DOOP Secretary
« on: 01-23-2006 17:53 »
DOOP Secretary
Yeah, mine too. Even the bit about watching it after South Park, since coincidentally it's on after that here too. It's not brilliant, but it definitely has its moments, and it's good for a laugh, so I usually tune in.
DOOP Secretary
I am sorry Davey. May I ask how old are you? Sometimes you need to be careful when watching it. I don’t think it is as bad as South Park because South Park has more sicker jokes then Drawn Together.
DOOP Secretary
Yesterday episode where Captain Hero find his parents was really funny and especially this funny scene that had me in tears of laughter. They taking a spoof of something but I don’t know where it from. The phone rings and they just go yup yup yup yup yup yup………ring ring
DOOP Secretary
I do like Woodoor's masturbate episode and i thought it is the funniest epsuode yet. Those clum babies are really cute (even though they are his sperms), It was funny where Foxy shows Woodoor how to masturbate was fun and Ling Ling final got action!
DOOP Secretary
The show gone all crazy!! There was a love story between Xander and Captain Hero (It about time they kissed!) and in the madcow episode Xander and Toot had sex Look out for the roleplay episode! It is my best episode ever.
Meh this show doesn't do anything for me, I usually like toilet humor and this show tries to out do South park but they forgot 1 thing, the humor, the jokes are pretty lame and can usually be seen cummin a mile away. It tries so hard to be edgy but it just stinks of effort. Anyway Its got the odd funny bit, I've only seen 3 or 4 episodes but from what I've seen its about 80% crap, 10-20% funny but overall I've seen funnier things cumming out of my penis.