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Author Topic: Heroes  (Read 32862 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #440 on: 10-16-2008 11:56 »
« Last Edit on: 10-16-2008 12:03 »

I just seen it!!!! Wow full of surprising scenes!  OH MY GOD WHY HIRO WHY!

I fucking new it's Peter's dad playing with people's mind. I am loving Sylar even more but I still think Hiro the cutest.

I hate bad Peter and Mohinder  creeps me out

« Reply #441 on: 10-16-2008 16:04 »

I think the show needs more awesome. Noah used to be awesome.

Urban Legend
« Reply #442 on: 10-21-2008 08:03 »

better episode.  I think Matt was a little too forward.  And Peter was an idiot.  Whatever happened to the flying kid?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #443 on: 10-21-2008 08:48 »

he sucked so they dropped him.


« Reply #444 on: 10-21-2008 11:53 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #445 on: 10-21-2008 23:10 »

Good Episode. I hate Peter and Syler is getting really good. That puppet master fucking creeps me out.


Urban Legend
« Reply #446 on: 10-21-2008 23:24 »



commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #447 on: 10-22-2008 03:49 »

Peter is just generally annoying.. when he's bashing up Sylar shouting something so schoolyard like "I"M THE MOST SPECIAL"... yeahh, here's a wowwypop..

I hope he cops alot of shit just for saying that line!

And Daddy Petrelli! :o Have we ever seen him before? No?

Oh, and who did Mum Petrelli see just before she was "frozen" in time, that was so shocked to see? Was that him? or was that someone else - I couldn't quite distinguish if that was someone new or not.

Urban Legend
« Reply #448 on: 10-22-2008 15:33 »

I'm pretty sure it was him she saw in her dream as they zoomed in on his ring in the dream and then when he was revealed in his bed.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #449 on: 10-22-2008 18:28 »

She saw Petrelli Prime blow up the world.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #450 on: 10-22-2008 18:40 »

So petrelli prime has just absorbed all of peters abilities - including, presumably, sylars? I expected the whole "Peter is the new Sylar" thing to last longer than a few episodes frankly.

Urban Legend
« Reply #451 on: 10-22-2008 18:51 »

Well he gets his powers back.  He could still be the new Sylar. 

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #452 on: 10-28-2008 10:53 »

Ohhh I SO knew Daphne was going to be playing double agent when we first saw her with Parkman!!!

Well now Daddy Petrelli and Sylar essentially have the same powers, right?

What will happen to Elle?

Mohinder is consistantly dumb. But how, after flying through the skylight, did he come to be at Pinehurst? Oh wait, he got a business card didn't he... nevermind.. so he does know where he is, even though he says he doesn't. Blahhh.

So, do you think we'll see Maya again? She's been given a USA passport and cash... byebye!

Sylar's nose-hose thingy... he jsut snaps it out, whereas last time he (or was it Peter?) draws it out with the most disgusting moist noise that seemed to go on forever. Consistancy please!

"Somewhere in Africa" still looks like somewhere in Nevada to me, everytime.

It just seems Hiro is SO out of the other tangled story line which is moving forward in leaps and bounds.. he's still babbling on about heroes and enemies and fighting crime! or something. When will he come interact with the other serious characters?

« Reply #453 on: 10-28-2008 18:26 »

I think daddy petrelli has more powers than Sylar, Ninaka.
I don't know what will happen to Elle, since Arthur probably has her skill already.

I think Hiro is the only one who wants to be a traditional superhero, which I enjoy, and I don't think he should stop. You go Hiro!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #454 on: 10-28-2008 19:00 »

Yay!  Somebody's dead dead!  Also, hopefully that's the last we see of Maya.  Keep it up and they'll have solved the "too many freaking characters and storylines" problem in no time!

And can Petrelli Prime take Elle's power?  He already has it by way of Peter.

Urban Legend
« Reply #455 on: 10-28-2008 20:09 »
« Last Edit on: 10-28-2008 20:11 »

It's really creepy that Parkman wants to put his penis in that fast girl and make a baby. You're old enough to be her father...

