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Author Topic: Don't Let Sid Near The Scissors- Wrestling Thread  (Read 74777 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #360 on: 06-14-2008 01:17 »
« Last Edit on: 06-14-2008 01:17 »

Vince's million dollar giveaway is a major flop, but an enjoyable one, although I don't think anything on this Monday's giveaway will top him being Rick Rolled on live TV. Twice, and having no idea what happened. BTW, all the callers on Monday's show were pre-screened, so unless you're notified about  being a finalist, you're not getting the money.

Greg Gagne doing a Crusher impression on yesterday's AWA show on ESPN Classic was nearly as funny though.
Ralph Snart

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« Reply #361 on: 06-16-2008 13:19 »

Michael Hayes was demoted from his position as a vice president in WWE after using a racial slur during a conversation with Mark Henry during WrestleMania 24 weekend, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. He will not be eligible for stock grants or performances
bonuses as a result of the demotion.

Hayes met with Henry to clear the air. He also had go to sensitivity training and alcohol recovery classes. He is no longer allowed to
drink alcohol while doing anything associated with WWE. He could return tonight at Raw or next week at the WWE draft.

Powell's POV: Hayes has had a reputation for heavy drinking over the years. He made a spectacle of himself at the Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Levesque wedding years ago, and there have been numerous incidents that didn't receive as much publicity. Several sources have stated that he's a different person when he's drinking and his use of racial slurs has been known to increase while he's drinking.

Many people feel these moves are long overdue, and other sources I've spoken since the WrestleMania incident occurred feel that he should have been fired long ago. Hayes has his share of defenders within the company. Most say they don't condone the things Hayes has said, but
there are people who feel that he deserves a second chance.

I can't think of any other publicly traded company that would give an employee with his background a second chance, but I do wish him the
best in his attempt to quit drinking and make some significant personal changes.

This original source for the above news was Dave Meltzer’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter. For subscription information, visit WrestlingObserver.com.

Urban Legend
« Reply #362 on: 07-26-2008 19:40 »

I'm disappointed that Elijah Burke hasn't been pushed in ECW.  Since the draft, I was hoping he'd be pushed as a face since ECW lost CM Punk.  I'd have him start a feud with Marc Henry over the ECW.  I got nothing against Matt Hardy, but I wish WWE would wise up and push someone that has a lot of charisma.

I see guys like Paul London and Domino getting released by the end of this year.  If they don't they that's a surprise.  Each lost their tag partners due to the draft and they've just been jobbing.  In fact, Domino is apparently on the "chopping block", since WWE is more interested in pushing Deuce.  Kendrick and London were an awesome tag team and it sucks WWE doesn't promote tag team as they did back then, and it's a shame they broke up and good tag team.
Ralph Snart

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« Reply #363 on: 07-28-2008 21:27 »

More Hogan-crap.  Now there's trouble between 40-something Linda Hogan and her 19 year old boyfriend.

Dear God, I've always hated Huck Hogan from the days her was Sterling Golden, please open a hole in the Earth to swallow the entire family whole and ship them straight to Hell.


Urban Legend
« Reply #364 on: 08-11-2008 23:37 »
« Last Edit on: 08-11-2008 23:37 »

Randy Orton was involved in a motorcycle accident that could've cost him his life.
 http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/stories/Update_On_Randy_Ortons_Motorcycle_Accident_In.s html

It's also sad to hear about Killer Kowalski's situation.
Sir Wankalot

Bending Unit
« Reply #365 on: 08-12-2008 19:02 »

Originally posted by Ralph Snart:
More Hogan-crap.  Now there's trouble between 40-something Linda Hogan and her 19 year old boyfriend.

Dear God, I've always hated Huck Hogan from the days her was Sterling Golden, please open a hole in the Earth to swallow the entire family whole and ship them straight to Hell.


Some of the replies from ppl claiming to be Hulk, Nick Hogan, Brian Knobs and Savage were pretty funny.

Agree all that family are annoying although I kinda like Brooke, I'd def hit it and her opinion on why women shouldn't be allowed vote was great

Urban Legend
« Reply #366 on: 09-01-2008 19:28 »

Walter “Killer” Kowalski, 81, passed away.  He trained HHH and Chyna and earned his nickname "Killer" after accidentally ripping off a part of Yukon Eric's ear.  It's sad another great legend has passed.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #367 on: 09-01-2008 19:53 »


I don't post here at all but I use to love wrestling and now I want to get the two boxset of the two wrestlers I use to love Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.


