
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #95 on: 05-17-2009 14:25 »
« Last Edit on: 05-17-2009 14:28 »
Just tuned in at Estonia. Estonia for the win!!!!!
The only one I watched. So I dunno how the others did, but I thought that one was really brilliant. Luckily, it is possible to watch them all again.


Its MYYY time its MYY time
Seriously how is that NOT annoying?
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #100 on: 05-20-2009 04:09 »
« Last Edit on: 05-20-2009 05:01 »
Nah, I never really liked the UK entry that much, seemed the melancholy cousin to that Lithuanian (I think) song a few years back - "We are the win-ners, of Eurovision..."etc, but at least they were taking the piss. Your time for what, UK? Redemption in the eyes of Europe? Fat fucking chance.
But it finished 5th, so I can't complain too much about it. Ultimately I was happy to see it do well (this year it was actually better than some of the others). If this had flopped though I thought we may well give up on Eurovision entirely, "But if we can't win after we had Lord Webber write it and put it through a tacky formulaic talent competition, how can we possibly make a good song?"
Still got really annoyed by the way the build-up and aftermath was reported by the BBC. "Russia (only) won thanks to votes from former Soviet republics" - yes, 12 points from the likes of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, who absolutely adore Russia, don't they!?* And then: "Despite a new voting system, the UK still failed to win" - like the lack of having professional judges was the only thing stopping the UK doing well in the last few years? Cretins.
Anyway, yeah, the UK entry wasn't the worse of them by far. I really liked the Estonian, Icelandic and Portuguese songs - quite liked Malta's, but me and my flatmates were convinced we had heard it sung in a Disney film. I hate to say it, I really didn't think a huge deal about Norway's song at all. Far rather Iceland had won, or at least not have finished not so many hundreds of points behind.
French entry was suitably French... German entry was suitably bizarre, but that's why I loved them - general consensus from the flat was that Dita Von Teese had absolutely nothing to fear from the lead singer...
Swedish singer reminded me of Ulrika Jonsson - the dress looked terrible for the 37€ price tag - looked like she had a family of lemmings glued on and she had to kick them out of the way whenever she moved. And the song was ghastly. I felt Finland's daft but quite liked it in the end. Russia's though made me cringe - really thought they could come up with a better song - it was even more pretentious than ours.
Quite liked Armenia's - everyone else in the flat found them scary though.
/edit - * I realised I made this argument two years ago. Ah, re-reading the thread does wonders...

DOOP Secretary

I think you're taking it far too seriously to be honest. I enjoyed the show, and while the voting was boring and predictable, I still enjoyed the spectical, and the fact that it's Eurovision, it's not supposed to be great. The best act was Moldova, by a country mile, who doesn't just love a Unicycling Oi-band in large pointy hats... ....it's cultural drift, Sunshine, deal with it. 

DOOP Secretary

Go to sunny Baku and reserve a suite in a the yurt, I mean Hilton I feel sorry for Graham Norton and Ken Bruce.
You make it sound as it Baku is some poverty stricken hell-hole; not an a city rich with oil money that is building lots of spectacular skyscrapers.
Zed 85

Space Pope
I actually really enjoyed this year's competition. The vast majority of songs were actually quite good, much better than in previous years. There were some songs that I felt were bad - good God I felt like vomiting after Finland's - and some I really liked - Georgia (Graham saying "if you like that sort of genre" and I guess...well...I do), Bosnia (loved the Balkan folk-musicy feeling) and, of course, Moldova, but most of the songs I felt were perfectly fine - had no problem with them doing well.
But yet again, the top songs are the ones I feel don't deserve it. It always seems that way. WHY? What can you hear in it that I can't. I hear dull flatness, what do you hear?
Azeri song - flat and uninspiring. Swedish - a tune but pretentious and annoying. Italy - really happy they did so well, felt something was missing without Italians being present but the guy's voice I found just too weak. The actual music, the rest of the song, well I could listen to that sort of music all day long. I guess I would have preferred that to win out of the top 3, but I would have preferred many songs that finished much lower down the order...
Scoffing about the winner of Ukraine's Got Talent, Mr Norton? Creating an animated music video, live, in front of millions of people, and out of sand - fuck me that's talent!
So we're off to Baku. Yes, as has been said, it's full of oil money and Western investment, but Amnesty International has actually described the country as a possible candidate for an Arabian Spring - or not as the authorities have apparently clamped down on potential dissent. This is a country where a couple of years ago a few of its citizens dared to vote for the Armenian entry to Eurovision and found themselves brought in for questioning...

DOOP Secretary

Scoffing about the winner of Ukraine's Got Talent, Mr Norton? Creating an animated music video, live, in front of millions of people, and out of sand - fuck me that's talent!
I agree with you on that! That was fucking awesome! Plus that sand painting lady was dressed like a warlock....