Miss Decker was it? Could this be penny?
...wtf? This is awesome.
I'm fucking captivated now...
This is going to be an awesome 3 hours... shame it's split up.
Nice music.
Nice moment too,
Jack's mum?
That was so nice hurly...
can't type too nice...
Dan can't do anything stupid... i believe in him.

I hope dan doesn't die, that would suck muchos.
hehe, gengis.
Membato. Day 103, cool we have a time line. 108 they left, heh 108.
haha "Dude".
I wonder who the other 2 were.
I'm really liking this episode.
Do we know her... Inora/Nadia? :/
Woo, boating!
Hmm, feels a little melodramatic.
hehe, very carefully.
haha 15 year old crackers.
Jacob or Dr Hot butt?
he's so not coming back...
:/ ugly baby....
You didn't shit jin! You didn't get her off the island at all!
Fuck yes sun, you're screwed father! Who's the other responsible for the death?
Hmm, what's happened to them... coconut? Charlie? or not...
haha, jesus is an awesome weapon. haha surprise. HAHAH "Jesus Christ is not a weapon"
Hmm, it's a little strange... haha "Mum doesn't really get it"
Haha, it's the car.
that is awesome.... the numbers...
Fuck.... there heeeeeerreeee.
I hate nice mucic in lost cause it can never actually mean something good, or they'll have to compensate for the niceness with something horrible happening.

Dan did head back, i thought maybe he was just getting himslef off.
Haha, "Hello old friend!"
"Seriously, when did Desmond get his memory back?
Appendix - "You're kiddin?"
So they must be close to the orhcard too.
Fuck this is not good

Poor hugo, i hope he's fine.
Mrs Claire!!!
OMG he's about to find out!
Holy fuck... this is creepy

now he know why he can't raise the baby.

That's your grandson... (But sorry, he's not beautiful)
Uhoh, the bomb?
HOLY FUCK... That's A LOT!
YAYAYAYAYAY! NEstor!!! I <3 you!
Little bit out numbered...

Ben always has a plan!

OH god, this is sad... here comes the horrible moment to make us pay for the nice one...
Fuck this is good.