Urban Legend
« Reply #368 on: 09-08-2008 15:39 »

TNA is becoming WCW without the deep talent pool at an exponential rate these days. Mick has signed on. They're the WWE's new retirement plan.
Ralph Snart

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« Reply #369 on: 09-11-2008 04:28 »

 Ric Flair beats up daughter's boyfriend.


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #370 on: 09-11-2008 17:32 »

I like how that article shows a picture of Ric Flair receiving the key to the city from Columbia Mayor Bob. :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #371 on: 09-12-2008 16:42 »


I don't post here at all but I use to love wrestling and now I want to get the two boxset of the two wrestlers I use to love Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.

I got The Rock boxset yesturday but not Stone Cold's yet

Urban Legend
« Reply #372 on: 11-18-2008 04:22 »

Hulk Hogan has sold his wrestling names, trademarks (such as Hulk, Hulkster, Hollywood Hogan, Hulkamania, etc.), grill, energy drink, and other Hulk Hogan products to Eric Bischoff at an extreme discount. He did this purposely to prevent Linda from getting any of the profits from them. Linda Hogan's lawyers are not pleased at all by this, because now she cannot cash in on these assets in the divorce.

Not that I really care if the huckster loses money, but that was a clever move. It'd be hilarious if Sleazy-E refused to give the rights back after the divorce was final.
Ralph Snart

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« Reply #373 on: 11-26-2008 20:25 »


Yes, I will probably be the only person in the theatre watching this movie.  I don't care - one of my old running buddies, Greg Valentine, was the "professional expert" behind the filming to give it perspective from a real pro-wrestler field of vision.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #374 on: 11-27-2008 14:34 »

Actually, I'd see that.

Urban Legend
« Reply #375 on: 12-19-2008 06:33 »

I just read Bischoff's book, Contoversary Creates Cash and it was an awesome read.  I checked it out from the library and I wish he went into more detail about the night Mick Foley won the WWE title and Nash laid down for Hogan.  He talks about the night Russo shoot on Hogan at Bash at the Beach.  Russo screwed up big time.  Bischoff doesn't seem to go into big detail about his time in WWE, he just sums it up into one chapter and jumps from 2002 to 2005 to when he was "trashed" by Mcmahon.  Overall, I really liked it and if you liked watching WCW nitro back in the day, check it out.

I have a question to those who've gone to a TNA impact show, how much are tickets?  I plan to visit Florida and I thought I'd try to see a TNA impact live, I saw one of their promos, but I was wondering if I had to be a millionaire just to attend one of their house like WWE.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #376 on: 12-19-2008 16:11 »

Is the title a reference to Toy Story's Sid? Because I wouldn't trust that guy with scissors.
Ralph Snart

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« Reply #377 on: 12-19-2008 17:10 »

The story about Sid Vicious, Master of the Squirrels is long, convoluted and hilarious at the same time.

Sid and the scissors:  Back in the early 90's when Sid was wrestling for WCW and was on an European Tour.  In a match with Arn Anderson, Sid started to work stiff with Arn, so Arn (one of the few legit "tough guys" in wrestling) beat the absolute holy hell out of Sid.  Since Arn was suppose to lose to Sid, he walked out of the match so Sid would win by DQ and Arn didn't job for Sid.  things got worse at a bar when Sid tried to fuck with Arn again, and got his ass beat again.  So Sid goes to his hotel room, gets a pair of scissors and tries to take on Arn again.  Arn was stabbed several times, yet beat Sid within an inch of his life for the third time in less than 24 hours.

Sid was fired immediately (one of several times that WCW fired Sid).

Do you want to hear about Sid and Softball Practice, Sid and the Squegee and Sid and the Squirrel?

Damned, even for a pro-wrestler, Sid was majorly fucked in the head.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #378 on: 12-19-2008 18:43 »

oh, thanks for explaining Ralph Snart :)
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
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« Reply #379 on: 12-19-2008 19:08 »

There was story going around about Sid Vicious getting embarrassed in a bar by the WCW wrestlers.

As the story goes, Sid was in the bar talking a lot of trash, that all the small wrestlers in the company should just retire and make room for the taller bigger wrestlers.

Using the term Wrestling and Sid in the same sentence was a great injustice in my opinion. This guy was steroid huge but never drew a dime and totally sucked as a performer. That was what he was, a performer not a wrestler.

