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Author Topic: The Old Man and the Simpsons Thread  (Read 40219 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #720 on: 12-29-2011 23:08 »
« Last Edit on: 12-29-2011 23:09 »

I hate Lyndsay Naegle, IMO she stands for the decline in the shows quality.

I hate how she's become such a big part of the show and how characters like Herman and Nelsons' Weasels are rarely seen other than being in crowd backgrounds.

Like other people have said it depends on the guest star and how they're used, Ronaldo was in one episode and it nearly ruined the whole episode.

But I love Phil Hartman and Kelsey Grammer as guest stars. I think if they get the celebrity to voice an actual character IE Sideshow Bob, Troy McClure. And then you get good one of celebrity voices like David Hyde Pierce, Wynona Ryder, Reece Witherspoon, Topher Grace etc. It's better than getting the celebrities to voice themselves, I used to like how The Simpsons had their own Celebrities like Krusty, Kent Brockman, Ranier Wolfcastle etc. But now they use real people, and a lot of them are really bad celebrities like Ricky Gervais and Katy Perry.

That being said I loved the Bret Hart guest appearance :p.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #721 on: 12-29-2011 23:13 »

Ricky Gervais isn't as bad as Katy Perry but the first episode he was in was god awful!
But I love Phil Hartman

 :cry: Aw god I miss him!
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #722 on: 12-29-2011 23:14 »
« Last Edit on: 12-29-2011 23:16 »

I can see why people hate her, but I really like her.  (A few people on a board I was on says she often gets scapegoated, since she appeared when the Simpsons had begun its steady decline, rather then the golden years.)  She's kind of a mix of Mrs Krabappel, Krusty and a bit of Lionel Hutz, but she rarely gets used properly (she really worked in Marge Vs Childless Couples and Teens and Gays, however).    

Phil Hartman, I believe, was in a league of his own.  He. Was.  Just.  That. Good.   Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure are two of the best characters ever, and A Fish Called Selma is easily one of the best episodes ever.

(When I'm home alone I sing all the songs from Stop the Planet of the Apes.)   Well at least Ricky Gervais was someone else, but I don't really think much of him, and I didn't really like his voice acting or his writing in that episode.    Now if they had used someone funny, like Dylan Moran or Bill Baily... you are right, its much better when they have their own celebrities like Ranier Wolfcastle and Krusty and Kent Brockman, rather then "Oh look, it's whoever is on MTV this week!"

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #723 on: 12-29-2011 23:19 »

I really wish Ranier Wolfcastle would get more episodes. I just loved him as McBain and Radioactive man "My Eyes, The Goggles Do Nothing!"  :laff:
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #724 on: 12-29-2011 23:25 »

I like him, but I think he works the way he does now.  The Simpsons, along with Family Guy has developed a knack for killing good jokes/overusing funny minor characters until they stop being funny.

Urban Legend
« Reply #725 on: 12-29-2011 23:37 »

I think Gil is the most recent new character that I can think of who I actually quite like and he first appeared in what? Season 9 or something?

And I think the constant celebrity guests are a huge part of this. Why add an interesting new character when you can just cram a celebrity guest in instead? That seems to be the logic that the show runs on these days.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #726 on: 12-29-2011 23:41 »

Yes, and there are quite a lot of background characters who are considerably more interesting/entertaining then Katy fucking Perry.  Miss Hoover alone pwns half these celebrities with a hammer, and she's one of the most minor characters in the series. 

Chris Chan would make a great "celebrity" guest I think, but I don't think that manchild's arrogance/sense of entitlement needs to be fueled anymore. 

Bending Unit
« Reply #727 on: 12-30-2011 00:28 »

I will admit that I did like Katy Perry as Smurfette though :p.

Space Pope
« Reply #728 on: 12-30-2011 02:14 »

I actually liked her appearance in last year's Christmas episode. I totally can picture her being Moe's girlfriend, I though that was pretty funny.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #729 on: 12-30-2011 02:25 »

I just wished they would have done a better job with Marge's puppet.

Marge: Do I look fat in this design
Me: Yes..

