DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by tyraniak: pretty mediocre, the only thing I liked is how they had Butters pull his pants way down when he peed Can't believe that's still getting laughs, he's done it, what, 4 or 5 times now?
DOOP Secretary
It was a funny episode. I like the little boy with tourettes. Aww they should keep him because he was good. Also I like the bit where Carman could not control shouting out his honest confession. Is it just me that is sick of the pedo issues/jokes in this show?
DOOP Secretary
Have you notice the Super Adventure Club guy poster stand in the toy store?
DOOP Secretary
New episode is a Randy one yay!
DOOP Secretary
Was ok. Like Beamer said I liked the Emmy bit in the end.
DOOP Secretary
I have no idea where they're going with Imaginationland, but, if last year's two-parters were anything to go by, it should be really good. Quite an ambitious storyline from Matt and Trey, I must say.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
I thoroughly enjoyed the Imaginationland episode. Can't wait til next week's...
DOOP Secretary
Was anybody else thinking through the M. Night Shammaloancleonaersonalon scene about the Robot Chicken "What a Tweest" segments?
I believe, par what it said in the beginning of the episode, that this is a three-parter. Could be very funny.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #190 on: 10-19-2007 19:03 »
« Last Edit on: 10-19-2007 19:03 »
The episode was really really good. I love all of the characters from Imaginationland. Mel Gibson was really really funny and it was good to see him again Cartman is so gay and I love him. He is the best character ever.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by newhook_1: If this is a 3 parter, we're basically getting another South Park Movie. Hey, I ain't complaining!
DOOP Secretary
Here is a question that will get you thinking,
Do you think Cartman has a secret love for Kyle?
Originally posted by Juliet: Here is a question that will get you thinking,
Do you think Cartman has a secret love for Kyle? So yer gay huh.