Anyway, the talk became heated and both Brian Pillman and Mike Graham stood up to Sid. These two guys were short guys but had big hearts and had had enough of Sid running them down. Sid began to make excuses in the bar saying that he had an injury to his arm and couldn't fight them. This injury looked to be a band-aid on his arm so the guys laughed him out of the bar.

Sid did return to fight them. He walked back to the bar with a squeegee and demanded a fight. Both Pillman and Graham fought over each other for the right to kick Sid's big ass and Sid ran out of the bar.

This night could have been one of the reasons that a year later, Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious got in a brutal fight and nearly killed themselves in England.


These are all the Sid stories that I know about.  I know back in the 90's Sid went to Japan quite often and had some matches with Stan Hansen and Leon "Vader" White.  After making a few comments about Hansen's age in a bar, Sid found himself being pounded on for 15 minutes the next day in a match against Hansen.  Never one to learn a leson, Sid started shit-talking about Vader being fat and slow.  I know Leon personally.  I've been in the ring with him, I've seen him break Joe Thurmond's back and rip Mick Foley's ear off.  Leon is the last personin the world to piss-off.  Well, you can guess how the match between Vader and Sid went.

So here are all the Sid stories I know of.  The guy is supposenly trying to make a comeback and get a WWE contract.  I don't see Vince being desperate or stupid enough to hire him.


 Sid Attacks Brian Pillman with a Squeegee: This took place some time in 1991, when Sid was with the WWF and Pillman was with WCW. The two were at a local bar when they got into a minor scrape. Most say that Pillman won, but neither man was badly injured. Sid went outside, and came back with a weapon: a squeegee. The whole bar laughed and Sid Simply left.
 Sid Stabs Arn Anderson 20 Times with Scissors: On September 19, 1993, Sid and Anderson, both former members of the Four Horsemen and both working for WCW, got into a fight at a hotel room. The two got so angry that they both picked up implements and began stabbing each other. Sid stabbed Anderson 20 times with a pair of scissors and both men were sent to the hospital. Sid was fired, and Anderson was suspended.
 Sid Kicks out of Hogan's Leg Drop at Wrestlemania VIII, and the Real Reason Why He Left the WWF: This was definitely an unscripted moment, but there has been some confusion as to what actually happened. Charles Wright, in his Papa Shango gimmick, was supposed to do a run-in, and simply got his timing messed up. Sid didn't want to job cleanly to Hogan, so he kicked out. Sid's manager, Harvey Wippleman, ran in and forced a disqualification right after the kick out. Some have speculated that Sid simply kicked out of the leg drop because he felt like it, and backstage, whoever was producing the event simply sent Papa Shango and then the Ultimate Warrior into the match. This is not a valid theory. Charles Wright did not wrestle on the card. Why would he be dressed up in his elaborate Papa Shango outfit? Clearly, Wright misjudged the amount of time it would take for him to run to the ring, and didn't anticipate the leg drop. This is simply bad production. Before the event, Hogan and Wright should have figured out how long it would take for Wright to do the run in, and set up a signal.
Another piece of controversy is about how Sid left the WWF right after the match. Some have speculated that his contract was already up, and since it was his last day anyway, he kicked out of the leg drop for the fun of it. Others have speculated that Sid was fired for kicking out of the leg drop. Both of these theories are wrong, but what really happened is perhaps even more disturbing. Sid didn't want to wrestle full time because he was active in a semi-pro softball league. He saw his softball career as more important than his wrestling career.
 Vince Russo Shoots on Sid: It was April 11, 2000. Vince Russo was not only writing behind the scenes, but was a major onscreen character in WCW. As the "president" of WCW, the Vince Russo character came out on WCW Monday Nitro and declared all WCW titles vacant. Sid Vicious was the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and of course, he gave his usual mean, pissed-off glare at Russo. This, along with his "laughing evilly" face, was one of only two facial expressions he'd used throughout his entire wrestling career. Russo made him introduce a third. "Whatcha' gonna' do, Sid? Gonna' get your squeegee?" he said. Vicious's mouth dropped, and everyone watching it realized that this was an unscripted moment.
 Sid Kills a Squirrel: Back in WCW, Sid had a pet squirrel that he always traveled with. One wrestler bet Sid that he couldn't keep the squirrel in his pants for 60 seconds, in a version of the old sport, "ferret legging." The squirrel bit the hell out of Sid's legs and finally, Sid couldn't handle it any more, and he fell over, squishing the squirrel. Ever since then, Sid has lovingly been called "King of the Squirrels" by his e-fans.
There you go. Every Sid Vicious/Justice story I could think of. The scissors, the squeegee, softball, kicking out of the leg drop, King of the Squirrels. What am I forgetting? Oh, yes. Right before Vince Russo shot on Sid, Kevin Nash and Sid Vicious were in a program for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. In a live promo, Sid had a slip of the tongue, and said, "I have half the brain you do!" Goodnight, wrestling fans.

