...you dare insult Kate?!!!
*kills Books with the rusty knife thrown at Naomi*
Anyway, that episode was perfect.
Oceanic fucking Six?!
When I first heard that, thought "Shit, only six of them lived?!"
Then I slowly reached another conclusion as more was revealed throughout the episode...
The guilt that Jack and Hurley have from leaving the island...the way Charlie told Hurley in the hallucination that he had to help his friends...
Only six of them got off the island and the rest are all still there...
Going on what we know so far, that seems like the soundest theory...FOR NOW. Obviously, all theories will be subject to, nay, MUST change.
How were the flashforwards confusing, Faze? They seemed to make perfect sense to me. This was somewhat soon after they got off the island, and much before Jack's flashforward in the season 3 finale.
And by the way, I loved "Dude, you'd look weird with a beard."
And what do you mean by not trusting the flashforwards? Do you mean not trusting that they are actually flashforwards, or not trusting that the current timeline will actually play out in the way that would cause what is shown in those flashforwards?
To be honest, I believe it's very possible the current timeline WILL play out this way and will end up syncing with the flashforwards, and then will continue from there.
But on the other hand, I have NO IDEA what they have planned...or, I should say, are going to plan.
If these flashforwards DO come to pass, though, we can expect Lost to continue to become a darker and darker show than it already has become.
A few more thoughts...one being, interesting to get a clear look at Jacob in the shack...Hurley can see him! And it would seem that Locke has been talking to Jacob.
But what on earth was with the shack disappearing and reappearing in different locations?

Also, one thing that I really appreciated was the little part where Jack was gazing into the cockpit wreckage. For the brief moment of silence with him looking in, I immediately began thinking "Man, it seems like forever ago I watched the pilot and they came out here with such a different perspective and attitude to the show..."
So it was severely awesome to see that the writers are of a somewhat similar train of thought as I at points in the show.
According to EW's review of the second episode, instead of more flashforwards, there will be flashbacks for the new characters from the "rescue" boat.
^^What the hell is the point of the spoilers if you can see the text now?