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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #400 on: 09-17-2008 14:18 »

I missed that, what was that all about anyways?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #401 on: 09-17-2008 14:22 »
« Last Edit on: 09-17-2008 14:24 »

Wiki it, it's not linking right for me.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #402 on: 09-17-2008 14:43 »

You know what's fun?  Giving wookies flying lessons.

Also, one of the achievements is called "Worst dy-shift supervisor ever."  You get it for killing 12 stormtroopers as Vader in the prologue.  I loled.

So, in short, I am rather enjoying Force Unleashed so far.

Bending Unit
« Reply #403 on: 09-19-2008 04:30 »
« Last Edit on: 09-19-2008 04:32 »

KotOR 1 & 2 were good games, to bad they never made a third installment...I really enjoyed those games.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #404 on: 09-22-2008 12:43 »

The friggin manual weighs about 1kg!

While mini Chewie waits around for his torso, Leia gives Obi-Wan an ultimatum, her hair or his life.

Bags n' bags.

Vader lives! Stormtroopers storm out! (lol)

I'm up to page 29... of 260, this thing is seriously awesome.
The guys who designed it must have been on drugs.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #405 on: 09-22-2008 21:43 »

Lego Death Star?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #406 on: 09-23-2008 01:28 »

Lego Death Star.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #407 on: 09-23-2008 01:59 »



Space Pope
« Reply #408 on: 09-23-2008 08:34 »

A thousand nerds cried out in jealousy and were suddenly silenced. :(

(it was bedtime)

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #409 on: 09-23-2008 14:27 »

I know it makes me look like a massive nerdy man-child, but I'm still in awe at it's design, it has a central working elevator, and even the prison section has a trapdoor vent thingy into the garbage compactor section below, where a Lego Dianoga waits amongst Lego trash!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #410 on: 09-23-2008 16:03 »

If you can, go hardcore, improvise and build a little bit of the Hull too out of the seperate bricks and rest it behind it.

Then pretend that chest of drawers is Aldeeran and you are blowing it up while throwing a shoe at it. What? Shoes were good stand in's in my kiddie nerd with action figuires/toy fighter days....

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #411 on: 09-23-2008 16:32 »

It's got a little projectile spring firing weapon that could do some damage to an eyeball, I'll demonstrate it's power on my brothers corneas! :evillaugh:
La Belle Leela

Starship Captain
« Reply #412 on: 09-24-2008 02:31 »
« Last Edit on: 09-24-2008 02:43 by Torgo »

The Death Star, it was just a space station full of British actors

"What is it Leftenant Sebastian?"

"Oh nothing sir, it's just the Rebels. They're here."

"My God Man! Do they want tea?"

"No, I'm afraid they're after something more than that sir. I don't know what it is, but they've brought a flag!"

"DAMN! That's dash cunning of them!"

"Ah, Lord Vader!"

"Ohhhhhh, , , ,hello"



DOOP Secretary
« Reply #413 on: 09-24-2008 03:10 »

The Death Star, it was just a space station full of British actors

I think that's a requirement for joining the Imperial Navy.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #414 on: 09-24-2008 14:20 »

I'm surprised there isn't a Britderlaan yet in the EU.

Urban Legend
« Reply #415 on: 09-24-2008 14:51 »

Ha! What do you think Coruscant is?
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #416 on: 09-27-2008 18:37 »

Lego Death Star.

Oh nooo you dontt!!
you son of th...

Aaaaaaaahh Faze is now far beyond coolness!!

The Lego DS This thing is fabolous.. lucky you , at least you are having fun mounting it? I asume its been a punch at the bank account? .. last time i checked it was about 400 bucks

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #417 on: 09-28-2008 03:21 »

I've been saving, gotta spend money to make money... and also buy Death Stars... isn't that what they always say?

Space Pope
« Reply #418 on: 09-28-2008 06:12 »

Maybe it's a regional Wookie expression? :confused:
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #419 on: 09-28-2008 13:55 »

I've been saving, gotta spend money to make money... and also buy Death Stars... isn't that what they always say?

