008 21:27 »

Wait, who is Jeremy Bentham?

Space Pope
« Reply #649 on: 05-30-2008 21:58 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
Maybe that's why they kept some, and trained them to use complex levers and things.

Also, it's cold down near the wheel - so the trained bears are more suited to island-moving than monkeys.

chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #650 on: 05-30-2008 23:01 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
How did Locke get off the island?   :hmpf:

I'm guessing the same way that ben used to.

@Josh/Guy who stole Prowla's Avy:
Mmm, Dan is floating about the sea with no where to go  :(

Jeremy Bentham. At first i thought it was an anagram, but it's a real person... Also, it was Locke...

Heh, as funny as the Lever pushing polar bears sound... it's probably true.

Don't get me wrong, i love ben, i think he is a genius. In my top 3 fav characters, But he does do some horrible things.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #651 on: 05-30-2008 23:57 »

wow .. what a season finale!

-I seriously doubt that Jin is really dead.. in a less grade same with Michael..

-Cool! the Island is equiped with Galactica's FTL drive!

-So the mysterious "J" letter in the papper Jack holded in season 3 finale was Locke after all.. that raises many questions that i asume will be answered in the following 2 seasons

-What happened to Dan and the people on the Zodiak? is everyone else aboard the freighter dead?

-Who is that mysterious bald man who pursues Harley and visited Locke when he was in wheel chair?

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #652 on: 05-31-2008 00:00 »

Ben summed it up himself where he's got to do things by emotionally detaching himself from them to be a good leader.

When he pushed the lever, he woke up in desert (Same parka, bleeding arm) and hasn't been back since
Ohhh yeah! You're right!

going by the skeleton found in Tunisia by redhead chick..?
That's right, I forgot that's how she came into the story...

I really didn't see it coming with Locke being in the coffin. I mean, I didn't WANT to think about it either. Of course I'm hoping it was Ben but that'd be too simple, glad to see him jump up behind Jack, much to my surprise. Small throw away by the name change - doesn't seem like it was necessary now that we know it was Locke, unless this will tie into a whole sequel fill in where we find out why he had to change his name and how he came to leave the island and die?

Could she be Ben's doll buddy perhaps?

and no, Dan had not gotten back with the next boatload infact he is now stranded in an ocean with no boat to go to, or an island to go back to. Poor Dan
Yeahhhhh poor Dan!  :( Hope he has enough gas to get back to the island...

Dan is still hiding something though. He knows something we don't. Something big.

I found it interesting how the island "plooped" out of the water. heh I wasn't sure what I was going to expect, maybe a fizzle or lifting, but it literally went underwater PLOOP!
So... where does it go to? Who decides its new location? Is it completely random?
And then: How the heck are they going to GO BACK to the island when they don't know where it is now??

Also, is this the end of the line for Penny & Desmond? Their little saga is essentially over, right? They found eachother.. love love love etc. Well, with the exception of her father, of course.
Hm I guess Ben is technically out to kill her to get back at Whidmore. Right? Shit, okay...

ohhhhh WHY will it be so long before the next season!?!

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #653 on: 05-31-2008 00:07 »
« Last Edit on: 05-31-2008 00:07 »

Double post for Javier...

Originally posted by Javier Lopez:
wow .. what a season finale!

-I seriously doubt that Jin is really dead.. in a less grade same with Michael..
Nah, he's gooone. Gone.
-What happened to Dan and the people on the Zodiak? is everyone else aboard the freighter dead?
They didn't make it back to the freighter. They were still on the zodiac when it went kablewey. We think so anyway... I highly doubt they got all the way there. Anyone standing on that freighter is most surely dead. There was enough plastic explosives to blow up a 747, apparently.

-Who is that mysterious bald man who pursues Harley and visited Locke when he was in wheel chair?
The black guy? Jacob in a different form. See Chay's link below. He's right. Abaddon had some hand in the creation of the four-man team that arrived on the Island
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #654 on: 05-31-2008 03:04 »

His Name is Matthew Abaddon

Also, with doll person i mean Bens friend from the island ages ago when he was a boy that he got the doll from when it was his birthday... I doubt it is, just a thought.

Urban Legend
« Reply #655 on: 05-31-2008 09:49 »

Originally posted by chay's head:
Don't get me wrong, i love ben, i think he is a genius. In my top 3 fav characters, But he does do some horrible things.


Starship Captain
« Reply #656 on: 05-31-2008 10:03 »

Slackit, how can you say that after what he did to Sun. Did you hear her in that helicopter?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #657 on: 05-31-2008 10:59 »
« Last Edit on: 05-31-2008 10:59 »

There was an alternate coffin ending made.
And two joke endings probably made by some silly GMA (Good Morning America?) writer.

