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Author Topic: Prison Break  (Read 15247 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #120 on: 08-31-2006 11:26 »

Just about everyone overheard Westmoreland tell Michael in the infirmary.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #121 on: 09-01-2006 19:10 »

Some of the details annoy me.
The hand surgery is practically impossible.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #122 on: 09-01-2006 20:26 »

Michael should have blasted that foo' in the elevator, dawg.
Stupid plot vs. reality vs. what I would have done.  :(

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #123 on: 09-06-2006 23:32 »

OMG Bellick is back in business babeh.
I like the direction they're going with him, suits him great.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #124 on: 09-08-2006 18:55 »

Another plot hole, bah. There's no way those two doofus guards could get ahead of the feds. (them getting together is just cheesy btw) How was the interrogated fat guy supposed to know where they were going to be?

Unless...they followed the fake wife instead, or the fake wife betrayed him.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #125 on: 09-08-2006 21:24 »

They did!
Cos Bellick knew about her and the Feds did'na!

Bending Unit
« Reply #126 on: 09-12-2006 22:56 »
« Last Edit on: 09-12-2006 22:56 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
Michael should have blasted that foo' in the elevator, dawg.
Stupid plot vs. reality vs. what I would have done.    :(

What?  My whole big post didn't show up? I'm not typing it again and I can't delete my post so whatever, maybe they should allow people to delete their own posts.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #127 on: 09-13-2006 13:53 »

What do you mean "what"?
I was talking about season 2, episode 2.

I still have to watch the next one.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #128 on: 09-13-2006 15:41 »

I watched it. It kicks ass!

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #129 on: 09-13-2006 23:56 »
« Last Edit on: 09-13-2006 23:56 »

Yeah, that was one of the best ones yet, some good twists and turns.

Haywire Status Update: Still no Haywire.  :(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #130 on: 09-14-2006 22:56 »

H. G. Blob

« Reply #131 on: 09-15-2006 04:13 »

Thanks for using the "Spoilers Ahead" guys. Cos I'm still waiting for season 2 to start here in Aussie land. And I don't want to know what's coming up.

I cant wait.

Starship Captain
« Reply #132 on: 09-15-2006 07:37 »
« Last Edit on: 09-15-2006 07:37 »

My favorite so far would have to be Otis. But I love T-bag he gets eviler every week.
Good luck waiting till Febuary 2007. Just download it like the rest of us aussies.

Starship Captain
« Reply #133 on: 09-15-2006 07:40 »
« Last Edit on: 09-15-2006 07:40 »

edit: my bad double post

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #134 on: 09-15-2006 08:25 »

Otis was decent, though I definitely had a lot of trouble suspending my disbelief with the main plot in it... You're definitely right about T-Bag though, the whole thing with the 14-year-old girl was just awesomely wrong.  :D

Faze - Apparentally, Haywire will surface in the 6th episode of this season. Though damn the writers for ignoring such an awesome character for that long (especially when they've given Tweener a frickin' love interest and everything)...

Starship Captain
« Reply #135 on: 09-15-2006 08:49 »

Yeah Tweener is a bit annoying. But I think it's way cheaper for them now by including the inmates in selected episodes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #136 on: 09-19-2006 19:57 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
What do you mean "what"?
I was talking about season 2, episode 2.

I still have to watch the next one.

I was saying what to my post being gone, in the missing post I started off by agreeing that "blasting that foo" would be awesome but you have to remember that those two aren't criminals and are not trying to be, they are making right what is wrong.

This season is very good. I hope they have Haywire in a good storyline.

Thanks for using the "Spoilers Ahead" guys. Cos I'm still waiting for season 2 to start here in Aussie land. And I don't want to know what's coming up.

Why read the thread? I'm not trying to be a jerk, it's just a question.

H. G. Blob

« Reply #137 on: 09-20-2006 07:02 »
« Last Edit on: 09-20-2006 07:02 »

I read the posts in here because I made the topic. I like Prison Break. It's my favourite TV show. And people who haven't seen the episode should be able to come in here and talk about the episodes they have seen without reading what happens in future episodes that they haven't seen due to reasons beyond their control.

Starship Captain
« Reply #138 on: 09-21-2006 02:45 »

I doubt you'd find any season 1 discussion here unless it was spawned because its based on a season 2 episode.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #139 on: 09-21-2006 05:17 »

Well, actually, you might, given that Season 1 was recently released on DVD and all...

Anyway, I saw Map 1213. Fairly slow-moving episode, but I definitely like the way the storyline's progressing, especially with T-Bag. Like Season 1's "Tonight," this seems like one of those episodes that was made purely to set up the following episodes rather than anything else, and if the episode that followed Tonight was anything to go by, then we've got some kickass stuff ahead.

Looking forward to the return of Haywire next week, too.  :D

Starship Captain
« Reply #140 on: 09-21-2006 22:36 »

I don't think prison break has decreased in quality but I do think the show will lose some viewers who were only watching for the escape.

Starship Captain
« Reply #141 on: 09-22-2006 09:16 »

Shales reminds me of White Power Bill.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #142 on: 09-22-2006 10:05 »

Originally posted by Spy:
I don't think prison break has decreased in quality but I do think the show will lose some viewers who were only watching for the escape.

Apparentally ratings are actually up this season, so, go figure...

I don't think it's decreased in quality either, but there have definitely been some changes made with the pacing and the general style, though perfectly understandable. I'm sure it'll become more consistent as it progresses, the first few episodes were quite hectic, as I think we all imagined, anyway. I think the main change is in the (lack of) direction...