Cant argue with that :D

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #420 on: 09-28-2008 14:33 »

1. Faze, you are my hero. Man, I wish I were rich enough to buy crazy stuff like that! Maybe one day I can save up for a more modestly priced(but still way too freaking expensive) AT-AT.

2. I played some Wii Forced Unleashed on Friday at a friend's house. Didn't try single player, only the duel mode...but I was impressed. Perhaps I will buy this, finally ending my Lucasarts boycott. (I began boycotting them when they cancelled Sam & Max 2...but I guess I can stop now.)

3. I'm surprised by the lack of positive hype for the Clone Wars cartoon--and I blame it all on that movie which never should have seen a theatrical release.

The weekly series looks really good. My son was watching Cartoon Network the other day and they showed a preview special type thing. They showed like a four minute clip from an episode and I was blown away. The animation is incredible(better than the movie...or maybe it just looks better since it's on a smaller screen), and the writing seems much improved.

The US series premiere is Friday at 9pm on Cartoon Network. They will be showing two episodes. Watch them--and if they suck, I will apologize and then you will never hear me prematurely hype anything up again.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #421 on: 09-28-2008 16:02 »

Don't worry Fishy, I'll keep the boycott up for you.

Until LA releases a Star Wars game of quality not set during or after the prequal games, My money stays in my wallet.

I miss those OT style games a lot as you guys already know :(.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #422 on: 09-28-2008 16:38 »

Until LA releases a Star Wars game of quality not set during or after the prequal games,

Doesn't that kind of cover, um, all of time?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #423 on: 09-28-2008 18:08 »

They are obviously going to do some post Prequal pre OT games set with Jedi on the Run now, The Force Unleashed was the first one.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #424 on: 09-28-2008 19:54 »

Maybe he means he will only buy KOTOR-era games. Although that might still count as "prequel" since it still technically precedes the OT.

I don't know, though. If there's Star Destroyers and TIE fighters, then it's OT enough to me. I don't care where a game falls on a fictional timeline as long as it has all the cool spaceships that I want to see.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #425 on: 09-28-2008 23:14 »

The perfect Star Wars game to me would be a RPG like KOTOR, but set in the OT between the last two films where you can either join in on the GCW or remain neutral.

Or a remake of the X-Wing/TIE Fighter games. My defination of Prequal games pretty much means just the Prequal era stuff. KOTOR stuff is quite decent and is in a different category of its own. I'd get KOTOR 3, perhaps the only game worth breaking my boycott.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #426 on: 09-29-2008 11:31 »

Lord Vader, the Death Star construction is proceeding as planned, but we've had some slight holdups, last night we had pizza and it made our fingers greasy so the blocks kept slipping, delaying the building slightly.
And would like to renew my request for more men, a single Irishman simply can't build it in time or the Emporors sched...*gakk graaaachchchchch* *dies*

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #427 on: 09-29-2008 14:17 »

Apology accepted Faze.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #428 on: 09-29-2008 21:26 »

3. I'm surprised by the lack of positive hype for the Clone Wars cartoon--and I blame it all on that movie which never should have seen a theatrical release.

The weekly series looks really good. My son was watching Cartoon Network the other day and they showed a preview special type thing. They showed like a four minute clip from an episode and I was blown away. The animation is incredible(better than the movie...or maybe it just looks better since it's on a smaller screen), and the writing seems much improved.

The US series premiere is Friday at 9pm on Cartoon Network. They will be showing two episodes. Watch them--and if they suck, I will apologize and then you will never hear me prematurely hype anything up again.

I'll watch them, and I'm pretty sure I'll even enjoy them, but I have to question the wisdom of giving Anakin a spunky girl Jedi sidekick when we know the Jedi are all going to die soon.

