
DOOP Ubersecretary
"by accident"  Suuuure you are, crackie.  I seen it, that is to say, I saw it, and it's ok. I like the latina chick, she's bonerific.

DOOP Secretary

I've been told this is a really good show, and I should see it, but I'm normally doing something else when it's on.
Must try harder.

DOOP Secretary

I love the Earl-Office combo. My Name is Earl is one of my favourite shows on TV lately.
For some reason, I always thought the theme sounded like a bit from Beck's Loser, but then found out it wasn't.

DOOP Secretary

No, it's not. It's on Tursdays at 9PM.
It is a good show. It helps me connect with my white roots. Not any sort of good white bread roots, I mean trailer-trash white roots. It's also funny as hell.


I've seen an episode and a half, it's okay. I'm getting into the habit of watching it before the office because I'm too lazy to change the channel... that is to say, I did that once and intend to continue.

DOOP Secretary

Since my first post, I've watched a good few of these (as it's on after Green Wing) and I'm loving it. Agreed with Pitt, it'll make a great addition to anyones DVD collection.

Urban Legend
I've seen a handful of episodes, and it seems to get better... I wasn't enamoured with the series at first, but yesterday's episode was hilarious. Darnell painting the turtle was great...
I've only seen Pilot, Quit Smoking, Didn't Pay Taxes, Bounty Hunter, and BB. I've also seen parts of Ruined Joy's Wedding and Stole a Badge.
...I've liked the episodes with little or no Catalina, honestly. She doesn't seem to add much to the show, at least in the episodes I've seen. I'm sure Faz0r disagrees.
...now, there are Camden Counties in Georgia, North Carolina, Missouri, and New Jersey... though i'd doubt the show is set in NJ, as I live in that Camden County. I'm sure it's supposed to be none of the above, but it's still interesting to speculate what's most likely. Hmm. There's a Camden, Arkansas with a population of 13,000, and a Camden in Tennessee with just 3,000 residents. Those are possible.

DOOP Secretary

I love Jason Lee  Yeah I have been watching a few episodes and i thought this show is really good. I am watching one right now with guest star Julitte Lewis

DOOP Ubersecretary
*bump* Season 2 has started! First episode was pretty damn good! "Randi, those aren't helium balloons..." 

DOOP Secretary

What channel? Time! Tell me man!

DOOP Secretary

DVDs of Season One is out on Monday too.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by tyraniak: NBC Thursday 8 PM/7 Central. It's a good show to watch, especially since it's on before the office I live in the UK  . Oh well, waiting won't do any harm.

DOOP Secretary

Good point.
*Pets YouTube*
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

It's an alright show, I've seen about half a season. It's entertaining but I wouldn't miss it if it went...


My name is Earl is mad. I tune in to watch it on Thursdays at 7:30 in Aus channel 7.

DOOP Secretary

Crabman rules.

DOOP Secretary

Crabman indeed rules. I like how in fact he is intelectual, though puts up with Joy this whole time, even though he could probally get a high paying job. I think it's funny and sad.
This week's episode was great, but not insanely awesome. I liked The Office this week more, actually, but this was still awesome.