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Author Topic: 'Unfound'  (Read 24096 times)
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Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #200 on: 04-12-2006 10:32 »

Not really related, but:
Heh, I'm reading the Rotter's Club by Jonathan Coe, contemporary English writer. It's set in the 70's, and it also has a mention of the Third Policeman as being a good book.

More about The Third Policeman


Bending Unit
« Reply #201 on: 04-12-2006 21:53 »

On lost they know the jungle VERY well, I'm watching the new episode and he is pointing out very spacificly were everything happened.  They may be lost on an island but they seem to know every inch of it. 

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #202 on: 04-12-2006 22:36 »

It raises the question of ow big the IoM really is.

But regardless of the size, one'd think that after however many days it has been that they'd have learned the lay of the land on their side pretty well.  Most navigation would be done by landmark recognition and rough orienteering since maps are in short supply.


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #203 on: 04-13-2006 15:21 »

Dr. T: New glasses?

[Randy] Yaay! Michael's baack!  :D [/Randy]

Urban Legend
« Reply #204 on: 04-13-2006 18:17 »

So I guess Sawyer's going to die this season. Vincent came to him like the lurking shadow of Icy Death that he is.

1.) Vincent is Walt's step-father's dog -> Walt's mom dies, Brian leaves Walt.
2.) Vincent given to Walt -> Walt involved in plane crash, kidnapped by the Others.
3.) Vincent given to Shannon -> Shannon shot by Ana-Lucia.
4.) Vincent returns to camp, to Michael -> Michael kidnapped searching for Walt.
5.) Vincent returns to camp again, snuggles up next to Sawyer -> Sawyer dead?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #205 on: 04-13-2006 21:07 »

Sawyer can't die, he's my favorite character!!! In all seriousness though, I think it's just a coincidence. But hey, you never know.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #206 on: 04-13-2006 21:30 »

DrT: My language skills fail me. What does this expression "getting the drop on someone" mean?


Space Pope
« Reply #207 on: 04-13-2006 22:06 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2006 22:06 »

God, the Rose and Bernard stuff was bor-ing! Apart from that, it was quite a good episode.

'Henry' still rocks.

Urban Legend
« Reply #208 on: 04-13-2006 23:58 »

Originally posted by ZombieJesus:
DrT: My language skills fail me. What does this expression "getting the drop on someone" mean?

"to get the drop on someone," American slang: to outwit another, usually by making yourself appear weaker in order to lure him/her into a false sense of security.

Bending Unit
« Reply #209 on: 04-14-2006 22:53 »

Originally posted by DarrinPA:
On lost they know the jungle VERY well, I'm watching the new episode and he is pointing out very spacificly were everything happened.  They may be lost on an island but they seem to know every inch of it. 

Well you have to remember, it may seem like 2 years since that ep aired, what with all the breaks and stuff, but in their time, it was around a week or two ago. So they're not going to forget that much. Plus it was a tramatic experience, that should highten the memory a bit. And Jack's smart, he was a doctor, that should add to it as well.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #210 on: 04-15-2006 00:18 »

^What the hell is that stuff on GIR's head?

Bending Unit
« Reply #211 on: 04-15-2006 00:45 »

That's Blood.

Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #212 on: 04-15-2006 09:05 »
« Last Edit on: 04-15-2006 09:05 »

Also, it's implied in the show that Jack has an eidetic memory - remembering the vault combination / the numbers after one recitation, etc. - so it's not that unusual that he'd be able to remember the exact spot where 'the line' is.

Urban Legend
« Reply #213 on: 04-15-2006 10:21 »

I dont know about the rest of you, but if I was told "cross this line and you die" Im pretty sure Id remember where that line was

Bending Unit
« Reply #214 on: 04-15-2006 12:22 »
« Last Edit on: 04-15-2006 12:22 »

Yeah, that's true. I know I'd remember.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #215 on: 04-16-2006 10:05 »

Good episode!!! only just watched it. I felt really sad for bernard  :(.

Also, very realistic Australian outback. Aptly named the 'red' centre. a little too green for the Australian outback. But we've definatly established the fact that the LOST folks have no idea what Australia looks like.

so, 5 eps to go till the end of the season. And i can remember where i read it, possibly this thread, saying that someone will be return y end of season. I hope its desmond.