Urban Legend
« Reply #730 on: 12-30-2011 14:08 »

Chris Chan would make a great "celebrity" guest I think, but I don't think that manchild's arrogance/sense of entitlement needs to be fueled anymore. 
You're a Chris Chan fan? Every post you've made over the last few days has pleased me to no end, but none like this.

Remember when he thought he was going to be asked to appear on 'Family Guy' and he read out a list of demands such as how he should date Meg and Brian should hang out with Sonichu and Rosechu until they can find him a nice, canine girlfriend? 

It's not like 'The Simpsons' would be lowering the quality of their guest-stars by having him on and if raising his sense of entitlement means that he re-appears on the internet for a while, I'm all for it.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #731 on: 01-03-2012 02:16 »

I just listed some items on e-bay. I have some merchandise as well but I need to gather it all before I list it (ornaments, PEZ, playing cards, etc.). Anyway I'm gonna link the ones I have done in case anyone is interested. Thanks guys, wish me luck!

SIMPSONS DVDS Seasons 1-11 (seasons 2-11 are new and shrink wrapped)

Simpsons Paperback Comic Books (13 total)
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #732 on: 01-03-2012 02:21 »

Chris Chan would make a great "celebrity" guest I think, but I don't think that manchild's arrogance/sense of entitlement needs to be fueled anymore. 
You're a Chris Chan fan? Every post you've made over the last few days has pleased me to no end, but none like this.

Remember when he thought he was going to be asked to appear on 'Family Guy' and he read out a list of demands such as how he should date Meg and Brian should hang out with Sonichu and Rosechu until they can find him a nice, canine girlfriend? 

It's not like 'The Simpsons' would be lowering the quality of their guest-stars by having him on and if raising his sense of entitlement means that he re-appears on the internet for a while, I'm all for it.

Chris Chan is fantastic.  If he was a character in a television show, people would be like: "Who the fuck created this guy?  He's so freaking over the top it's stupid, no one is like that in real life."

I remember that video, along with the one where he demanded AXE ban homosexuals from purchasing their products, since he didn't want gay people buying the same things as him.  (Someone needs to tell him that gay people also love McDonald's and Hungry Man dinners, he'd probably starve himself to death...)

Hell a Chris Chan episode would be much more enjoyable then a Lady Gaga one.  Imagine the shock when people find out he's A REAL THING.  It will be like Wing x 100.

Urban Legend
« Reply #733 on: 01-03-2012 03:47 »

I completely agree. In fact, I've had a hard time convincing a number of people that he isn't a comedy character that someone created as a means of being popular on YouTube - just because his videos are so consistently hilarious that they feel as if someone sat down and wrote them. Things like his dad walking in and telling him off as he was just ranting at the internet to take down the videos of his house for example are just so wonderful that I suppose I can't blame them for being suspicious - but of course, there's just far too much backstory with things that can be checked out in the public records for it to not be real.

Still, I followed his saga with the same sort of devotion that I imagine soap-opera fans follow their respective show with when he was active on the internet. I miss those days.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #734 on: 01-03-2012 04:03 »

Agreed.  Most people don't really understand why I find people like Chris Chan, Robert Stanek, Gloria Tesch and the like so interesting, but I personally feel like they characters in a book or a tv show or a film: an especially warped, twisted, hilarious one.  The fact that most of them constantly feel the need to upload every detail of their miserable little lives just adds to to the hilarity.  It's too over the top to be fictional, and too depressing to be real.  Which is wonderful.

(THAT IS MY HOUSE is probably my favorite Chris Chan video, recently ousting the Parappa video.  There's something wonderful about thirty something manchildren and elderly rednecks trying to figure out how the internet works and failing)  

I can honestly say Chris Chan and Gloria Tesch's antics have kept me far more amused then anything the Simpsons has done in years, but that's not completely being fair. 
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #735 on: 01-03-2012 13:31 »

I just listed some items on e-bay. I have some merchandise as well but I need to gather it all before I list it (ornaments, PEZ, playing cards, etc.). Anyway I'm gonna link the ones I have done in case anyone is interested. Thanks guys, wish me luck!

