Pikka Bird

Space Pope
- Wild At Heart
- From Dusk Till Dawn
- Trainspotting
- True Romance
- Deer Hunter

Starship Captain
Originally posted by ~FazeShift~: I bet if you tried hard enough, you could see every film ever made before you die.
Well, if you live a little longer than the average life expectancy, then yes... IMDB lists: 358,729 movies released theatrically 56,011 made for TV movies 49,366 direct to video movies Assuming every movie can only be in one of those categories and is approx. 1.5 hours long, we get a total duration of all films of 696,159 hours. With an average life expectancy of 76 years, you've 666,212 hours to watch. Good luck ;-) This works, of course, only if no new movies were produced.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

My list of the essential movies to see before you die:
The Indiana Jones Trilogy
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Almost Famous
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
The Breakfast Club
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Star Wars Trilogy
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Lion King
Day the earth stood still
American History X
History of the world Part I
Young Frankenstein
Forrest Gump
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Wizard of Oz
The Exorcist

DOOP Ubersecretary
laptopmoerder: Find me an infant and I'll set up the Clockwork Orange Force-O-Watcher chair!  I'll also need a team to continue my work after I'm dead! Spaceballs, Airplane, This Is Spinal Tap, Blazing Saddles, Groundhog Day, Big Lebowski, Monty Pythons Holy Grail and Life Of Brian, Top Gun, Knight Rider The Movie. And Leon.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Movies that haven't already been mentioned:
Duck Soup MASH A Shot in the Dark Close Encounters of the Third Kind E.T. Alien The "Back to the Future" trilogy The Sting The Untouchables The Great Dictator Ben Hur Buth Cassidy and The Sundance Kid Schindler's List The Adventures of Robin Hood (the Errol Flynn 1938 version) Die Hard Spartacus Arsenic and Old Lace The Princess Bride Das Boot Psycho JFK Modern Times We need a John Wayne movie here .... uhm, pick Rio Bravo or El Dorado

DOOP Secretary

All Quiet on the Western Front. The Original Shaft. Stalingrad 1993 Version. Get Carter, The original one. Chinatown.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by laptopmoerder: Well, if you live a little longer than the average life expectancy, then yes...
IMDB lists:
358,729 movies released theatrically 56,011 made for TV movies 49,366 direct to video movies
Assuming every movie can only be in one of those categories and is approx. 1.5 hours long, we get a total duration of all films of 696,159 hours.
With an average life expectancy of 76 years, you've 666,212 hours to watch. Good luck ;-)
This works, of course, only if no new movies were produced. Perhaps we ought to sift through this list to weed out let's say 15% as "really bad" movies not to be watched ever, and another 25% as "borderline". They are to be saved for the end, when you are nearing death. Therefore if you croak, you're not missing much. The rest need to be grouped into appropriate age categories, and screened from let's say five to death, showing movies that are appropriate to the age group of the viewer. It would not be appropriate, for example, to screen the Rocky Horror Picture show to a seven year old, and then show the same subject Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at fifty. Nor would it be appropriate to ever subject anybody over the age of thirty to a film where youngsters somehow get one over on their older opressors. This could seriously fuck with the subject's appreciation of the film. We can also rule out watching children's movies after twelve, but begin to re-introduce them after forty, once the subject has accquired a nostalgia for childhood, and films that do not involve a brutal decapitation of the actors at key moments. Also, the subject must at some point sleep. Let us say that six hours of sleep will be fine, as long as the subject is rigourously conditioned to this from birth. The subject will be fed intravenously, and waste will be collected directly by tubes in the chair that will be the subject's world. The chair will imprison and sustain them for their entire lives. Perhaps this does not sound like fun. All I can say is that I would not like to be the subject. Meh. I'm drunk, tired, and don't really have anything interesitng to add.

DOOP Secretary

The Wild Bunch The Shining The Long Good Friday Mona Lisa Clerks Waiting For Guffman


The Princess Bride (mentioned, but thought I'd second it.. ) ContactPleasantvilleDead Poet's Society (A little melo- on the drama, but still very affecting) And it doesn't work for everybody....but American Dreamer is a favorite of mine. It's sort of a nerdy fannish romantic screwball comedy... (Might make a good double feature with Galaxy Quest, in a weird way... ) (For a total thematic triple feature, toss in the just-mentioned Pleasantville, put some Iffy Pop in the microwave and settle in...  )

DOOP Secretary

Anyone mention Big Trouble In Little China yet?


The Truman Show The Pink Panther Movies