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Author Topic: Heroes  (Read 32817 times)
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Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #280 on: 10-30-2007 19:31 »
« Last Edit on: 10-30-2007 19:31 »

Kryten: Ooooh yeah... d'oh! :smacks forehead:

Birfday clown: It's probably not their fault most of the time, just some jackass director saying "That was great, but could you do it again? And this time, a little blacker?" You see the same thing with adult black actors sometimes. If I were a black actor, I'd play dumb on any request like that from a director. "What do you mean? More morbid?" Of course, I'd probably wind up fired. Great world, ain't it?

edit: hmm. Off-topic totp's are no good. Gotta fix that...

Hiro rocks. They'd better not half-ass the impending duel between Hiro and Kensei the way they did the one between Peter and Sylar last season though.

Sylar without powers is a bit boring, but Stlar trying to corrupt the innocent is somewhat entertaining.

Our little assassin-in-training is awesome, and I'm glad they seem to have limited her power to immitating any physical action; we didn't need a third peter/sylar.

HRG does come across as a badass, though without the Haitian backing him up, I think he'd just be another archetypical amoral agent. The Haitian is the awesome one

Claire has once again lowered the bar for teenage girls on TV by becoming a moron just because a cute guy who treated her like shit when they first met started being nice and asked her to do something incredibly stupid. Oh, wait, that already was the bar for teenage girls on TV.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #281 on: 11-01-2007 12:47 »

Originally posted by Gopher:
The little plan West talked Claire into... epicly stupid. Supremely stupid. Even by teenager standards, it was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen a character do. I mean, for fuck's sake, there are better ways to humiliate someone without using any supernatural abilities, people have been doing it for centuries.

It was stupid of Claire to go along with it.  For West it wasn't stupid; it was just another step in his plan to turn Claire evil.  First he has her lying to her father and now this.  He's gradually seducing her to the dark side.

Originally posted by i_c_wayner:
At least the Peter and Maya/Alejandro stories are finally getting somewhere. I'm actually a little interesting in the latter due to Sylar's presence. Probably wouldn't be as interesting without him.

Absolutely.  Girl with uncontrollable deadly power but her twin brother can counteract it?  Yawn.  Gullible girl with uncontrollable deadly power who believes that Sylar is a nice man who just wants to help her?  Now we're getting somewhere.

More stuff posted by Gopher:
Birfday clown: It's probably not their fault most of the time, just some jackass director saying "That was great, but could you do it again? And this time, a little blacker?"

But why else would they even cast black actors if they're not going to "act black" (whatever that means)?  They could have just as easily given Micah a set of white cousins on his mother's side of the family.  Then Veronica Mars could have been Sharingan girl and someone else could be evil Lightning Lass.

Of course, we wouldn't have Nichelle Nichols on the show then, but she hasn't really done anything so far besides stand around and be Trekkie fanservice anyway.

Hiro rocks. They'd better not half-ass the impending duel between Hiro and Kensei the way they did the one between Peter and Sylar last season though.

I dunno.  Unless Hiro decides not to use his powers for some reason, I can't really see there being much of a duel at all.  Hiro can't really kill Kensei, because he'll just regenerate; but there's just no way that Kensei could beat Hiro, unless he sucker punches him again or something.

Claire has once again lowered the bar for teenage girls on TV by becoming a moron just because a cute guy who treated her like shit when they first met started being nice and asked her to do something incredibly stupid. Oh, wait, that already was the bar for teenage girls on TV.

And not just on TV.

Space Pope
« Reply #282 on: 11-05-2007 22:04 »



More when my mind's done being blown.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #283 on: 11-05-2007 22:24 »

On Kensei:

On Hiro:

On MIA Heroes:

On West:

On Maury:

In a way, after they revealed who Adam was, I felt like they should've cut the episode off right there, don't have any post-credits "in next week's episode" thingies, and go to the next show. It felt like having the "in next week's episode" thing took away from the shock/awe of finding out his identity (although, like I said earlier, I called his identity a mile away). This was one of the better episodes of the season.

Space Pope
« Reply #284 on: 11-05-2007 22:42 »

Okay, now that I'm sane... my thoughts:

It finally feels like stuff is starting to come together. Next week's flasback should fill in the gaps.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #285 on: 11-06-2007 10:58 »

The virus...

On hiro, I agree with ic.