Yeah, not too good (for Sid).

Urban Legend
« Reply #380 on: 01-23-2009 06:54 »

Stone Cold Steve Austin's in this year's WWE Hall of Fame.  Hell Yeah.  They should induct the following as well.  Owen Hart, British Bulldog, and Arn Anderson.

Urban Legend
« Reply #381 on: 01-23-2009 07:10 »


Yes, I will probably be the only person in the theatre watching this movie.  I don't care - one of my old running buddies, Greg Valentine, was the "professional expert" behind the filming to give it perspective from a real pro-wrestler field of vision.

What'd you think of the movie? I'd say you were wrong about the audience size... I went to a 2:10 showing on a Friday afternoon, and the place was so full we had to sit in (I believe) the fourth row. Ugh.

Urban Legend
« Reply #382 on: 01-23-2009 08:01 »

I personally like the Legacy storyline, but I can't stand Randy Orton.  I hear Harry Smith son of the British Bulldog may join Legacy.  WWE just sign Gerald's son Wes Brisco and perhaps he could join Legacy down the line.  I just like the fact WWE could push some of these younger wrestlers, but it's matter if they are actually good and not just rely on the fact their fathers were wrestlers. 

Here's a trailer to Cena's new movie, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp3Aqe8FrNE
Sir Wankalot

Bending Unit
« Reply #383 on: 02-24-2009 12:23 »

Hogan clains he was originally offer the lead role in the movie the Wrestler.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Hulk Hogan reveals that he, not Mickey Rourke, was originally asked to play the lead character in The Wrestler. Hogan claims he was sent the script and considered for the part of Randy "The Ram" Robinson. He read it a few times when it crossed his agent's desk, but passed on the movie. Nonetheless, Hogan believes Rourke did a great job in the film.

"The movie got made and they cast Mickey Rourke," Hogan said. "I thought he did a great job."

While Hogan was complimentary of Rourke, he wishes Rourke could have had 30 years of wrestling experience to tell a more accurate story.

"I don't think the public could have handled it, though," Hogan told the Los Angeles Times. "Just made me realize after seeing the movie with Mickey Rourke that if someone does the real Hulk Hogan movie, you better hang on for the ride, brother."

In his eyes, Hogan believes the whole movie is shock value. He fears the public perception of professional wrestling will be tainted by the film's view of the business.

"Made me realize how shock value - that just the drop of reality - can have an effect on the public," Hogan said. "It was wrestling light. Very light version of wrestling."

When talking about blading, Hogan said there are wrestlers who blade 25 to 30 times per week. He also said he has friends who do staple gun matches similar to the one in The Wrestler 300 nights per year.

When asked if Rourke should accept WWE's offer to make an appearance at WrestleMania and cross-promote the movie, Hogan said the actor should be careful based on his own experience.

"You don't want to jade your performance or have the Hollywood community look at you like, 'you sold out,'" Hogan said.

Hogan also said he talked to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson about distancing himself from professional wrestling if wanted to be a successful actor. Hogan said he was held back in Hollywood, doing B-movies because he kept going back to wrestling. As a result, the Hollywood community didn't accept him

Hogan talks some amount of shite :laff: my math ain't great but wouldn't 25-30 times a week mean doing 4 blade jobs every night of the week? I think he also claimed that when he slammed Andre that he was over 800lbs and that he was offered to endorse the George Foreman Grill before George was
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
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« Reply #384 on: 02-24-2009 15:38 »
« Last Edit on: 02-24-2009 15:39 »

Hogan has always been a mark for himself.  He showed up in Georgia in 1980 or 1981 under the name of Sterling Golden, flexing his steroid-enhanced "pythons".  Ole Anderson (our booker) fired his ass after just 6 weeks.  Hogan wanted to be main eventing the moment he stepped foot in Georgia and didn't believe in the "respect" factor that use to be essential when working with guys that can kill you in real life and not break a sweat.

At that time, Hogan couldn't work to save his life.  Stan Hansen said that it was a pain having to drag Hogan's ass to two-star match.

