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Author Topic: The Old Man and the Simpsons Thread  (Read 40100 times)
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« Reply #120 on: 07-08-2007 04:12 »

Same here, but for one reason only: Futurama has been gone for years now, and 4 new movies is an incredible way to bring Futurama back. But now the Simpsons have had nearly 19 seasons, it's not as exciting.

Space Pope
« Reply #121 on: 07-09-2007 06:41 »

Or perhaps because The Simpsons sucks now (and the movie will too) and Futurama might still be good...

« Reply #122 on: 07-09-2007 10:11 »

The Simpsons do seem to be getting worse and worse after each season, so yeah, I think Futurama should be better.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #123 on: 07-13-2007 14:10 »

I'm getting worried about how bad The Simpsons will be by Season 20...

Space Pope
« Reply #124 on: 07-13-2007 14:21 »

You guys gotta remember that, since the Simpsons has been on the air 19 years, some of their original writers have RETIRED!

I do agree, it's lost some of the cutting sarcasm & edge that I used to really enjoy...

Urban Legend
« Reply #125 on: 07-14-2007 01:20 »

Yeah, the fact remains that the show was consistently brilliant for 8-9 years, a feat few TV shows ever accomplish

« Reply #126 on: 07-14-2007 02:17 »
« Last Edit on: 07-14-2007 02:17 »

Originally posted by seattlejohn01:
You guys gotta remember that, since the Simpsons has been on the air 19 years, some of their original writers have RETIRED!
Yeah... Maybe Matt Groening should write a few, because he did write a good pilot for Futurama.

Starship Captain
« Reply #127 on: 07-15-2007 20:18 »

maybe or maybe the writers really should look back at older episodes. or at least stop trying to compete with family guy. i mean sometimes a random joke is funny but if you watch family guy its starting to falter. the simpsons should just worry about storry and slide a few random things in for out there humor. it worked before

Bending Unit
« Reply #128 on: 07-16-2007 20:38 »

It's got to be hard to do that many episodes and still have fresh plotlines. Family Guy's failed to me since last season.

« Reply #129 on: 07-17-2007 00:57 »

I dont care what anyone says that movie looks funny as hell... and i think a fat movie check is exactly what everyone behind that movie needs

Space Pope
« Reply #130 on: 07-17-2007 01:44 »

Hey, take it easy tough guy...*backs cautiously out of room*

Seriously, I'm looking forward to the Simpsons movie myself.  Although, they've got to do a better job on the trailers...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #131 on: 07-17-2007 01:48 »

In the onslaught of Simpsons Movie hype, I came across this.  I'm aware of AOL's head-up-the-assness, but how did they come up with that list?  The only spots they got right were #1 and #2.

« Reply #132 on: 07-17-2007 10:50 »

Seeing the trailer now I think the movie looks better than I expexted. But they only put the best bits in the trailer so...
Nicky boy

Bending Unit
« Reply #133 on: 07-17-2007 11:40 »

yeah the movie looks cool! but it could be like "spiderman 3", the trailer looks good but the film is crap! highly dubt it though!  :)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #134 on: 07-17-2007 13:48 »

Originally posted by FuturamaPac:
Seeing the trailer now I think the movie looks better than I expexted. But they only put the best bits in the trailer so...

Actually they put the worst bits in the trailer. All of the worst slapstick jokes which appeal to a wider audience and are easy to understand and much easier to use out of context in the trailer. Expect much better jokes in the movie itslef. I have already seen a few scenes and the jokes are much better than in the trailer...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #135 on: 07-17-2007 14:37 »

They wouldn't put the great jokes in the trailers because they wouldn't be as funny during the movie. Like OPJ said, they'll put in the slapstick stuff that doesn't need a situation to be funny. Also, I thought they weren't releasing actual footage from the movie in the trailers?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #136 on: 07-18-2007 04:44 »

James L. Brooks said in an interview that about 70% of the footage from the first major trailer is no longer in the movie, but I'm pretty sure some of it is genuine.

« Reply #137 on: 07-18-2007 10:13 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk:
 Actually they put the worst bits in the trailer. All of the worst slapstick jokes which appeal to a wider audience and are easy to understand and much easier to use out of context in the trailer. Expect much better jokes in the movie itslef. I have already seen a few scenes and the jokes are much better than in the trailer...
Wow, really? So I laughed at some really crappy jokes? Oh well, at least I wasn't the only one in the entire cinema.

Urban Legend
« Reply #138 on: 07-19-2007 20:35 »

It's just been revealed that "The Haw Hawed Couple" was nominated for an emmy, I personally think it was a good episode, but 24 Minutes and Springfield Up were better episodes

Urban Legend
« Reply #139 on: 07-19-2007 23:54 »

Originally posted by DrThunder88:
In the onslaught of Simpsons Movie hype, I came across this.  I'm aware of AOL's head-up-the-assness, but how did they come up with that list?  The only spots they got right were #1 and #2.

I might've made Albert Brooks #3, because Hank Scorpio is/was awesome.

James Taylor?! I don't even remember some of these appearances. It seems, generally, that the better episodes are those without celebrity guests, or at least without celebrities playing themselves.