SIMPSONS DVDS Seasons 1-11 (seasons 2-11 are new and shrink wrapped)

Simpsons Paperback Comic Books (13 total)

Ah, so your eBay name is also futurefreak, this information is most useful indeed...

*Otis notes this down and stores it with his collection of bottled souls and Tudor wattle and daub

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #736 on: 01-07-2012 20:13 »

Yeah...in hindsight now I see the error of my ways. :shifty: Hopefully someone won't stalk my whole life on here. When you google that username, I actually get a bodybuilder forum as a result...let's go with that.

Those auctions end in 2 days if anyone is interested, one person is watching the comics. It makes me think of my childhood and how important those comics were to me at the time. Oh well, now I got Futurama to keep me satisfied! :flirt:
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #737 on: 01-07-2012 20:57 »

Why won't the Simpsons call its quits? 23 seasons has been renewed to 25. :nono:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #738 on: 01-07-2012 21:01 »

Yeah it really needs to die.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #739 on: 01-07-2012 21:06 »

I actually have no power in Offtopic, but thanks for the shoutout :laff:

I thought it WAS dying in a year. Now it's back? Really????
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #740 on: 01-07-2012 21:21 »

The horse got back up again...

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #741 on: 01-07-2012 21:25 »

I say we cut its legs.
* futurefreak does not condone animal cruelty of any kind

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #742 on: 01-07-2012 21:33 »

So what's happening for the 500th ep?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #743 on: 01-07-2012 21:34 »

A shitty script along with a shitty disappointment.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #744 on: 01-07-2012 21:35 »

Same as usual, mediocrity...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #745 on: 01-07-2012 21:37 »

No plot synopses or anything?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #746 on: 01-07-2012 21:39 »
« Last Edit on: 01-07-2012 21:41 »

"There's a big town meeting that the Simpsons don't know about, and when they go in, the town is saying we're going to get rid of the Simpsons,"
Read more.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #747 on: 01-07-2012 22:02 »

I love metaphors!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #748 on: 01-07-2012 22:06 »

Should be interesting to see how it plays out. :p

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #749 on: 01-07-2012 23:13 »

It kinda sounds like the movie apart from The Simpsons being forced out of town and not running away..
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #750 on: 01-08-2012 02:47 »

They'll probably have some crappy celebrity cameo, there will be an over the top wild wacky adventure, a few feeble jokes... and credits roll.

Just like every other 100th episode "speshul"
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #751 on: 01-08-2012 13:06 »

Just one celebrity cameo? We'd be lucky if that was the case! I remember the 300th ep celebration, that was lame. Is it really worth celebrating the 500th ep when half of them are shit? Talk about a severe case of quantity over quality. I guess it is an impressive milestone, at least in terms of numbers, and in terms of all the work those poor animators had to do animating such terrible scripts...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #752 on: 01-08-2012 14:17 »

Was the 300th ep Barting Over?

Urban Legend
« Reply #753 on: 01-08-2012 14:34 »

It wouldn't surprise me if we get a lot of classic guest stars popping up for a line or two.

It sounds like an episode that could be interesting, but it also sounds like one that's a bit too out there and wacky for 'The Simpsons' - although that shouldn't bother me because the show's already been wacky and such.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #754 on: 01-08-2012 14:58 »

Was the 300th ep Barting Over?

According to Fox it was, yes, although technically it was the 302nd ep. It has Blink 182 in it, but apparently that wasn't enough, they had to come back for the Movie too. For shame!...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #755 on: 01-08-2012 15:00 »

I thought it was Green Day in the movie... :confused:
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #756 on: 01-08-2012 15:01 »

Its like pokemon.  When less then half of them are worth catching, having 500 isn't anything to be proud of.   (The amount of pokemon I liked decreased sharply with every generation after gold and silver...I feel all nostalgic now.)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #757 on: 01-08-2012 15:03 »

I thought it was Green Day in the movie... :confused:

Oh yeah, it was. I got mixed up because they both sound almost the same to me...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #758 on: 01-08-2012 17:30 »

All music now-adays sound the same.

Space Pope
« Reply #759 on: 01-08-2012 19:56 »

Not if you're looking in the right places.
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