
Bending Unit
Originally posted by CrapBag: V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendetta
WHAT???? I couldn't even sit through the first 30 minutes It was so very Extremely tremendously enormously awfully really particularly exceptionally exceedingly !!!!!BORING!!!!!(I guess you only watch movies that live up to your name)

DOOP Secretary

Wow, I can't believe people found V For Vendetta boring... unless you were expecting it to be a pure action movie. It's not. I suppose it kinda helps to have read the comic/graphic novel so you know what to expect. What it is is a fascinating subversive political and emotional tale. I loved it - a very worthy adaptation of a classic seminal comic series.
Ahhh, Pitt. End of Evangelion. Breathtaking. I was in a vegetative state for a few days after watching that.
Movie everyone should see before they die: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Naturally it will mean virtually nothing to anyone who naver played the videogame, but it should be prescribed viewing for the CGI alone.

Urban Legend
« Reply #86 on: 10-13-2006 06:06 »
« Last Edit on: 10-13-2006 06:06 »
V for Vendetta was ok. As with most comic book adaptations (especially of Alan Moores Work) it lost alot in the trannslation from page to screen. Some of the changes where fine, such as changing the voice of london to a TV show rather than a radio one. Others not so good, although it was high action V's final confrontation was alot less believable in the movie than in the orginal. Some stuff I can see why it was cut but unfortunatly it did mean the movie lost something. It also seemed to make it alot more clear who V was in the movie, while the comic was actually quite ambigious. Then we come to the ending...what the hell was that about. It made no sense Ok they blew up a builing at the end (No 10 not Parlament) in the orginal but people were not dressed up as V, with one notable exception. Evey too over the role of V when he died, which makes much more sense of the whole prison thing It was an ok movie butnot one I would say you have to see before you die. I really fear that they might actaully turn Watchmen into a film one of these days.

DOOP Secretary

Evey taking on the V persona irked me a bit in the comic I have to say because there's no way the people could have thought she was the same person - a woman's voice is difficult to disguise.
There has been a lot of chatter about a Watchmen movie. I'm not sure how that would go either. You never know though... maybe with someone like, say... Tim Burton?

DOOP Secretary

Flight of the Navigator. Me either. That was a cool one.
Great and mostly overlooked alien invasion movie for the X-Files inclined: 'The Arrival', starring Charlie Sheen. Bloody good.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by Blackadder11: I've never been much of an avant garde fan. I think all truly great movies work on a literal level, with metaphors and ideas woven into the film as opposed to being the film. So you like porn then? Porn is very literal, but provides some great metaphors, ways to view the act of sex as a manifestation of the whole of human society. Yet it's not about that. It's about getting a boner, jacking off, and stopping the tape with ninety minutes left on it, because all we're really after is mindless pleasure. Which is why action films do so well. If you're not much of an avant garde fan, why do you work so hard to try and sound like one, despising any movie that seems to pander to the audience's wish that it be remotely enjoyable? Go watch a film about gay cowboys eating pudding. I won't judge you. But when you start throwing around vague buzzwords in an attempt to sound like you're above simple human enjoyment, I'm going to call you on it, eg: this post.

Starship Captain
Originally posted by totalnerduk: So you like porn then? Porn is very literal, but provides some great metaphors, ways to view the act of sex as a manifestation of the whole of human society.
Yet it's not about that. It's about getting a boner, jacking off, and stopping the tape with ninety minutes left on it, because all we're really after is mindless pleasure. Which is why action films do so well.
If you're not much of an avant garde fan, why do you work so hard to try and sound like one, despising any movie that seems to pander to the audience's wish that it be remotely enjoyable?
Go watch a film about gay cowboys eating pudding. I won't judge you. But when you start throwing around vague buzzwords in an attempt to sound like you're above simple human enjoyment, I'm going to call you on it, eg: this post. I never said I have anything against exploitation movies. I like porn, and I like action pictures. The thing I don't like is when people mistake catharsis (as they do with Tarantino) or quirkiness (as they do with Tim Burton) for serious intellectual ideas.

DOOP Secretary

Serenity. Helps to have watched Firefly, but even if you haven't. Greatest space adventure film in recent history.

DOOP Secretary

12 Monkeys
The original Planet of the Apes.

DOOP Secretary

Haven't seen The Sentinel yet. Good, is it?

DOOP Secretary

The Great Dictator (Charlie Chaplin)
Ghost in the Shell
9-11: In Plane Site
The Castle of Cagliostro
Nausicaa: Of the Valley of the Wind
The Andromeda Strain
Ninja Scroll
The X-Files Movie (Fight the Future)

DOOP Secretary

Watch a Christopher Walken film. Pretty much any Christopher Walken film. And the music video Weapon of Choice.
Speaking of music videos, Thriller would count as both that and a film, so watch it, dammit!

DOOP Secretary

I liked Click. It was a moving film, funny, and Christopher Walken was the Angel of Death. What more do you want?
Now, Country Bears, however, is a shitty comedy where he plays the creepy guy. Envy was alright to me, but many thought it sucked.

DOOP Secretary

I liked Christopher Walken in 'A View to a Kill', my favourite Bond movie mainly because of the Duran Duran song.