Okay, a quick imdb check shows that she's older than I thought (27), but it's still creepy!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #456 on: 10-29-2008 01:42 »

Holy shit!  Did you see that one that just happened?

Urban Legend
« Reply #457 on: 10-29-2008 02:17 »

Yay!  Somebody's dead dead!  Also, hopefully that's the last we see of Maya.  Keep it up and they'll have solved the "too many freaking characters and storylines" problem in no time!

And can Petrelli Prime take Elle's power?  He already has it by way of Peter.

Wait, did some one die other than

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #458 on: 10-29-2008 02:24 »

Yay!  Somebody's dead dead!  Also, hopefully that's the last we see of Maya.  Keep it up and they'll have solved the "too many freaking characters and storylines" problem in no time!

And can Petrelli Prime take Elle's power?  He already has it by way of Peter.

Wait, did some one die other than

David A

Space Pope
« Reply #459 on: 10-29-2008 05:47 »

I think daddy petrelli has more powers than Sylar, Ninaka.

Yeah, if he has all of Peter's powers then he has quite a few that Sylar doesn't, including but not limited to:
  • Nathan's flight
  • Matt's telepathy
  • Niki's super strength
  • DL's phasing
  • Claude's invisibility
  • Elle's electrical powers
  • Hiro's teleportation and time travel (uh-oh)
Not to mention that Peter could have had access to any or all of Sylar's powers in addition to the ones Sylar doesn't have.

I think Hiro is the only one who wants to be a traditional superhero, which I enjoy, and I don't think he should stop. You go Hiro!

Also Matt, kinda.  He's a cop, and he wants to use his powers to help people and stop criminals.  Sounds pretty superheroic to me.  :shrug:

Yay!  Somebody's dead dead!

I wouldn't bet money on that.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #460 on: 10-29-2008 10:35 »

Yay!  Somebody's dead dead!

I wouldn't bet money on that.

I think he meant that about the faking out stuff.

But whoa if you're right. I did quietly suspect it when they showed Matt's Dad on the ground... i thought there's no real proof he's fully dead right now...

« Reply #461 on: 10-29-2008 13:26 »

He would probably need some time to plan it, if he was to fake his own death. I don't think he saw it coming.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #462 on: 10-29-2008 15:22 »

:shrug:  I'm not saying that he isn't dead; I'm just saying that if they wanted to bring him back, it would be easy to explain.  They've brought other characters back from apparent death before, with less plausible explanations.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #463 on: 10-29-2008 17:38 »

Matt didn't have any time to plan it and matt is a lot less experienced with his power than his dad. Parkman Prime will be back, just like Petrelli Prime is back.

The hiro line is getting irritating too at points, though he's still my favorite character. I mean, he hardly ever uses his power even when it seems he should, then the new painter "tests" him on the grounds that he's over-dependent on his power - wtf, has he been watching, Hiro if anything severely underuses his power, particularly the freeze time bit. Psychic or not, you don't get the jump on hiro when time is standing still, right? Then after he passes the "test" to make him not use his power, the new isaac immediately goes on to argue with hiro that he must time travel, despite his own self-imposed restriction on doing so... what happened to "too dependent on your powers?" 

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #464 on: 10-29-2008 23:40 »

That's what Parkman's dad will stay dead... the writers for this show are legally retarded... they wouldn't be smart enough to write a plausible explanation for bringing him back to life like that.... even when they already foreshadowed it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #465 on: 10-30-2008 00:38 »

Fucking Adam Monroe...

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #466 on: 10-31-2008 03:14 »

Hiro shovelled was great, I like that spirit guide guy, he seems cooler than Mendez.

Matt is obviously going to read Daphnes betrayal eventually, no speedy sex for you buddy.

And the puppet master, the first thing he thinks of when he has three (two hot ones, and related no doubt) women under his control is russian roulette?!
Man I'd be registering SteamySuperHeroIncestShowers. com before he could control Claires fake mom to press record on the camera!

Urban Legend
« Reply #467 on: 10-31-2008 03:49 »

Hell yeah. *Claire's mom shoves Claire's head into her crotch while shouting, "Return from whence you came!"*  I like the way you think, Irish guy.

