
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #43 on: 10-03-2006 15:19 »
« Last Edit on: 10-03-2006 15:19 »
V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendetta V for Vendettaand Godfather Gladiator Young Guns Any Mel Brooks Any Kevin Smith Any or Every Johnny Depp ScarFace Saving Private Ryan Black Hawk Down AKira Forrest Gump Spinal Tap All Quiet on the Western Front(Good Pick Nurdy) Ah shit, I forgot perhaps one of the greatest films ever made, Once Upon A time In America Originally posted by KPAT: chasing amy mallrats clerks dogma jay and silet bob strike back clerks animated clerks 2 Good Choices  . It's not a bad thing you forgot Jersey Girl. They would be in order if you shifted Clerks with Chasing Amy. @kit-kate- I hope you are just joking about Scary Movie 3 & 4. The first one is honestly the only one worth sitting down for.

DOOP Ubersecretary
I agree, actively seeking good films is fun. Even crap ones which you might like anyway. For example, I saw a Top Secret! DVD in Virgin today, starring Val Kilmer and made by the same guys who made Airplane, (it caught my eye because it had cows in wellies on the cover) I never heard of it before, I didn't buy it, but I'm gonna download it and see if I do! EVERYBODY COPY ME! 

DOOP Secretary

American Psycho... A great, great film. A personal favourite. 

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by ZoidZoid: Signs
SIGNS?!?! I think you are looking for the "Reasons to commit suicide" thread. God, what an awful movie. The worst part is, since M Night Shamalon(whatever) is from the Philadelphia area, he places all his movies in the suburbs. And Signs is placed where I live, and it makes us all look like a bunch 'o hicks, i reckon.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Not so much an essential, but if you dig beautiful animation and artistic style then you must watch Corpse Bride. The transfer onto DVD is crystal clear too...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

It was my favourite movie of last year and I prefer it to Nightmare Before Christmas. I wouldn't say it was babyish in any part either, yeah it's just Tim Burton. If anything I'd say Nightmare Before Christmas would appeal more to younger people with it's themes of Halloween and Christmas, although again that isn't babyish...

Delivery Boy
Originally posted by MrBlonde: I found Rat Race pretty damn horrible. OH you sad worthless user! Haven't you relized it is comedy so don't take it seriously!