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commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #560 on: 04-30-2008 05:28 »


Total misunderstanding. Nevermind. *sulks in the corner* Yep i loled.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #561 on: 04-30-2008 19:20 »

Just saw "Exposed".. Nikki and Paulo buried alive..

im begining to thing in no watching this crap anymore..
but i have still 5 hours 40 minutes of guard ahead..so im trying to finish season 3 today

but this sucks.. it sucks diarrea from a dick*(c)

*(c)Angry Videogame Nerd

Space Pope
« Reply #562 on: 04-30-2008 20:18 »


Nikki and Paulo being buried alive is one the of the best things that's ever happened on Lost.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #563 on: 04-30-2008 20:56 »

no.. im in the 2X19 now..

Sawyer killing Locke's father is the best thing yet! there is hope after all..

Oh..i like that sooo much.. what a relief
is like when the scamers of the futurama movie got nailed...

BTW: I hate secondary actors death so much due to the redshirt effect... funny since that was even mentioned in Lost itself..
but everytime a secondary or new character is introduced or prominently displayed is to be killed.. is cheap and much predictible.. like "Oh..im a writer and i cant write nothing interesting with this character without killing him/her... i will kill because death is interesting"
I watched Star Trek TNG, and only 10 episodes left from DS9 and 2 seasons from Voyager.. im tired of redshirts...
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #564 on: 04-30-2008 22:33 »
« Last Edit on: 04-30-2008 22:33 »

Nikki and Paulo was awesome.

They sucked as characters, and i don't know if they intended to kill them the way they did, or whether it was just cause the audience hated them so much. But it was awesome, and they were hardly redshirts, they were in it for like half a season. The three in "The Shape of things to come" were redshirts.

EDIT: I think it was a day or two after I watched "Expose" i was lying in bed, on the verge of sleep, and i just said aloud "Holy shit, they burried them alive..." It's had a lasting effect on me. Totally the most awesome/fucked up thing they've done on that show.

Starship Captain
« Reply #565 on: 05-01-2008 06:13 »

Niki and Paulo were actually intended to become main characters throughout the season but most people didn't like the fact that they were pushed onto them or just plainly didn't like them. Whats makes the producers good producers is the fact that they listen to their fans so they axed them and moved on.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #566 on: 05-01-2008 08:39 »

Stop knowing stuff about my show.


Starship Captain
« Reply #567 on: 05-01-2008 23:39 »

Well, tonights episode has aired and it filled me with so many emotions. Anger, Joy, Fear, Shock, Explosive cries of NOOOOO!!! I'm going to bed so i'll try to put up a review tomorrow.

Space Pope
« Reply #568 on: 05-02-2008 02:48 »

Originally posted by trickster381:
Whats makes the producers good producers is the fact that they listen to their fans so they axed them and moved on.

If they really listen, how come they haven't done an entire episode focused on Vincent?   :p

Starship Captain
« Reply #569 on: 05-02-2008 06:34 »

I don't know gocad. But why didn't they give Roussea an episode about her life. Now shes dead and we know nothing about her

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #570 on: 05-02-2008 12:30 »
« Last Edit on: 05-02-2008 12:30 »

Worst episode of the season. I can't stand Kate, and Jack just doesn't interest me. The whole episode was a soap opera. The appendix thing seemed like mid season filler, and at this point in the series, shoulden't be happening. Stick to storylines that people like please.   :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #571 on: 05-02-2008 15:13 »

books, alot of people believe that the entire Jack and Kate thing was all his dreaming while he was unconscious. I REALLLLY want it to be true because I also HATE Kate, especially when she's with Jack. JACK and JULIET...PERIOD!!!

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #572 on: 05-02-2008 16:06 »

Creepy episode...
z0mg Christian?
z0mg the soldier guys are not FSM™ food?
Hurley... creepy!

Seemed a bit disjointed from what was happening.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #573 on: 05-02-2008 17:20 »

Originally posted by trickster381:
books, alot of people believe that the entire Jack and Kate thing was all his dreaming while he was unconscious. I REALLLLY want it to be true because I also HATE Kate, especially when she's with Jack. JACK and JULIET...PERIOD!!!
Doesn't change the fact that it was a waste of an episode.

chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #574 on: 05-02-2008 20:33 »
« Last Edit on: 05-02-2008 20:33 »

You know what time it is folks! Running commentary time! Now brought to you by the more stable Safari browser!


That was an alrightish episode, not as good as last week.

Will evaluate my comments and yours and be back to you all shortly!

Jack and Juliet? PAh, lame trickster. Also, i don't think that would've been all in his head during surgery that's lame. Also, as if you'd want a whole ep about rousso? That is also lame! General feelings of lameness coming from the vicinity of trickster.