Space Pope
« Reply #216 on: 04-16-2006 11:17 »

Originally posted by chay's head:so, 5 eps to go till the end of the season. And i can remember where i read it, possibly this thread, saying that someone will be return y end of season. I hope its desmond.

5 eps? I thought there were only four left, which form the finale of this season.


Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #217 on: 04-16-2006 11:22 »

5 left:

Episode 2.20: Two For The Road
Airdate: 5/03/06

Episode 2.21: "?"
Airdate: 5/10/06

Episode 2.22: Three Minutes
Airdate: 5/17/06

Episode 2.23 and 2.24: (As-Yet-Untitled Two Hour Finale)
Airdate: 5/24/06

Space Pope
« Reply #218 on: 04-16-2006 11:25 »

two-hour finale = one epsiode.

I win!  :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #219 on: 04-16-2006 21:21 »

cute ep, especially with the jack/kateness.. though i have to agree the bernard/rose story was a tad boring. i can't believe it's already nearing the end of the season, even with all those goddamn breaks...

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #220 on: 04-17-2006 10:02 »

Quiet, shipper!  :p

But I agree, it should have been called "The Bernard & Rose Filler Show, feat. The Other Lost guys"

Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #221 on: 04-17-2006 11:15 »

I'm wondering exactly what 'a filler episode' means. I literally have no idea, unless it's a half hour of dancing socks, or some other shit completely unrelated to the show. S.O.S. had nice swathes of character development, humour and tantalising sprinklings of Island mystery. If that's filler, than i'm questioning what you actually think the show is.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #222 on: 04-17-2006 11:33 »

Oi Sammy! I'm not dissing the show! Just that episode wasn't as "OMFG!" as the last ones.
But I demand episodes that explain more stuff about the island and what exactly the hell is going on... DEMAND!

Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #223 on: 04-17-2006 11:49 »

I just hate the term 'filler' being applied to every episode that doesn't have one of those "OMFG!" moments. I love the crazy island shit, I really do, it keeps everything all very insane and pretty unpredictable - but it wouldn't have any impact if you didn't care about the characters. That's why you need the quieter episodes, the ones that explore who these people are and why they think and do the things the way they do. I wouldn't give a toss about the show if it were the characters from, I dunno, The O.C. stranded there. I'd say fuck 'em, leave them to be eaten by monsters or raped by polar bears. The reason why I care about Lost is because I care about the characters. So no episode is 'filler' to me.

Space Pope
« Reply #224 on: 04-17-2006 12:54 »
« Last Edit on: 04-17-2006 12:54 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
Oi Sammy! I'm not dissing the show! Just that episode wasn't as "OMFG!" as the last ones.
But I demand episodes that explain more stuff about the island and what exactly the hell is going on... DEMAND!

I have to agree with Faze.

Don't get me wrong, I do care about the characters as much as a sane human being can care for fictional characters of a weekly show, but this Rose & Bernard thing was uninteresting, because they were trying to fill bascially an entire episode with something that could have been told in 5 to 10 minutes.

Also, I thought that Bernard's idea was kinda stupid.   :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #225 on: 04-17-2006 14:27 »

While I usually agree with SXD, I have to agree with the anti-filler crowd on this issue. I've recently watched (legally) all/most of season 2 via iTunes again, and I've come to the conclusion that certain episodes just rehash certain characteristics of a character (ie, Jack) too often. In particular, I'm thinking of "The Hunting Party," and, to a lesser extent, "The Long Con." Before these episodes aired, we already knew Jack had difficulty dealing with loss and losing, and that Sawyer's "natural state" is that he's an amoral bastard who would swindle his mother if she wasn't dead already. I felt myself getting bored during these flashbacks.

However, I do like the characterization to the survivors when it's something we haven't really seen before. For example, I'm probably in the minority here, but I really like "Fire+Water," because it explains why Charlie feels it's his duty to protect Claire. I liked "Dave" because a) I like Hurley and b) his stay in the mental hospital has never really been addressed before.