How do they know black-guy-from-The-Wire's name already dammit?  :confused:

Urban Legend
« Reply #658 on: 05-31-2008 11:03 »

Did that to Sun?  He didn't do that to her.  Yah, the boat exploded.  Ben didn't put the explosives there.  He didn't hire the mercenaries.  He killed a man who killed his daughter.  I find that to be very understandable.  Did you see Ben when Alex was killed?  Plus, incase you forgot - Jin isn't dead.   

Plus, you are acting like the boat wouldn't have exploded anyways.  That guy had NO way off the island, and from previous behavior he clearly doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself.  He would have blown it up anyways.   

I think someone said that Sun wanted to work with Penny's dad because she blamed Ben.  How could she?  How could she know that it was his fault the boat blew up.  They knew Michael was on the boat working for Ben.  Michael knew that the crazy guy put the bomb there, not Ben.  So it's probable that she knew that too.

I'm sick of people thinking Ben is the bad guy.  He really has not done anything buy protect his home.  Yes, it may be in a more violent and drawn out matter, but I know I would do things that are just as horrible to protect my family. 

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #659 on: 05-31-2008 11:12 »
« Last Edit on: 06-01-2008 00:00 »

This post was edited.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #660 on: 05-31-2008 12:30 »
« Last Edit on: 05-31-2008 12:30 »

Originally posted by Slackit02:
Did that to Sun?  He didn't do that to her.  Yah, the boat exploded.  Ben didn't put the explosives there.  He didn't hire the mercenaries.  He killed a man who killed his daughter.  I find that to be very understandable.  Did you see Ben when Alex was killed?  Plus, incase you forgot - Jin isn't dead.     

You are forgotting about the rest of the boat crew and the three redshirts evacuated to it..
plus..as far as Ben knew everyone was evacuating to the freighter.. including the Helicopter wich should have been there

BTW: Im the only one who thinks that Jack's father being the same as Claire's father is going too far in the mess?

BTW2: I looked at the boat explosion frame by frame.. in the last shot where Jin was seen waving his arms you could see the crew about to evacuate in red lifejackets.. in the shot of the explosion you cant see the red jackets or either jin and there is some clear frames of the boat ..
yes.. i know they may simply use a CGI model with no people on it and thats it like in "old" movies they used models wich didnt contained "scaled people".. but this is Lost after all.. nothing is just cassual

PD: I asume that anyone who reads this have seen the finale so i dont use the spoiler tag..

chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #661 on: 05-31-2008 12:35 »

Ameh, How do we know jin is alive?

Urban Legend
« Reply #662 on: 05-31-2008 12:42 »
« Last Edit on: 05-31-2008 12:42 »

That whole running around alive while Sun is having her baby thing?  There was nothing in that episode that indicated that Jin was in a flashback while Sun in a flash forward. 

Javier: Again, Ben was protecting his home, his family.  I would have done the same thing.  Jack and Claire being related is not going too far.  Not with all the random connections we've already seen.  Besides, that was known like during the second season.

Also, about that one lady being the little girl from Ben's past.  Didn't she die?  I remember during that episode thinking "aww please don't kill his little girlfriend" and then feeling sad when I saw her dead.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #663 on: 05-31-2008 13:37 »
« Last Edit on: 05-31-2008 13:37 »

Originally posted by Slackit02:
That whole running around alive while Sun is having her baby thing?  There was nothing in that episode that indicated that Jin was in a flashback while Sun in a flash forward.

BZZZZZZZZZZZ Mistake.. he was doing a "job" for his "boss" = flashback
Originally posted by Slackit02:
Javier: Again, Ben was protecting his home, his family.  I would have done the same thing.

That doesnt make Ben god.. it makes you evil

As i said before when Michael went killing innocent people only to get Waltz release.. in your view you can destroy the entire damn mankind and issolate yourself .. that way you will be safe..at least from humans..

I know i will not blow up a boat full of mostly innocent people to save my family ..

Why im arguing this? This is peel.. Moral cant be argued here


Urban Legend
« Reply #664 on: 05-31-2008 14:40 »

He was doing a job for his boss. What boss.  He doesnt have a job in the future?  Yah, good point  :rolleyes:

Hmmm, pretty sure Ben didn't destroy mankind.  Besides, you don't exactly think "hey Im going to blow up an entire boat if I kill this dude" when you are filled with rage and anger because of the death of someone you love.  How the hell can you argue against this.  Unless you have been in a somewhat similar situation, you would have no idea what it feels like.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #665 on: 05-31-2008 15:47 »
« Last Edit on: 05-31-2008 15:47 »

Originally posted by Slackit02:
 How the hell can you argue against this.  Unless you have been in a somewhat similar situation, you would have no idea what it feels like.