There was one rule to never be violated - nobody was ever allowed to touch the announcer, Gordon Solie.  Solie had in his contract that he was to never be touched in any way by any of the workers. Hogan grabbed Solie by the very large lapels of his jacket during a taped interview, screaming that he (Hogan) wasn't getting any respect and he didn't like it.

I was over to the side talking to Tommy Rich when this happened.  Rich told me, "Bro, just stand back, this is gonna be some fun shit!"

In less than 30 seconds after Hogan manhandled Solie, Ole Anderson, Stan Hansen and Ivan Koloff surrounded Hogan, Ole demanding that Hogan appologize to Solie.  I saw fear in Hogan's eyes because he knew he wouldn't survive a legit fight with any of the three guys surrounding him, much less all three of them.

After being "escorted" to the parking lot at the TBS studio, we never were bothered by "Sterling Golden" again.

Hogan is such a piece of shit.  He demanded that everybody job to him but never wanted to return the favor.  He shit on Randy Savage, Rick Rude, Curt Hennig, Bret Hart, Paul Orndorff, Roddy Piper and just about anybody else he had dealings with.  As for blading, I don't think he bladed anymore than 3-4 times in his entire carreer.  Maybe he meant "balding". :laff:

You can tell what sort of piss-poor person he is by the way his family turned out.  I'd love nothing more than to see Hogan and his punk-ass kid get their asses legit kicked on live TV.  I may not be able to do it but I know a lot of guys who can and would do anything for the chance.
Sir Wankalot

Bending Unit
« Reply #385 on: 03-02-2009 12:46 »

I'm starting to think you're not too fond of Hogan there Ralph, so did wrestlers have some say in who jobbed to them? I thought this would be purely the bookers decision although I do remember something about Hogan have some creative control clause in his contract. I find it hard to take the guy seriously, I think he even once said that he did a poll and claimed that if he ran for POTUS he would get about 80% of the votes.
Ralph Snart

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« Reply #386 on: 03-09-2009 21:35 »


A sad story about one of the greats.  Verne Gagne (I never met him but have met his son Greg.  Greg's daughter plays basketball for the University of Northern Colorado) has severe dementia and lives in a locked-down Alzhiemer's Unit.  Verne picked up another resident, bodyslammed him and started a series of events that eventually killed the victim.

And the cops want to arrest the senile old man and charge him with murder.

Ye Gods!
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #387 on: 03-15-2009 03:04 »

Another one bites the dust:

Andrew "Test" Martin Dead at 33

Urban Legend
« Reply #388 on: 04-02-2009 08:14 »

Another one bites the dust:

Andrew "Test" Martin Dead at 33

That is shocking.  So many wrestlers I grew up watching are just dying off.

Another shocker Taz leaves WWE.

Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
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« Reply #389 on: 04-04-2009 19:05 »


Fantastic NWO parody of The Four Horsemen.  I was at the TV taping when this happened.  The crowd was about to riot at the end of this sit.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #390 on: 04-04-2009 21:58 »

In an interview with Popeater.com, Hulk Hogan said he was schedule to face John Cena for the title at WrestleMania 25.

"You know what, I was supposed to wrestle John Cena for the title, and about four weeks ago I had back surgery. Vince and I were talking about how much involvement I wanted to have in Wrestlemania, and if I wanted to keep wrestling, and out of nowhere my back just got really crazy. I went in for an MRI and I had to have some emergency surgery that threw me out of the game. I was kind of flipped out about it, I thought I'd be the main event this year." Hogan said.


more hogan BSing or truth?

Urban Legend
« Reply #391 on: 04-10-2009 07:44 »

Another passed away Steve Doll


He was the one who wrestled with Mike Enos the night Scott Hall made his appearance on WCW nitro and thus the birth of NWO.
Ralph Snart

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« Reply #392 on: 04-16-2009 00:21 »

The longer Hogan lives, the nuttier he sounds.


Hulk Hogan told Rolling Stone that he can understand why O.J. Simpson
allegedly snapped. "I could have turned everything into a crime scene, like
OJ, cutting everybody's throat," Hogan said.

"You live half a mile from the 20,000-square-foot home you can't go to
anymore, you're driving through downtown Clearwater and see a 19-year-old
boy driving your Escalade, and you know that a 19-year-old boy is sleeping
in your bed, with your wife . . . I totally understand OJ. I get it." To
read more on the story, visit NYPost.com. [Thanks to like 500 Dot Net
readers for passing this one along]

Powell's POV: WTF? Hogan has an odd infatuation with O.J. After all, he wore
black gloves and delivered a bizarre promo on Nitro years ago that was
clearly inspired by Simpson. Hogan has told his share of whoppers over the
years, but he usually doesn't say anything this idiotic and potentially
damaging. I'm sure Linda Bollea's attorneys are foaming at the mouth in
anticipation of using this quote against Hogan.