Adam Monroe genuinely surprised me, though in retrospect I'm surprised it hadn't even occurred to me. Regardless, I approve.

I assume at this point that Hiro's dad knew hiro's future (past?) since he was a kid, maybe before he was even born.

Anyone else irritated at the soapy aftertaste this season more than last? I mean, they basicly hit the reset buttons on so many characters this season. Sylar's powers, Peter's confidence, HRG's humanity...

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #286 on: 11-06-2007 11:58 »

I don't think Hiro's father had any idea.  In the first season he tells Hiro straight up that the boy had been a disappointment up until he went on his Hiro's Quest.

Urban Legend
« Reply #287 on: 11-06-2007 12:49 »

Good episode although I had a feeling about the Adam thing

Anyway good episode and I hope there will not be too many delays due to the strike.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #288 on: 11-06-2007 20:18 »

Yeah, but why is everything so purple?

I think they used up too many of the future paintings already.  :(

Space Pope
« Reply #289 on: 11-06-2007 21:58 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
Yeah, but why is everything so purple?

So it was Nibbler all along! That means... Hiro is his own great-great-great^n-grandpa!


Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #290 on: 11-06-2007 22:42 »

winna: Exactly. His dad, along with the rest, came up with the plan to change the future (the one Peter just saw), which meant crushing Hiro's spirit. For years he thought he'd succeeded, but when Hiro finally stood up to him, he had a change of heart and decided to support his son instead. Duh.

Ok, it's just a theory, and perhaps a rather unlikely one, but I like it.  :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #291 on: 11-07-2007 01:38 »

Watching it right now. Does anyone else hate when shows or movies show a newspaper article and the story has nothing to do with the article? You can't get one of your writers to make up something? You're fucking writers, you lazy fucks.

Space Pope
« Reply #292 on: 11-07-2007 01:53 »
« Last Edit on: 11-07-2007 01:53 »

I'm sure their reasoning is "It's not like some geek is actually going to pause the show and maginfy the screen so s/he can read it."

Urban Legend
« Reply #293 on: 11-07-2007 02:15 »
« Last Edit on: 11-07-2007 02:15 »

Pfft. They clearly have no respect for newspapers. Godless bastards.
Also, Nathan reads the headline "Snow Falls in Miami" as "Snow Falls on Miami."
*giggles and snorts* I hope someone got fired over that blunder!

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #294 on: 11-07-2007 08:30 »


note to self: never accept a job working for BirthdayClown

oh, re:west...

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #295 on: 11-07-2007 15:16 »

First off Gopher... the group of the old people mutants (as I will refer to them... or by the acronym GotOPM [pronounced Got "Oh Pee Emmm"]) did not foresee the future that Peter saw.  They foresaw a future in which they would rule the world and make it a better place under their benevolent hand, but that failed because Peter and Nathan stopped their plan after they found the painter who showed them their opportunity.

Anyways... West isn't evil... it's just a stupid teenage love story.  Also, the teenagers in the show pretty much act like real teenagers, overreacting and whatnot.  We all know most kids are stupid, why should the television children be excluded?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #296 on: 11-08-2007 13:30 »

West is evil dammit!

:sticks fingers in ears:


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #297 on: 11-08-2007 14:07 »

That's why he acts like a normal retarded teenager along with claire.... it's so obvious!

Urban Legend
« Reply #298 on: 11-08-2007 20:19 »

He needs to make sweet love to her and dump her already.

Space Pope
« Reply #299 on: 11-08-2007 20:25 »

Then turn good again, and leave the show to star in his own lame spin-off series..

Space Pope
« Reply #300 on: 11-08-2007 21:30 »

Which will hopefully not last five seasons, 'cause I don't think I could stand even one.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #301 on: 11-12-2007 22:09 »

This episode only confirmed my suspicions...

Urban Legend
« Reply #302 on: 11-13-2007 00:31 »

Elle Veronica Kristen Mars Bell.   :love:

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #303 on: 11-13-2007 09:56 »

Yes, Adam doesn't seem to be the killer, leaving only one suspect - WEST! West is EVIL! EEEEE-VIIILLL!!

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #304 on: 11-13-2007 17:39 »

Peter gets free room and board, drugs, and teh kinky electro-sex hookup with crazy baps Bell, and he LEAVES?!?!

Jumped the shark, right there, if that was me I'd say screw the world and do her right up until it kerploded in my face.

