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Author Topic: Movie Review Thread V: Electric Bugaloo  (Read 25622 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #480 on: 12-05-2006 11:08 »
« Last Edit on: 12-05-2006 11:08 »

Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny

Also starring Dio, as Dio.


Do we still do top of the page dances?

Aw, screw it.


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #481 on: 12-06-2006 21:34 »
« