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Author Topic: Sugar Rush  (Read 1219 times)
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Dave B

Urban Legend
« on: 08-24-2006 14:42 »

Who else has watched this show on Channel 4, I have watched each episode religiously through Season 1 and 2 and I love it. Its a real to life show about the seedy side of Brighton with the main character Kim going through many different crisis's and has been great fun to watch. Season 2 has just finished and I have bought the DVD's of it and am awaiting Season 3 with anticipation  :D!!!

So who else watches Sugar Rush and what do you think???  :)   :confused:   :)
Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 08-24-2006 15:51 »

Dave B, I've seen those advertisements before the water-shed, its seems like a very...erm...stimulating program, my girlfriend watches it alot and I don't like the effect it has on her.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 08-24-2006 16:58 »

I like it and I thought it was good.

« Reply #3 on: 08-24-2006 18:36 »

It's very well written, well acted and thoughtful. Only problem is that I came in halfway through the series 1 reruns and can't really get into it now.  I like the way that the characters have more depth than you might think - Sugar being case in point. It makes it a bit more watchable than The L Word, although that has higher production values, it's too shallow for my liking.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #4 on: 08-25-2006 08:58 »

I'm a little annoyed as I have missed practically all of season 2 due to work. Shite.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #5 on: 08-25-2006 10:32 »

I managed to watch all of 2 episodes and really liked it, shame I hadn't seen it before at all.....
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 09-02-2006 17:17 »
« Last Edit on: 09-02-2006 17:17 »

@ dawoodz- Whats wrong with that   :flirt:   :flirt:   :flirt: 

@ Juliet- Me too   :D

@ Sil- I completely agree the characters relationships are very complex and in depth which you as the viewer can relate to and so feel for the characters which makes you want to watch how they cope with their problems, actions etc, like for example the relationship between Kim and Sugar is an unbreakable friendship which even major upsets can't break and Kim and her girlfriend have very touchy subject which they have overcome through the show! Its great!!!   :D

@ Bean- Its a really great show, Bean you should get back into it, all you need to know is that Kim has a girlfriend she is very close to, Sugar has realised she doesn't want to be treated like rubbish with all of her boyfriends, Kim's brother is getting stranger (Crossdressing... lol) and Kims mum and dad have started going out swinging which Kim's dad is  still quite reluctant

@ mookie427- You can still get into it mate and you should as it is a show you can really like to watch if you start watching from quite any point and I think you can pick up the story quite fast, so do it, I greatly recommend   ;)
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