Space Pope
« Reply #305 on: 11-14-2007 01:55 »

Eh... she's cute and all, but she's just not worth the third-degree burns in tender places.

In related news, in this week's EW, Tim Kring admits "Yeah, we fucked the season up."

Urban Legend
« Reply #306 on: 11-14-2007 02:14 »

How so?

Space Pope
« Reply #307 on: 11-14-2007 02:57 »

Well, he admitted that a) they should have brought Hiro home sooner, b) they never gave us a good reason to care about the Mascara Twins, the Peter-in-Ireland plot never really got going...

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #308 on: 11-14-2007 13:38 »

That was Oirland, Ireland isn't like that at all, that's where they boned themselves in the foot...

Wait... what?
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #309 on: 11-15-2007 02:25 »

Originally posted by i_c_wayner:
Where the hell's Claude?!

Doing what he does best: hiding.

Originally posted by Gopher:
Not sure if it was just bad writing or part of an evil plot to test or even spread the virus.

I'm pretty sure that everything that Bob's been doing since he brought Mohinder into the company has been part of an evil plot to test or even spread the virus.

Anyone else irritated at the soapy aftertaste this season more than last? I mean, they basicly hit the reset buttons on so many characters this season. Sylar's powers, Peter's confidence, HRG's humanity...

Doesn't really bother me.  I'm really just here for Hiro anyway.

Originally posted by wu_konguk:
One thing I am curious about is Caitlin. Since she is stuck I the future, what would happen if the future is changed? would she return to teh present since that future no longer exists or vanish with it?

She'll be fine, at least according to Doc Brown.

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
I think they used up too many of the future paintings already.   :(

They can always find more.

Originally posted by i_c_wayner:
For me, it confirmed that Adam is not evil.

The fact that the company is evil doesn't make Adam any less evil.  I don't think he's the killer, but remember that he promised to bring suffering to all that Hiro holds dear for as long as he lives.  Sounds pretty evil to me.

That said, I suspect that Hiro will still try to redeem him when they meet again.

Also, what the fuck with D.L.? First you bring him back from being shot, then you shoot him again!

Yeah, that didn't make a lot of sense.  Perhaps there's still more to be revealed about that.

Starship Captain
« Reply #310 on: 11-16-2007 07:15 »

Possibly the worst episode of season 2. Only good thing that can be said and also bad was that it didn't focus on many stories so we got plenty of Peter and to a lesser extent Niki. Yes and of course the fucking awful Alejandro and Maja story which many have also stated their dismay on. I think Micahs cousin is also pretty uninteresting also, IMO. D.L's death was a  fucking stupid way to go out. I'm sure even the casual viewer could make inference on Peter/ Nathans survival. Gratuitous episode. Whats worse was that my hopes were really high for it and I was hoping to see Parkman but at the same time happy because he could get more focus in another potential four months episode. Flashing four months forward was ridiculous in itself. There was no point in even doing it rather than raising the hopes of a bunch of fans for a much awaited episode then dropping them.


Space Pope
« Reply #311 on: 11-20-2007 02:16 »


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #312 on: 11-24-2007 13:13 »

I recognize David Anders lips anywhere, from watching too much Alias, so I knew before Hiro did, about 30 seconds before but still, I can time travel better than him... sorta!  :p

Noah: Holy sh...  :love:

Urban Legend
« Reply #313 on: 11-26-2007 08:37 »

Now gimme a pic of her legs in that scene.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #314 on: 11-26-2007 08:48 »

No.  You'll get clownjuice all over the monitor again.

Space Pope
« Reply #315 on: 11-26-2007 11:42 »

Ewww.... it's fresh-squeezed, too. Isn't it. *shudder*

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #316 on: 11-26-2007 16:58 »

Forgot to post this in here. At the end of this blog is some set photos from the last episode of the cast with Slusho cups.

Urban Legend
« Reply #317 on: 11-26-2007 17:05 »

Honk honk.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #318 on: 11-27-2007 09:01 »

I think Sylar and Maya's relationship is THE most realistic romance I've ever seen on TV. I'm not kidding.

Urban Legend
« Reply #319 on: 11-30-2007 15:56 »

Somewhat interesting episode, although I could not figure out if the woman that Adam and Peter went to meet had a power or not (I thought all the people in the photo where meant to have a power).

I was also curious if there was significance to the virus number, that being 138.
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