
Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Not really related, but: Heh, I'm reading the Rotter's Club by Jonathan Coe, contemporary English writer. It's set in the 70's, and it also has a mention of the Third Policeman as being a good book. More about The Third Policeman

DOOP Secretary

It raises the question of ow big the IoM really is. But regardless of the size, one'd think that after however many days it has been that they'd have learned the lay of the land on their side pretty well. Most navigation would be done by landmark recognition and rough orienteering since maps are in short supply. I'm a bit surprised to find out about Rose and Bernard. This is the first time I can think of that a relatively minor character has had a flashback episode, but it was still a neat look at their lives. I'm getting pretty sick of the whole "IoM cures people for some unkown reason"-thing. Still, that adds Rose and-by extension--Bernard to the list of people who would rather not leave.
Even more interesting is Locke's apparent loss of faith in the button. But Henry was smiling about it. Why was he smiling? Is he going to benefit from the button not being pressed or is he just a psychopath who enjoys tormenting people. I see in the previews that he gets the drop on Ana Lucia.
And here's something weird: I was watching my Law and Order season 3 DVDs last night, and who was one of the guest stars? Harold Perrineau. Is it a coincidence that Michael just happens to appear on Lost today? We all know that there are no coincidences on the IoM.
Did anyone else think Vincent looked a bit different this week? Maybe he was just missing his collar, or maybe he is metamorphasizing into a harbinger of doom.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Dr. T: New glasses? [Randy] Yaay! Michael's baack!  [/Randy]

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

DrT: My language skills fail me. What does this expression "getting the drop on someone" mean?
chay´s head

Space Pope
Good episode!!! only just watched it. I felt really sad for bernard  . Also, very realistic Australian outback. Aptly named the 'red' centre. a little too green for the Australian outback. But we've definatly established the fact that the LOST folks have no idea what Australia looks like. so, 5 eps to go till the end of the season. And i can remember where i read it, possibly this thread, saying that someone will be return y end of season. I hope its desmond.

Urban Legend
While I usually agree with SXD, I have to agree with the anti-filler crowd on this issue. I've recently watched (legally) all/most of season 2 via iTunes again, and I've come to the conclusion that certain episodes just rehash certain characteristics of a character (ie, Jack) too often. In particular, I'm thinking of "The Hunting Party," and, to a lesser extent, "The Long Con." Before these episodes aired, we already knew Jack had difficulty dealing with loss and losing, and that Sawyer's "natural state" is that he's an amoral bastard who would swindle his mother if she wasn't dead already. I felt myself getting bored during these flashbacks.
However, I do like the characterization to the survivors when it's something we haven't really seen before. For example, I'm probably in the minority here, but I really like "Fire+Water," because it explains why Charlie feels it's his duty to protect Claire. I liked "Dave" because a) I like Hurley and b) his stay in the mental hospital has never really been addressed before.
"S.O.S," while it covered new characters, didn't really give us anything shocking or interesting to chew on. Yes, the Island heals people. We know that. We get the black/white thing. I just didn't see the whole point to it. Of course, it's good that Rose and Bernard got the spotlight for once.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #226 on: 04-17-2006 14:59 »
« Last Edit on: 04-17-2006 14:59 »
I think I'll flip flop and agree with Sammy now, just to even this battle out... BEGIN! *starts wailing on evan and Gonads*  It would have been cool of Micheal had said: "Who are you people?! Wait... who am I?!?" And then Walt comes in riding Vincent like a horse laughing evilly and hysterically.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Maybe Sun will get insane munchies, like pregnant women do, and eat Walt, breaking the evil curse. She is Korean, after all.
chay´s head

Space Pope
Originally posted by SamuelXDiamond: I just hate the term 'filler' being applied to every episode that doesn't have one of those "OMFG!" moments. I love the crazy island shit, I really do, it keeps everything all very insane and pretty unpredictable - but it wouldn't have any impact if you didn't care about the characters. That's why you need the quieter episodes, the ones that explore who these people are and why they think and do the things the way they do. I wouldn't give a toss about the show if it were the characters from, I dunno, The O.C. stranded there. I'd say fuck 'em, leave them to be eaten by monsters or raped by polar bears. The reason why I care about Lost is because I care about the characters. So no episode is 'filler' to me. You LOST Patriot you! SXD's house that took me longer than i expected. i'm not too good with photoshopOne thing about the character development, is that i feel that some of the characters are starting to be more developed in their flashbacks than they were when they first crashed on the island, as if they are trying to add more to the characters than they had originally thought about.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by Eyedol7513: What's with everyone's fascination with Vincent? Forgive me for being an ignorant bastard, but I really don't get that. 