Because thats when you have an ansiety crisis

PD: Besides.. nobody more than me wanted that asshole dead..he killed one of the best Lost characters .. Rosseau.. and worst he killed her in a stupid, unglamorous, and idiotic way ..and two teenagers..
But is Ben..he is more smart than that ..he is callculator ..he simply didnt care and he knew full the consecuences


Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #666 on: 05-31-2008 17:31 »

Originally posted by BirthdayClown:
Wait, who is Jeremy Bentham?

So do we have an answer yet?

Originally posted by Javier Lopez:
  You are forgotting about the rest of the boat crew and the three redshirts evacuated to it..
plus..as far as Ben knew everyone was evacuating to the freighter.. including the Helicopter wich should have been there

BTW2: I looked at the boat explosion frame by frame.. in the last shot where Jin was seen waving his arms you could see the crew about to evacuate in red lifejackets.. in the shot of the explosion you cant see the red jackets or either jin and there is some clear frames of the boat ..

The explosion was disappointing. I thought it would have been way bigger, especially when (Desmond?) said "it was enough to blow up an airplane carrier". Also, wouldn't the pressure wave hit the chopper?

Space Pope
« Reply #667 on: 05-31-2008 20:33 »

An article regarding the lame-ass 'splosion, by someone with some experience in the field.

Also, Jin running around with the stuffed toy = SO a flashback. That was the bloody point of it!

Urban Legend
« Reply #668 on: 05-31-2008 20:49 »

The problem with the explosion was that half the boat didnt blow up.  As they were flying away you could see half the damn boat, the part jin was on, still floating and not on fire.

Urban Legend
« Reply #669 on: 05-31-2008 21:50 »

Originally posted by ZombieJesus:
 The explosion was disappointing. I thought it would have been way bigger, especially when (Desmond?) said "it was enough to blow up an airplane carrier". Also, wouldn't the pressure wave hit the chopper?

And wouldn't Sawyer hear it? Lame.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #670 on: 05-31-2008 22:42 »

Sawyer was busy riding the surf. I doubt it.

Jin was in a flashback while Sun was in a flashforward. The way they were edited together was to make it look like they were in the same timespace, but it was a red herring which we discovered at the end of the episode.

So do we have an answer yet?
I really hope you're not being serious. Sigh!! Incase you are though... it's Locke.

I believe everyone on the freighter is dead. And even if he did survive, the Oceanic 6 are left believing he really is dead anyway. Explains why Sun really mourns his death, and not just leaving him.

How do they know black-guy-from-The-Wire's name already dammit?
I don't know, it's just on the lostpedia. Grr. Maybe it's in the credits??? I never see credits on my downloads though.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #671 on: 06-01-2008 00:19 »

Originally posted by Slackit02:
The problem with the explosion was that half the boat didnt blow up.  As they were flying away you could see half the damn boat, the part jin was on, still floating and not on fire.

Sorry Amy, your memory dceives you:

Also Zeej, The Helicopter DOES feel the shockwave. Right after they have a little spasm and everyone has to hold on.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #672 on: 06-01-2008 01:25 »

Yep there was a shockwave... everything sways violently...

I'm surprised nobody fell out!

Oh oh speaking of falling out, what'd Sawyer whisper to Kate before he jumped out and swam back to the island??  :o

Space Pope
« Reply #673 on: 06-01-2008 01:59 »

probably something about going to see his daughter Clementine, or whatever theory you prefer that she ends up having to do for him in that past flash forward

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #674 on: 06-01-2008 02:16 »

Oohh... okay, I think I know what you're saying. I just need to read up on what happened again.... I don't remember clearly enough to reference!

Space Pope
« Reply #675 on: 06-01-2008 02:17 »

do you get podcasts in Australia? You should check out the ones about Lost, I think you'd enjoy 'em.

There's an official one, and a fan one (with recaps, and theories and junx) but I guess it's sorta the end of the season, so bad timing.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #676 on: 06-01-2008 03:12 »

I can get podcasts, I suppose I can get anything off the internet really. Just need to know who is streaming them and where?

Damnit Chay, you shoulda been here for my finale viewing pleasure.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #677 on: 06-01-2008 03:22 »

I know! Just before i started watching i was thinking, "I wish i were in melbourne right now!"

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #678 on: 06-01-2008 04:26 »


Here, you earned one of these:  :love:

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #679 on: 06-01-2008 05:18 »

Originally posted by Ninaka:

So do we have an answer yet?
I really hope you're not being serious. Sigh!! Incase you are though... it's Locke.

Oops, brane not worky good.

Locke. ...but how?

Now some random tidbits:

from the article about explosion physics
We also finally got to see who was in the coffin that had Jack so torn up in last season's flash-forward finale. It was Jeremy Bentham—named for an 18th century philosopher who managed to preserve his head after he died

Fun fact from the lostpedia: Matthew Abbadon (black wheelchair pushing guy, attorney that visited Hurley) is an anagram of "what bad boatmen"

And finally one more question: the name on that coat Ben was wearing, Halliwax, it's dr Candle
Lostpedia article
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