Some Q's:
I'm confused, why did kate say thank you after jules's "I macked JAck speech" Was she being mean or trying to ease her mind? wasn't that a really bitchy thing to say?
Next week better be a better ep. and again,"CLAAAAAAIRE!" can be the new "WWAAAAAAALLLLLT!"

Starship Captain
« Reply #575 on: 05-03-2008 09:14 »

Chay, you may think my opinions are lame but we all have different wants in the show. But I loved your commentary they are always funny.

To your question I'm not going to pretend to know the real anwser but I'll guess. I don't remember the exact things Juliet said but I think it was along the lines of "Jack kissed me when you returned. It was nice, but it wasn't for me. It was for him so he could figure out who he loved." I think Juliet was trying to tell Kate that Jack loves her and not Juliet.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #576 on: 05-03-2008 09:32 »

She said that the kiss was to for him to show that he didn't love someone else, which i interpreted as "Hey Kate, jack kissed me to show that he doesn't love you....bitch"

RE: Rousso, i always found her and alex to be pretty flimsy characters, i think they were too hastily cast, and then when they realised that those characters needed to be more complex, the actors couldn't act up to it. Michael Emmerson should've played all 3 in that family... that would be awesome.

Starship Captain
« Reply #577 on: 05-03-2008 16:06 »

Chay, that may be true but there's one problem. If that were the case, why the hell did Kate react so happy and thankful? Well no matter what happens I still completely hate Kate because she is a jealous bitch.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #578 on: 05-03-2008 22:35 »

okay i've rewatched it goes like so (Slightly abridged):

"He kissed me, but it wasn't for me, it was for him. I'm pretty sure he was trying to prove something. That he doesn't love someone else"

The doesn't almost sounded like "Does" but i'm pretty certain there was an n't on the end.

I can't really interperet that any other way then, "he loves me not you".

Space Pope
« Reply #579 on: 05-04-2008 00:27 »

Maz's thoughts on The Shape of Things to Come:

Wow. Ben has feelings.

Starship Captain
« Reply #580 on: 05-04-2008 10:42 »
« Last Edit on: 05-04-2008 10:42 »

Someone needs to get the episode transcript so we can figure this out.

edit- ok so I got the transcript

Juliet: (To Kate) You know he kissed me.
Kate: What?
Juliet: The other day, when you came back from the other side of the island, Jack kissed me. It was nice. But it wasn't for me, it was for him. I'm pretty sure he was trying to prove something.
Kate: Prove what?
Juliet: That he doesn't love someone else.
Kate: Thank you, Juliet. Thank you for saving his life. (She leaves)
Juliet: (To Jack) I know you're awake

double edit-

I think I get it. Maybe Juliet was saying Kate, he kissed me to make sure he loves you and nobody else.

Urban Legend
« Reply #581 on: 05-04-2008 18:19 »
« Last Edit on: 05-04-2008 18:19 »

yeah so last thursday's episode.. soooo good   :love:

may not have been awesome-tastic in terms of Lost in general, but for jack/kate it was long overdue... plus it is helping frame the future for these characters.. to me, very good ep, but for certain reasons.

edit: deny it all you want, but you know they're the backbone couple of Lost  :p ^^
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #582 on: 05-04-2008 19:14 »
« Last Edit on: 05-04-2008 19:14 »

MY friend raised a valid point.

In terms of flashforward chronology, where do you think this plays?

Obviously after the court case, but do you think it was before "Through the looking glass"? I'm starting to think that is the most recent thing we've seen. Aparently dates on the newspapers in the two eps place Something nice back home AFTER Through the looking glass, but that may just be a goof.

EDIT: Also, looking at ep names and just saw "Greatest Hits" Sad ep.  :(
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #583 on: 05-04-2008 19:51 »
« Last Edit on: 05-04-2008 19:51 »

Ok I'm a bit behind (you can blame Sky for that) but I have just watched "The Shape Of Things To Come" (reminds me of that Audioslave song). Anyway fantastic episode, I really think this is probably second best of the Season. Ben is great in this, and the smoke monster thing really surprised me! As did the death of Alex. Ben, Locke and Hurley going off together, this should be interesting. At least Hurley is there to stop Ben shooting Locke in the back again...

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #584 on: 05-04-2008 20:14 »

I think Beardy Jack is the last in the flash forwards, which means Kate will leave Jack and go back to Sawyer and he'll go mental like Hurley.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #585 on: 05-04-2008 20:21 »

But by end of season 6 we will have gone long past there, and he might have come good again!

Urban Legend
« Reply #586 on: 05-04-2008 21:50 »
« Last Edit on: 05-05-2008 00:00 »

Originally posted by chay's head:
MY friend raised a valid point.

In terms of flashforward chronology, where do you think this plays?