"S.O.S," while it covered new characters, didn't really give us anything shocking or interesting to chew on. Yes, the Island heals people. We know that. We get the black/white thing. I just didn't see the whole point to it. Of course, it's good that Rose and Bernard got the spotlight for once.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #226 on: 04-17-2006 14:59 »
« Last Edit on: 04-17-2006 14:59 »

I think I'll flip flop and agree with Sammy now, just to even this battle out... BEGIN!
*starts wailing on evan and Gonads*   :D

It would have been cool of Micheal had said:
"Who are you people?! Wait... who am I?!?"
And then Walt comes in riding Vincent like a horse laughing evilly and hysterically.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #227 on: 04-17-2006 16:09 »

What's with everyone's fascination with Vincent? Forgive me for being an ignorant bastard, but I really don't get that.

Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #228 on: 04-17-2006 18:46 »

Eyedol: We all really, really want to piss off PETA. It's no fun going after the Koreans, the African-Americans or the fat guys, they've been done to death, but defaming the dog? Ooh, we're playing with fucking fire.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #229 on: 04-17-2006 19:46 »

Maybe Sun will get insane munchies, like pregnant women do, and eat Walt, breaking the evil curse. She is Korean, after all.


Urban Legend
« Reply #230 on: 04-17-2006 20:09 »

Except then her baby will be the new Spawn of Satan, luring the survivors to their deaths. Damn you, dog-Korean hybrid child! :shakes fist:
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #231 on: 04-17-2006 20:33 »

Originally posted by SamuelXDiamond:
I just hate the term 'filler' being applied to every episode that doesn't have one of those "OMFG!" moments. I love the crazy island shit, I really do, it keeps everything all very insane and pretty unpredictable - but it wouldn't have any impact if you didn't care about the characters. That's why you need the quieter episodes, the ones that explore who these people are and why they think and do the things the way they do. I wouldn't give a toss about the show if it were the characters from, I dunno, The O.C. stranded there. I'd say fuck 'em, leave them to be eaten by monsters or raped by polar bears. The reason why I care about Lost is because I care about the characters. So no episode is 'filler' to me.

You LOST Patriot you!
SXD's house

that took me longer than i expected. i'm not too good with photoshop

One thing about the character development, is that i feel that some of the characters are starting to be more developed in their flashbacks than they were when they first crashed on the island, as if they are trying to add more to the characters than they had originally thought about.


Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #232 on: 04-17-2006 20:46 »

It's not often that I find a show I can really get into, which has no danger of being cancelled and has managed not to disappoint me this far. I try not to come off as over-zealous about it, but fail miserably. But honestly, not one episode has let me down so far. Not one. And that's rare.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #233 on: 04-18-2006 17:02 »

Originally posted by Eyedol7513:
What's with everyone's fascination with Vincent? Forgive me for being an ignorant bastard, but I really don't get that.

Space Pope
« Reply #234 on: 04-18-2006 17:19 »

Originally posted by DrT inj the previous Lost thread:

Vincent is evil. End of story.   :p

Bending Unit
« Reply #235 on: 04-19-2006 12:32 »

I like to see the good in people (or dogs).

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #236 on: 04-19-2006 22:31 »

"Lost" got just under 16 million people in viewership for last week's episode. This worries me, because I really don't want this show to go the way of "Futurama".

What I think should happen is this: "Desperate Housewives" should replace "Lost" on Wednesdays. "Lost" should then move to 10:00p.m. on Sundays. With all that in mind, "Grey's Anatomy" can move to Sundays at 9:00p.m. This way, "Lost" can get a strong lead-in audience, since "Grey's Anatomy" averages about 20 million viewers.

What do you all think of my idea? Personally, I think it's good, but I seriously doubt that it will ever take place. (But it would be awesome if it did!) ^.^

Urban Legend
« Reply #237 on: 04-19-2006 22:37 »

Eyedol, don't worry. 16 million viewers is still *a lot* of viewers, much higher than what Futurama received. The show's still one of the most critically aclaimed shows on the air, and ABC would be foolish to get rid of it now.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #238 on: 04-20-2006 01:54 »

^True. I'd just feel more comfortable if the numbers were a bit higher.

Space Pope
« Reply #239 on: 04-20-2006 02:01 »

Besides, ratings don't work that way.

Just because a show in the timeslot before has huge ratings doesn't mean that all those viewers will watch the next show also.
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