Urban Legend
« Reply #393 on: 04-30-2009 06:25 »


Ric Flair's son, Reid Flair was arrested for driving while impaired, and drug possession.  I remember Reid from when he was in a bad storyline with Vince Russo.  His mugshot is also shown.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
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« Reply #394 on: 05-06-2009 01:39 »

RF Video recently conducted a shoot interview with former WWE wrestler
Hardcore Holly and he holds nothing back while discussing his 15-year
tenure in the company.

Perhaps the most notable portion of the interview concerns Holly's
explanation for being let from World Wrestling Entertainment back in
January. He has some choice words for a certain wrestler in the
company to say the least - that person being Raw Superstar Mr.
Kennedy. Holly believes Kennedy is responsible for his ultimate
release from the company and is angry with him to this day, so much so
that he issues a personal threat to him during the interview.

Courtesy of RFVideo.com, here is a synopsis of what you can expect to
hear from Holly concerning his issue with Kennedy in the shoot

"I got a call from Bob today when he was boarding his plane and he
told me what he wanted to talk about on the shoot. He asked me point
blank can he say what ever he wants and I told him that this is his
day. This would be his platform to do what ever he wanted. He went off
on a 5 minute promo on how he wants to beat the hell out of Ken
Kennedy on the phone and told me about his major heat with him. This
is not a work at all and on the interview, Bob goes into what happened
to get these two once best friends into a bitter battle. You will hear
right from the mouth of Bob, how Kennedy told Bob to go into his bag
and get something out of it for himself. I do not want to get to
graphic here because it makes the shoot. You have to watch this as
soon as you can, as Bob sends a private message to Ken on this tape. I
would not want to be in the shoes of Mr. Kennedy!!!"

Here is another synopsis on the subject, noting Holly making a threat
"that is sure to get the WWE's attention":

"The highlight of this interview is Bob talking about his WWE release.
How did someone once so close to the boss get released? Bob sends a
clear message to a current WWE superstar and calls him out by name.
What is this wrestler's culpability in Bob's firing? Bob will tell you
a story that will shock even his biggest detractors. No names are
protected and nobody is innocent as Bob makes a threat that is sure to
get the WWE's attention. What happened between Bob and his former
friend? You will hear about it all from the horse's mouth in this
classic RF Video Shoot Interview."

Reportedly, Holly was caught stealing pain pills from another
wrestler's bag this past summer, hence his sudden disappearance from
television. He was immediately taken off the road, sent to a
rehabilitation facility, and ultimately released.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
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« Reply #395 on: 05-12-2009 23:40 »

Benoit's Doctor Gets Ten Years In Prison

Urban Legend
« Reply #396 on: 05-24-2009 04:40 »

Ten years ago, Owen Hart died in a tragic accident today. 


I was watching the pay per view on TV the night when it happened.  They didn't show anything.  I don't understand why other people claim they saw Owen fall on TV.  It's still sad aftert all these years, since many who worked with him will say he was an awesome person.
Ralph Snart

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Near Death Star Inhabitant
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« Reply #397 on: 05-25-2009 18:12 »


Jim Cornette has been called the most opinionated man in wrestling, and in
Cornette's Commentary, he proves it! When something gets him excited,
provoked, or just plain pissed off, he pulls no punches here. Cornette's
Commentary will amuse some, offend others, and always be thought-provoking.
The motto here is "No work, just shoot!"

Posted May 20, 2009


Fantastic dissection of how hardcore wrestling got started.  With the deaths of Gorilla Monsoon and Johnny Weaver, JC is the smartest man in wrestling and his opinions often mirror mine.  Read the article - it's worth your tiem, then watch the match that he references as the beginning of hardcore wrestling...


Urban Legend
« Reply #398 on: 05-26-2009 05:23 »

13 years ago today, pro wrestling changed forever with this segment.


I wish pro wrestling was just as good today as it was back then.

Urban Legend
« Reply #399 on: 05-27-2009 16:22 »

The WWF from 1999 to early 2001 was the best peroid any wrestling company had ever, in my opinion. I was, however a huge WCW mark back in 1999-early 2001. I had terrible taste in wrestling when I was 15.
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