
commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Total misunderstanding. Nevermind. *sulks in the corner* Yep i loled.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #574 on: 05-02-2008 20:33 »
« Last Edit on: 05-02-2008 20:33 »
You know what time it is folks! Running commentary time! Now brought to you by the more stable Safari browser! GOGOGOGO! Jack's eye, what a wonderful way to start the ep! Red better watch her tongue, lame insult rose... lame He's soooo sick Panties... Toy... Shower... Kate? Wait, that sounds like juliet[te]. FUCK YES! SUCK IT KATE/SAWYER FAGS! ERIN/AaRON! What a fucked up family. Imagine that kids 21st speech from his parents... hehe, she's not wearing pants, that's pretty cool. bombshell time? or not, so this must be long after other flashbacks? No wai! Burried! now find Nikki and Paulo! waht a nice shallow grave! ooo yeah, lift your shirt up! ruptured spleen?...apendix whatever... Yay, Daniel knows what they look like! Hehe, bad attitude! I <3 you dan! I'm sure all jin understood was "Run shoot" so he's going to kill them straight away! Miles is so waiting for her to pop her boob out! Heh, shaving a mans stomach. Heh, that would be fucked watching your own surgery. "I'm in ur abdominal cavity, removin' your appendix!" Hurley not takin his meds? yep. Eeep, a message. "You're not supposed to raise him" Creepy! man, i thought this was going to be a happy future.. guess not. Is Dan plotting something? Nah, he just wants red. "Add that one to the list, Dan" Great throw away line! That's true i guess, he wont get off the island though. Vincent? Nup, okay. I thought they died. guess not. what a fool, walking... He just wanted to hold kate. Was that "Can it jack"? Who's his visitor going to be? Juliet? or Claire? Oh no wait, i'm an idiot, it'll be his dad? Is he REALLY good at it? OMFUGGUH! MARRIAGE!  Charlotte speaks korean. hehe. Jin is BAD ASS! Also, that's the same promis charlie made, i guess Jin's going to follow suit. Something nice back home! That's the name of the ep! Yay! Gross, surgery! He gon' feel PAIN! Kate looks terrified. EWWWW, SLice! Fuckies, fuckies! ouch ouch ouch. Oh juliet, you are so in his badbooks now, that's why you ain't getting no proposal! And enter christian.... wait for it.... wait for it... wait for it... BAAAAAAM! Erica, who the fuck are you? NOES, not more penozapam(sp?)! Damn you to hell jack! Hmm, who was that... Sounds like she's cheating already. godamnit jack. not pills already... oh and with beer, smart. ...great, aarons gone... the fuck? Christian, fuck off. i'm not too fond of juliet anymore. Bitch, what good could come of telling her that? Who cares if he kissed you! Now that was just mean... I'm confused, why did kate say thank you, wasn't that a really bitchy thing to say? She's not cheating he's just silly... perhaps... Uh-oh, trust, she's working for ben too! :O Holy crap, i was right...wait... sawyer? how is she speaking to him? Miles you prick! hmm, could "CLAAAAAAIRE!" be the new "WWAAAAAAALLLLLT!" That was an alrightish episode, not as good as last week. Will evaluate my comments and yours and be back to you all shortly! EDIT: Jack and Juliet? PAh, lame trickster. Also, i don't think that would've been all in his head during surgery that's lame. Also, as if you'd want a whole ep about rousso? That is also lame! General feelings of lameness coming from the vicinity of trickster. Some Q's: I'm confused, why did kate say thank you after jules's "I macked JAck speech" Was she being mean or trying to ease her mind? wasn't that a really bitchy thing to say? Next week better be a better ep. and again,"CLAAAAAAIRE!" can be the new "WWAAAAAAALLLLLT!"

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

I had been trying to figure out the - as Chay puts it - "flashforward chronology".... and really had to make sure Jack had the appendix scar on his stomach at the start of the Episode... they really make it hard to catch, with all the angles and turning away - but it's there. I just caught it. I just thought it'd be playing smart to check... you never bloody know in this show!!
Anyway, where in the flashforwards are we? Is this the most forward we've been? Obviously it's after Kate gets custody of the kid... but is it before Jack loses it? Like we see him in a previous ep ages ago all dishevelled and drunk all the time at the hospital?
I just realised I've pretty much repeated what Trickster has just posted. Meh.
Someone tell me what's going on with Kate and Sawyer in this secret telephone and meeting business in teh FF! I'm confused! Sawyer's on the island still, yet he's communicating with kate? And asking her to DO stuff??
Hey... just random question also... who was the funeral for that Jack attended where nobody turned up to?

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Urgh I'm hoping I don't have to start writing things down to keep track - there's so much going on!
Oh - and Chays!!
Can someone transcript the end of Kate's phonecall when Jack comes home and she lies about who she's talking to? What does she say? I couldn't quite hear it.
Also re: your discussion about the Kiss above. Duhhh i got it straight away. Juliet says that Jack kissed her to do it in front of Ben (cuz of his jealousy crap) and, that he also did it for himself - just to prove that he loves someone else.. that being Kate - and that's why she says Thankyou afterwards (only after freaking out for a moment that Juliet was treading on toes! But it was obvious with Jack's obcession with kate being at the surgery that he's inlove blah blah man he's a control freak)
And I'm also confused with the chronology with Hurley. Now, remember when he visits Sun and the baby in the FF - is that before he turns into Crazy-Hurley??
chay´s head

Space Pope
Drum roll please. PRESENTING CHAY'S HEADS RUNNING COMMENTARY! Hmm, not previously on lost bit on this one... Dancing... in like... the 20's.... Him....? Jacob? Hmm.... Emily? Wait, didn't she say 6 months? 12 weeks prem is a bit much... Yay, locke!  "How bout answering it?" <3 Hurly. "Oh this is just Awesome" 2 lol moments. We've not seen the boat for ages! Hmm... docs still alive. Yay, Grant! Uhoh. Michaels fucked, ouch... leg He can't die... that's right. My commentary feels really boring so far... Who's hammering? OMG Jacob???? Hey, that guy... We've seen him before right. Nice eye john. What did he say "Malmons"? Poor emily... she can't do it... SHE CAN'T DO IT! YAYYYYYAYAYAYAYAY! DR. HOTBUTT!!! I <3 him so. Nice, bodies! Heh, "What happened to them?" "He did" Hasn't locke met richard in recent time too? Ooo, premonition of smokey! Knife and compass? Sand? teh fuck... Ooop, not compass too, and knife. Hmm, Richard's a bit pissed. So who was the leader? Dharma on the booklet? Heh, Dan's message. Me thinks docs throat is about to get slit. I'm sad that des lost his memory. haha "Portland" "Mittelos Laboratories." BAHAHAHAH - "Don't tell me what i can't do." Hmm, what was being strapped to him? Man that zodiac does not look sturdy. Wait, he got his memory back? :/ Hmm, so what time is he going to get back there? "Destiny is fickle bitch" how did he kill his legs again? Right, spine crushed, thrown out of a building. Scary black guy.  That's quite an arsenal they're packing. Keamy is a BAMF. Uhoh... chopper. Bad things are about to happen. that was the phone i'm guessing. Yes it was. OMG! Jacob time! Why can they never visit the hut during the day? Mr jack! Christian. That's the one. the fuck... claire. What a nice moment with the chocolate bar MOVE THE ISLAND? WTF?!?!?!?! Okay, this was an.... ish episode, don't know what that means, but i don't know how i feel about the ep. It seemed a bit all over the place. Not enough Dan. Good amount of hurley though.