DOOP Secretary
Speaking of which, I do enjoy the mans Obi-Wan. I think he tried he best to carry those films .
DOOP Secretary
Yeah, Darth Maul was lame.
DOOP Secretary
"Are you an angel?" I watched a documentry about these star wars movies just yesterday. It was weird watching Kurt Russell audition for the Role of Han Solo... and it was even more strange listening to carrie fisher talk about how worried about her wait she was, particularly when she had to fit into that bikini..
Watching footage with out the sound effects and music was odd. But it doesn't take from the awesomeness of the three originals..
Empire Of Dreams? I almost prefere watching that to the movies now.
DOOP Secretary
But do you like sand?
DOOP Secretary
Palpatine was what kept me watching. Moar Emporer Plz!
Same here. IMO he's really the one that made Ep.III.
DOOP Secretary
Well, It kind of got silly towards the end when Ian regressed into 'cackling Villain sterotype #3567' in an attempt to channel his earlier performance as Emperor Palpatine.
But yeah, Palpatine was still pretty much bad ass. Shame everything was too easy for him.
DOOP Secretary
But yeah, Palpatine was still pretty much bad ass. Shame everything was too easy for him.
That's what makes him badass. The fact that he orchestrated everthing that happened from before TPM and knew how everyone would react to everything he did.
DOOP Secretary
I meant it was kind of lame how easily those 'Jedi Masters' died and how Anakin simply just shrugged and joined the Dark Side. No goddamn effort was made to show how powerful he was because the opposing force was full of wussies.
DOOP Secretary
Unless when it comes to shields or having hyperdrives .
DOOP Secretary
I prefer the King Hell God Emperor Starfighter of DeathMissile Boat.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #666 on: 01-22-2009 14:08 »
« Last Edit on: 01-22-2009 14:12 »
Yeah, but TIE Defenders were the case of the space barn door after the space horse bolted. Hmmm, It'll be 2010 next year and still no sign of the remade X-Wing series. Guess the old LA is well and truly gone. It will be missed .
DOOP Secretary
Hey, remember that IMPS: The Relentless Fanfilm? Chapter 2 is out in november. Here is the trailer. CGI AT-AT!
DOOP Ubersecretary
*bump* For the funny prequels review videos that are going around. (1 of 7, I'm not gonna post them all because you can find them yourself, you're not idiots!) Warning: guy with weird voice.
DOOP Secretary
*bump* For the funny prequels review videos that are going around. (1 of 7, I'm not gonna post them all because you can find them yourself, you're not idiots!)
Warning: guy with weird voice.
I like the hooker in the basement. The "describe this character" segment was particularly damning.
DOOP Secretary
The EU had to prop the cardboard of Qui-Gon up as those interviews showed he might as well have been beardy Jedi dude :/.
DOOP Secretary
His review of Star Trek Generations was pretty funny too, but Episode I's was better.
DOOP Secretary
Hey, what happened to that proper live Star Wars TV series? I've heard jack squat about it.
DOOP Secretary
It's happening. Just not very quickly. It's supposed to start filming this year, but it was supposed to start filming in 2007 too...