Urban Legend
« Reply #429 on: 09-30-2008 10:36 »


Alternatively, the EU has demonstrated several times that a secondary character Jedi can survive the purge if they're popular enough.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #430 on: 09-30-2008 13:50 »

Maybe she and Vaders Apprentice will have a baby which will no doubt be a hand held Star Wars title for Nintendo!

David A

Space Pope
« Reply #431 on: 09-30-2008 19:35 »


On a kids' cartoon?  That wasn't made in Japan?

Alternatively, the EU has demonstrated several times that a secondary character Jedi can survive the purge if they're popular enough.

Examples?  The only one I can think of is Ood Bnar.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #432 on: 09-30-2008 23:57 »

I can't remember the name of the Jedi bloke, but he was the one shot off the AT-AT's predessecor and survived to give us quite a few EU comics.

He was on Boz Piety, he's mentioned in ROTS funnily enough. Also, the amount of Jedi that survived the whole thing is actually quite hilarious.

Urban Legend
« Reply #433 on: 10-01-2008 05:43 »
« Last Edit on: 10-01-2008 06:53 »

@David: Well, several survied Order 66 initially, such as Quinlan Vos, Dass Jennir, Kai Justiss, Olee Starstone, and have not been heard of since, really. A few more survived for several years only to be hunted down later, such as The Dark Woman, Shaak Ti, Qu Rahn, Kazdan Paratus, Eechu Shen-Jon etc.

Several became agents of the Empire, and a few more survived post ROTJ, mostly in hiding (Empatojayos Brand, Corwin Shelway, Callista {sort of} ) . As of 130 years post ROTJ, there are at least 3 Purge surivors hanging around, T'ra Saa, K'Kruck, and A'Sharad Hett. Hett's a Sith Lord now, though.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #434 on: 10-01-2008 06:49 »

Wow, that's really quite a few.  The only one whose name I recognize is Shaak Ti, and I only know who she is because she and two other Jedi spent an entire episode of that Clone Wars cartoon running for their lives from a lightsaber-weilding Bender.

I suppose with that many survivors running around one more won't matter.  In any case, I'm sure it's not an issue that will ever be adressed in the context of this series.

I liked it better when Luke was the last remaining Jedi after Ben and Yoda died, but whatever.

Urban Legend
« Reply #435 on: 10-01-2008 06:54 »

Eh, at the time, Luke was more-or-less the only Jedi on duty. Everyone else was hiding and hoping Vader et al wouldn't come and stomp their ass.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #436 on: 10-01-2008 08:24 »

The best thing about the 3D cartoon series is that it will have the Y-Wing (at least the inmediate predecessor of it if we trust LF )

As ussual same with the 2D clone wars series 5m with the series fits more with the SW continuity than 360m of movies.. i renember when 1st clone wars was out.. they showed for first time Anakin Skywalker as a grown up top gun starfighter pilot ..wich was the first think we knew about Anakin in ANH..
the second series made Kenoby a General and Skywalker a Commander, wich fitted also with the same first information we knew about Kenoby (Leia calls him General Kenoby ..not master Kenoby..wich is curious because even in the end of Ep3 when clone wars are over and the republic is no more , BailOrgana calls Kenoby and Yoda "Master" and not General as 20 years later when he sends her "daughter" searching for Kenoby. Second series also saw Anakin made a full Jedi Knight (wich it was what Anakin should have been since ep1, a 20years old knight or about to be knight and not a 10 year old brat) and showed hell more friendship and partnership between Skywalker and Kenoby..

Bending Unit
« Reply #437 on: 10-02-2008 02:07 »

What's the deal with Kotor 3 these days? I hope it's not an mmo game like people are stating.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #438 on: 10-02-2008 02:47 »

I expect the KOTOR MMO and KOTOR 3 will be different games. You can't tell a proper story with MMO's, you have to stretch the content out a little.

Urban Legend
« Reply #439 on: 10-02-2008 06:04 »

I guess a KOTOR MMO wouldn't be a bad thing, just as long as it, and Galaxies, are exhiled from continuity...
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