« Reply #140 on: 07-20-2007 08:21 »

Originally posted by tyraniak:
It's just been revealed that "The Haw Hawed Couple" was nominated for an emmy, I personally think it was a good episode, but 24 Minutes and Springfield Up were better episodes
The Haw Hawed couple? Seriously? I thought that episode was terrible...


Space Pope
« Reply #141 on: 07-20-2007 13:21 »

Originally posted by Mr.MastodonFarm:  James Taylor?! I don't even remember some of these appearances. It seems, generally, that the better episodes are those without celebrity guests, or at least without celebrities playing themselves.

James Taylor was in the really funny episode (I can't remember the title) where Homer loses out for "Employee of the month" to an inantimate carbon rod.  NASA, at the same time, is looking for a way to spice up the coverage of their space launches, and happen to view an episode of "Married with Children" where Al flushes a toilet; they come up with the idea of having a "blue collar slob" as an astronaut to boost ratings.  At the same time, Homer calls NASA from Moes, to complain he can't find any tang; a toilet flushes in the background.  Homer & Barney end up competing for the NASA job & Barney wins (they have a celebratory glass of champagne; Barney sips some, yells "IT BEGINS!" and instantly turns into a total lush.  The NASA guy turns to his co-worker and says "I don't understand it, it's non-alcoholic champagne" ).  Very funny episode...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #142 on: 07-21-2007 03:39 »

Originally posted by Mr.MastodonFarm:
 I might've made Albert Brooks #3, because Hank Scorpio is/was awesome.

James Taylor?! I don't even remember some of these appearances. It seems, generally, that the better episodes are those without celebrity guests, or at least without celebrities playing themselves.

I still don't know who John Waters is, let alone why he's #3.  That episode he guest starred in was weak too, so I don't know why he's even on the list.  And Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger?  Could they have picked more unimportant, uninspired performances from worthless, throwaway episodes? 

Why is James Earl Jones on the bottom of the list?  Did they not see the very first Treehouse of Horror?  That was the best poetry reading I think I've ever seen (the other two characters were funny too).  As much as I sympathize about Scorpio, I'd give #3 props to Jones.

Speaking of deep-voiced celebrities, what's Johnny Cash doing under Cypress Hill et al?  Not many aging, country singers can pull off a space coyote so convincingly.  Also, Danny DeVito beaten by (among others) Sweet Baby James?  This list must've been put together by baby boomers so high on Prozac they were crapping out Cat Stephens.

It'd be him, Michael Jackson or Dustin Hoffman.  As weird as Jackson is now, he was still quite relevant in 1991.  Hoffman gave a great performance in a one of the most touching episodes in the entire series.  Same with Glenn Close, for that matter.

I'd also rank Leonard Nimoy much higher than #12.  He was certainly the best celebrity that played himself.  Second in that category would be Mel Gibson.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #143 on: 07-21-2007 06:58 »

I just booked my ticket to see the movie on Wednesday
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #144 on: 07-21-2007 08:12 »

I'm seeing it on Wednesday too, but I'm not booking, I'll save myself the booking fee thanx!...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #145 on: 07-22-2007 19:16 »

The first few reviews are in for The Simpsons Movie. IMDb page (just because it has a high rating doesn't mean it's that good, it's probably just some crazed fanboys)  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462538/

Most of the reviews are great for this movie which has put my hopes up even further.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462538/usercomments

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #146 on: 07-22-2007 20:37 »

Bart gets pantsed by principal Skinner.

Starship Captain
« Reply #147 on: 07-23-2007 04:12 »

im actually looking forward to this film especially since almost all of the original writers returned to help pen the script. which is just amazing. i mean they got conan back conan how weird and great is that

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #148 on: 07-23-2007 18:49 »

Oh dear


Urban Legend
« Reply #149 on: 07-23-2007 18:57 »

Good Lord...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #150 on: 07-23-2007 19:36 »

Sorry I can't help myself

Space Pope
« Reply #151 on: 07-23-2007 20:57 »

Is your new friend Gary Glitter?
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #152 on: 07-23-2007 21:07 »

I think the star of this movie won't be Homer, it will be Plopper the pig! Harry Plopper the Spider Pig!  :laff:...

Urban Legend
« Reply #153 on: 07-23-2007 21:08 »

Juliet, I think you really have a problem. Is there anything that doesn't turn you on?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #154 on: 07-24-2007 06:15 »

hehhe I am sorry about my problem ok beck to the subject
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #155 on: 07-24-2007 12:17 »

Originally posted by Juliet:
hehhe I am sorry about my problem ok beck to the subject

I'll get my becktionary...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #156 on: 07-24-2007 17:50 »


Starship Captain
« Reply #157 on: 07-24-2007 21:46 »
« Last Edit on: 07-24-2007 21:46 »

so you enjoy the nude bart on a skateboard. is that so wrong i myself find Amanda Bynes attractive and she aint attractive

Space Pope
« Reply #158 on: 07-24-2007 22:26 »

I beg to differ; I think she's babealicious...

Starship Captain
« Reply #159 on: 07-25-2007 01:51 »

eh dont like her kind of a bobble head creeps me out a bit but to each his own
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