Though, having said that, it's still one hell of a ride, and I'm still loving it.  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #143 on: 09-22-2006 10:30 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #144 on: 09-22-2006 10:38 »

I don't know, I think it's moving slow enough to warrant another one, and I know that the creator said the writers had already begun outlining for the possibility of a third season... I do still love the show enough to want one at this point, but I'll see what my opinion on a potential Season 3 is when the current season is closer to its end.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #145 on: 09-22-2006 22:00 »

Season 2 Finale:
Scene: *Dirty smelly Mexican village, everybody wearing sombreros and drinking tequila
Michael and Lincoln get off a bus.*

Link: Well... this sucks...
Michael: Yes... We need to break back into America, lucky I have the plans written on the inside of a sombrero... SOMEWHERE IN MEXICO!

*cue Prison Break music sting*

End Scene.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #146 on: 09-26-2006 16:42 »


Haywire is fantastic!  :laff:

The rest of the guys stories is a recycled one but meh, "what a twist!"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #147 on: 09-29-2006 04:46 »

"Subdivision" was alright - the opening with Haywire was frickin' ridiculous. That background music did NOT suit Prison Break at all... What the hell was that?! Like Faze said, the main storyline was kind of recycled, but still, I do like where it's going. On a side note, second one down!  ;)

Starship Captain
« Reply #148 on: 09-29-2006 05:04 »

The background music was Zorba the greek. Which was an incredibly random choice.

Bending Unit
« Reply #149 on: 09-29-2006 17:41 »

The latest episode moved too slow, I felt like I watched half an episode.  I hope the FBI agent loses their trail and the two prison guards are more involved because this FBI agent had nothing to do with the show last season and is just annoying.  Vanilla Ice needs to blast that foo'.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #150 on: 10-08-2006 05:55 »

So what if Mahone wasn't in Season 1? His character is far more interesting than Bellick and Geary - whose goals are pretty simple and straight-forward. Mahone has a lot of mystery around him, and it's great to see how it's playing out, especially with the disturbing twist his character took at the end of "Buried."

Speaking of which, what a great episode. Certainly one of the more epic ones this season - some fucked up plot twists there! This episode was definitely one of the darker ones (with the exception of Haywire's sub-plot, which just feels kinda dumb and child-like, but still somewhat amusing), but still, I enjoyed it. Especially after last week's average episode. I know I'm going to struggle waiting for the next one now.

I can just see the advertising campaign when Season 2 starts down here. "You watched them break out... now tune in to see them get systematically killed off!"

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 10-08-2006 14:19 »

Can someone please tell me where Bagwell's accent is from? I'm guessing Louisiana?

Bending Unit
« Reply #152 on: 10-08-2006 22:48 »

Originally posted by Beamer:
So what if Mahone wasn't in Season 1? His character is far more interesting than Bellick and Geary - whose goals are pretty simple and straight-forward. Mahone has a lot of mystery around him, and it's great to see how it's playing out, especially with the disturbing twist his character took at the end of "Buried."

I completely disagree.


Starship Captain
« Reply #153 on: 10-25-2006 03:15 »

Dead fall was a great episode although it did bug me how long they left Sucre and Micheal stuck in the river because it means the pace of the show is getting a lot slower. I mean look how long it took them to get out of the house. Practicly three episodes.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #154 on: 10-25-2006 19:09 »

Dear Dr. Tancretti, you can cryptanalyse Michaels message on a whim, but you can't figure out you're talking with the bad guys every time you use a phone?

Damn, woman!

Hooray for T-Bag! But why is he suddenly on a revenge trip instead of heading to Thailand?
Dumb southerner.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #155 on: 10-25-2006 22:51 »

I. Love. This. Show.
Holy cow! More twists in Prison Break than a kid with skulliosus' spine!
Since I didn't post for a while, I gotta say, I miss Tweener. That was a hell of a shocking death.

Bending Unit
« Reply #156 on: 10-26-2006 00:27 »

I thought the writers were being lame when Sucre stole all the money, it's just not what his charactor would do. But then the story turns out to be great and just as the charactors would truely do in that situation.  Just as good as the first season.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #157 on: 10-28-2006 03:24 »

Firstly, I LOVE the twist with T-Bag (though wouldn't you have thought Sucre would check the contents of the fuckin' bag before they got to the forest? God!!!) and I can't wait to see where his storyline is going. Mahone's plot continues to become more and more fucked up, though at least the twist at the end of this one explained a bit.

The show's pacing has become very strange... I mean, it's still fast-paced in terms of the sudden story changes and what-not, but, damn, the concept of time in this show is all over the place. It seems like Map 1213, Subdivison, Buried and Dead Fall all took place on the same day - yet there appeared to be a skip of several days between First Down and Map 1213... Weird. Oh well, I'm sure once the $5,000,000 storyline is over, they'll begin to get into a more consistent swing of things.

Sucre and Michael's relationship is still very sweet, and Bellick's the same as always (though seriously, his relationship with his mum is a little too pathetic for my liking). Wow, Michael has totally screwed up Sarah's life, huh? I'm glad LJ's finally on board as a main character again, they completely lost track of him towards the end of Season 1...

It's becoming VERY difficult to watch this show without thinking "God, this is fucking ridiculous." But, if you can get over that, then it's still a whole lot of fun.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #158 on: 10-28-2006 17:14 »

Yeah, they left LJ out of the Prison Break gang... which I bet he really wanted to be a member of, considering he was in prison.  :p

Link got some clever skillz of his own, he tricked the Feds good.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #159 on: 10-29-2006 22:02 »

I know what's going to happen. Everyone is gonna get caught/killed, except for Haywire who gets safetly away, and lives happily in Holland forever.
I'm not kidding. That's what's going to happen/
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