Javier Lopez
Urban Legend
Originally posted by Javier Lopez: I will be satisfied if they show at least the opening letters SW style.. Well guess what i found out today.. ITS NOT GOING TO HAVE FRAKKING OPENING CRAWLS!! Thats it.. you killed it George.. i have no reason now to expend 7€ in the theather
DOOP Secretary
Nor Ozz as Yoda.
DOOP Secretary
So I take it it isn't even worth seeing?
DOOP Secretary
Post Prequal cash in. Rent on DVD at best I expect.
So, when do we start putting dollar signs with Lucas?
Yes. Thats the joke.
DOOP Secretary
Oh it will be, somebody other than Lucas will be directing it . Have they released any information at all about it yet?
Honorary German
Urban Legend
Not a whole lot, but here's what I've been able to gather so far: -Many episodes will focus on non-main characters. (There's at least one Kit Fisto episode, one Plo Koon episode, and episodes devoted to clone regimens and stuff.) This will hopefully take care of any criticisms of "well we already know what happens to Obi-Wan/Anakin so there won't be any suspense". -There will be 100 episodes. -There will be "guest directors". For instance, some japanese guy I've never heard of is directing a General Grievous intro-episode in the first season. -Veteran animation writers will be working on the show. Paul Dini has confirmed that he's written a few episodes. -One episode featuring Yoda has already premiered at the most recent Television Critics Association thingy. The reaction was extremely positive. Just as an example, here's the LA Times report: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2008/07/tca-star-wars-t.html There were a ton of other reviews/reports/things that basically said it was awesome.
DOOP Secretary
I'm pretty sure the live-action series is the bounty hunter one.
DOOP Secretary
So the TV series is just Clone Wars but 3D?
So lame.
DOOP Secretary
There's going to be another series in a year or two that's live action. It's supposed to be much more serious and be mostly about the rise of the Empire and, as Nix said, bounty hunters. That's the one I'm waiting for.
DOOP Secretary
Yeah, the live one better not suck. Star Wars has more to offer than just Jedi waving Lightsabers really fast.
This 3D series could be at least set between the goddamn OT. I remember seeing some 3D promo Ackbar and Mon Mothma ages ago with some X-Wings...what happened to those?
DOOP Secretary
^Comedy gold.
So, anyone here also a fan of Spaceballs?
DOOP Secretary
DOOP Secretary
Looks awesome Nurdy.
"It is all as I have forseen."