
DOOP Secretary

Major Boobage was alright. It felt like a much older episode - just about all of the boys had something to do and it wasn't really out to prove anything. Though I haven't seen Heavy Metal so I'm sure a lot of stuff went over the top of my head.

DOOP Secretary

Can't wait for this week's episode. Was wondering if they were gonna do something on the writer's strike. And Canada returns!
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #373 on: 04-02-2008 14:00 »
« Last Edit on: 04-02-2008 14:00 »
Originally posted by Beamer: Can't wait for this week's episode. Was wondering if they were gonna do something on the writer's strike. Uh, hello? "Canada on Strike"? Let me break it down for you: In a parody of the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike, the head of the World Canadian Bureau leads the country into a long and painful strike, and the responsibility of brokering a settlement rests with the boys. Meanwhile, people from Denmark flock to the U.S. and cross the picket lines to take the place of the striking Canadians. In conflict over whether or not to stand with their countrymen, Terrance and Phillip uncover the truth behind the outrageous cost of the strike Also whats the best proxy to use for South Park Studios? (Since I live in the UK)

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by dr.bender nye: Uh, hello? "Canada on Strike"? Let me break it down for you...
*makes ass out of self*
Uh, hello? That was my exact point. I said "WAS wondering" - in past tense, meaning that I was wondering, BEFORE THIS EPISODE WAS ANNOUNCED, if they were going to do an episode on the strike. I posted that after it had been announced as a way to say "I'm glad they are." You're a fucktard. You are fucktarded. Anyway, Canada Strikes sucked. The plot was aimless, the structure was all over the place and every decent joke was driven completely into the ground. Matt and Trey need to learn that sometimes a good joke is only funny once (like that "I'm not your guy, buddy!" thing) instead of trying to turn it into a running gag.

DOOP Secretary

Butters Youtoo Video is so cute. I love it when Kyle support his little brother Ike that is also cute.
I was laughing at loud at the internet stars. That was amazing

Urban Legend
« Reply #376 on: 04-03-2008 07:48 »
« Last Edit on: 04-03-2008 07:48 »
Fucking stop lumping Newfoundland in with the rest of Canada. We didn't even join those assholes until 1949. They don't like us, and we don't like them. While it's funny I don't think Matt and Trey realize how segmented Canada actually is. Everyone hates Ontario, except people in Ontario, Quebec hates everyone that isn't from Quebec, half of Newfoundland hates the rest of Canada, the other half loves it, some provinces are ultra rural and piss poor(Seriously, if I drive for 20 minutes all you can get is dial up, and there is no digital cell phone signal, 20 minutes more and you more or less lose analoug reception too) and the rest are rich. I'm sure there are other things I'm missing, but there isn't really one nation wide unifying thing that makes someone Canadian, it was just a consolidation of British North America to make it easier for the the colonial office to avoid another revolution. It's like a bad marriage that everyone's been in for so long that no one wants to go through the headache of getting out of it.
Anyway, I thought it was OK. Nothing special, but I got a few laughs.
Can anyone get me a decent framegrab of St. John's? I noticed a lighthouse and a boat with a guy with a trucker's cap on in the foreground which is pretty much spot on, but I couldn't pick out the rest with my crappy RM file.


Loved last night's episode. I'm not your guy, buddy!

DOOP Secretary

I'm not your friend guy!

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by homerjaysimpson: The Britney one was the worst South Park episode I have ever seen! It wasn't good but it was better than A Million Little Fibers that was one of the worst things I've ever seen on TV 


Britney's New Look is also my personal "Worst. Episode. Ever" but I haven't seen A Million Little Fibers and really don't intend to. Ever. I can tell by just reading the summary that it would be a waste of twenty minutes of precious free time.

DOOP Secretary

Pip was Citizen Kane compared to A Million Little Fibers.

DOOP Secretary

God Garrison is so confusing!!!!!