

Gundam Wing, I miss it.

I'm happy with it being on comedy central, but Drawn Together would be nice to see a little more often.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Wholeheartedly agree with Invader Zim, although I wouldnt mind seeing some old cartoons like The Tick, Rocko's Modern Life, and Ren and Stimpy on there...


I liked the "Angry Beavers" but I can't see it being on [adult swim].

DOOP Secretary

Other old Nick cartoons would be good, but that's why my Comcast Digital Cable comes with Nicktoons network. I can watch them any day. Plus, I bought the Invader Zim DVDs, but I love watching them on TV, much like Futurama on TV rather than just a DVD.

DOOP Secretary

Arrested Development. Okay, so it's not a cartoon, but it's smart, Fox totally screwed it over (like with a few of the AS shows) the humour fits in with a lot of shows on Adult Swim, and Cartoon Network have shown support for it before.
David A

Space Pope
Originally posted by homerjaysimpson: I think they're going to start showing Pee-wee Herman on there or something. Yeah, but Pee-wee's like a live-action cartoon character. Heck, Toon Disney shows Power Rangers. I guess some live-action shows make sense on Cartoon Network. Originally posted by Spawn_3005: I have Nicktoons Network. Although the channel on my digital cable is often screwed up. You should really talk to your cable provider about that. You shouldn't have to pay full price for a channel that isn't coming in clearly.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

I wouldnt mind seeing some "Happy Tree Friends & Friends" on [as]...
Pedro La Loco

Bending Unit
Rocko's Modern Life should be shown with new episodes Ren and Stimpy is already got new eps on SpikeTV Angry Beavers was good but aint [Adult Swim] Matrial Invader Zimmight work if they changed it a little No live action should be on [Adult Swim]Not only was saved by the bell Live Action IT HAD A G RATING Aqua Teen should continue to air with more new episodes Mission HillShould get new episodes on [Adult Swim] and of course...Futurama Should Get new Episodes on [Adult Swim] For more on saving futurama go to this page: http://h1.ripway.com/futurama

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #34 on: 06-18-2006 00:23 »
« Last Edit on: 06-18-2006 00:23 »
Originally posted by Kryten: They've been showing Zim on MTV2, if anyone's interested. really? I never even turn to MTV2, well frankly cause its crap. I put it on for headbangers ball and thats it. But now i will have to force myself to see whats on every now and then. oh yea, I watch sucka free sundays too. up yours everyone ------------------ I drank some boiling water because I wanted to whistle.
-Mitch Hedberg

Bending Unit
« Reply #39 on: 06-19-2006 01:17 »
« Last Edit on: 06-19-2006 01:17 »
Originally posted by David A: Wouldn't "Classic Adult Swim" be all anime, since that's what Adult Swim used to be? I guess that they already have that on Saturdays. I hate anime. So there. Originally posted by Kryten: Actually, Cowboy Bebop was, for a long time, the only anime on AS. Well, there you have it David A. Originally posted by Punching Bag: Sealab is the worst fucking show ever to air on television. Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Harvey Birdman are unwatchable. You know. The more you talk, the more I hate you. Anyone remember This Just In? Or whatever it was called. It was a short lived show on Spike TV. Is it just me, or does it seem like none of their animation shows last? Gary the Rat, Stripperella, This Just In and Ren & Stimpy 'Adult Party Cartoon'. Hopefully Howard Stern: The High School Years does better. I just found out, that Michael Cera (George Michael on Arrested Development) will be playing Howard Stern. KurtPikachu2001: Greg the Bunny and The PJ'sNixorbo: Invader ZimKryten: Excel SagaLayZ341: Gundam WingCrapBag: Home Moviesmistershow: Drawn TogetherNasty Pasty: The Tick, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Happy Tree Friends & Friendsnewhook_1: Clone HighDavid A: Outlaw Star and Tenchi MuyoBeamer: Arrested DevelopmentPedro La Loco: Mission Hill and FuturamaFryman28b: Celebrity DeathmatchSpawn_3005: This Just InIf you're asking why I did this. ^^^ There is no reason, other than it's 1:40am and I'm bored. And I can't sleep. Also, is Happy Tree Friends & Friends an actual show? ------------------ MySpace