Space Pope
« Reply #468 on: 10-31-2008 12:57 »

Have they made a breakfast cereal based on this show yet?

Everybody knows that that's the only true measure of a hero. :hmpf:
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #469 on: 10-31-2008 17:17 »

Hiro-Os!  They come with a special prize inside:


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #470 on: 10-31-2008 20:05 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #471 on: 11-02-2008 00:01 »

hehehe Faze!

« Reply #472 on: 11-02-2008 02:36 »

There was also Linder-Bran, but they stopped producing it.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #473 on: 11-04-2008 21:54 »

2 Heroes producer/writers fired. :/

Poor Jeph Loeb, he wrote lots of great comics, maybe writing for TV shows is different.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #474 on: 11-11-2008 12:41 »

Running commentary for 3x08 - warning: may contain traces of spoilers!

Okay whoa, opening credits... "VILLAINS"!!! Niiiice..........

ooh flashbacks.. okay, I need to start writing things down in a timeline... anyway, Linderman and Petrellis, i like this piece of history about who was ramming him down in the car way back when!

Daddy Petrelli looks stupid in a buttoned up polo shirt. /rant

All this flashbacking, and spying, makes me wonder how many loopholes there are or bits I really should rewatch from earlier seasons. Nah, too lazy.

Oh, and EW at Sylar Mr Gray being all dorky and smiley. No. I don't like. Does not compute (especially in the token dorkwear plaid and sweater??)

Heh that's unexpected. Lindeman trying to do something good? And help Angela Petrelli? Cool.... ok so Daddy Petrelli is most definitely the big bad.

oOhh aahhh fires, mommy, claire, all linked ya ya... ALL A LITTLE CONVENIENT.

hahahah The Haitian! Yay!
OOH the soup! hurr hurr......!! Uhhh so Angela is a baddie (yea we find that out in the present "future" but still.. badder than Daddy Petrelli? Ooh!)

... incinerator!! gosh... oh okay, here we go...

Did she bribe the doctor?
AHA! BRAIN POWERS... Sneaaaaky...

USUTU!!!!!!! wtf?! Oh shit, Hiro!!!!

FINALLY Hiro/Ando join the rest of the show!!
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #475 on: 11-11-2008 21:02 »

Quick, Hiro, stop time!  That still beats every other power!

All this flashbacking, and spying, makes me wonder how many loopholes there are or bits I really should rewatch from earlier seasons. Nah, too lazy.

It makes me wonder how much of this stuff was actually planned this way back in season one.  Actually, it doesn't; I'm pretty sure the answer lies somewhere between very little and none of it.

Oh, and EW at Sylar Mr Gray being all dorky and smiley. No. I don't like. Does not compute (especially in the token dorkwear plaid and sweater??)

I really don't like the whole "Sylar would be a nice guy if it wasn't for his addiction to murder" thing that they've been doing this season.  It looks like they're trying to set things up so that he can do a heel face turn so we can have the whole "season one's villain is now our new ally" thing.  DO NOT WANT.

Lindeman trying to do something good? And help Angela Petrelli?

He probably just wanted to get into her pants.

oOhh aahhh fires, mommy, claire, all linked ya ya... ALL A LITTLE CONVENIENT.

Yeah, nothing ever happens by accident, or is caused by someone who doesn't have powers or work for the company.

Also, fire guy is Meredith's brother?  That's original.  So when are they going to reveal that Claire is one of Adam's descendents, or that West is Nathan's other love child?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #476 on: 11-11-2008 21:04 »

Season One Sylar >>>>> Season Two Sylar >>>>>>>>>>> Season Three Sylar (Or as I like to call him, PanSylar)

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #477 on: 11-12-2008 22:42 »

Nix: if yer not willing to accept that every character is whoever the writers say he is independent of who he may have been yesterday, I don't know why you bother watching anymore...:)

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #478 on: 11-12-2008 23:47 »

I kept saying "Wat?" during that episode.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #479 on: 11-13-2008 01:10 »

Just watched it on BBC3 and it was really good with the flashbacks and stuff.

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