Obviously after the court case, but do you think it was before "Through the looking glass"? I'm starting to think that is the most recent thing we've seen. Aparently dates on the newspapers in the two eps place Something nice back home AFTER Through the looking glass, but that may just be a goof.

i read, perhaps somewhat unreliably, that this ep probably took place in either august 2006/7 cause of the red sox being swept by the yanks or something (though i can't remember when that actually was- it happens a lot  :p ).. and the date of the obit in the paper in TTLG was dated april 2007. so.. 8 months perhaps?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #587 on: 05-04-2008 22:40 »

Apparently not.

Starship Captain
« Reply #588 on: 05-04-2008 23:10 »

As the time frame of the FF with Kate and Jack. It's deffinately after the court case, but I think before all the others. I think these FF were the beginning of the FF's from "Through the Looking Glass". Jack and Kate start spiraling downhill intil they end up apart and Jack goes crazy.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #589 on: 05-06-2008 06:57 »

I had been trying to figure out the - as Chay puts it - "flashforward chronology".... and really had to make sure Jack had the appendix scar on his stomach at the start of the Episode... they really make it hard to catch, with all the angles and turning away - but it's there. I just caught it.
I just thought it'd be playing smart to check... you never bloody know in this show!!

Anyway, where in the flashforwards are we? Is this the most forward we've been? Obviously it's after Kate gets custody of the kid... but is it before Jack loses it? Like we see him in a previous ep ages ago all dishevelled and drunk all the time at the hospital?

I just realised I've pretty much repeated what Trickster has just posted. Meh.

Someone tell me what's going on with Kate and Sawyer in this secret telephone and meeting business in teh FF! I'm confused! Sawyer's on the island still, yet he's communicating with kate? And asking her to DO stuff??

Hey... just random question also... who was the funeral for that Jack attended where nobody turned up to?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #590 on: 05-06-2008 07:03 »


Um, Chronology wise, this ep placed before the beardy drugged out jack from the season 3 finale. That i think is the furthest forward we've been.

With kate and sawyer, i think she must've promised him something before they left and she's in the process of doing that, someone said something about his daughter... or something. I don't think she's currently talking to him personally.

RE: Funeral, I don't think we know yet. But it's getting confusing, cause it'd probably not one of the six, cause people would turn up to any of their funerals, so which other characters are there?

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #591 on: 05-06-2008 07:46 »

Urgh I'm hoping I don't have to start writing things down to keep track - there's so much going on!

Oh - and Chays!!

Can someone transcript the end of Kate's phonecall when Jack comes home and she lies about who she's talking to? What does she say? I couldn't quite hear it.

Also re: your discussion about the Kiss above. Duhhh i got it straight away. Juliet says that Jack kissed her to do it in front of Ben (cuz of his jealousy crap) and, that he also did it for himself - just to prove that he loves someone else.. that being Kate - and that's why she says Thankyou afterwards (only after freaking out for a moment that Juliet was treading on toes! But it was obvious with Jack's obcession with kate being at the surgery that he's inlove blah blah man he's a control freak)

And I'm also confused with the chronology with Hurley. Now, remember when he visits Sun and the baby in the FF - is that before he turns into Crazy-Hurley??
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #592 on: 05-06-2008 08:20 »

i think that'd be very early on, before psycho. That's probably the FIRST thing we see post island.

Also, Juliet just used bad words, she said "to prove he doesn't love someone else" Which sounds like he did love jules... meh.

Ummm, will try get words to the phone convo later!
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #593 on: 05-08-2008 09:58 »
« Last Edit on: 05-08-2008 09:58 »

Michael Faraday

This guy starts talking about Michael Faraday, a guy who experimented with electricity and magnetism in the 19th century.

Also, Stephen Colbert gets electrocuted!

EDIT: Wow, that sure didn't work... lets try yoink out the bit that makes sense

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #594 on: 05-08-2008 19:03 »
« Last Edit on: 05-08-2008 19:03 »

While I'm being lazy and not watching your link - what's this got to do with Lost? I'm stupid.

Also, while I have you, where's my transcript!
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #595 on: 05-08-2008 20:13 »


I forgot, will try do it soon.

Also, just for those who are stupid like ninaka, Michael Faraday was a real life scientist person who Daniel Faraday (<3) is somewhat inspired by.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #596 on: 05-08-2008 23:07 »

Decent episode. Locke's last line was great. Interesting bit about on the island/off the island time with the doctor, saw it coming though.

Starship Captain
« Reply #597 on: 05-09-2008 06:22 »

What the hell happened to Claire? She seemed kinda evil. I love it

Space Pope
« Reply #598 on: 05-09-2008 07:11 »

Nothing really happened!!! Lost is so frustrating. I was hoping this episode would be spookier.  :(

Is Jacob on vacation or something?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #599 on: 05-09-2008 12:18 »

Drum roll please.


Okay, this was an.... ish episode, don't know what that means, but i don't know how i feel about the ep. It seemed a bit all over the place. Not enough Dan. Good amount of hurley though.
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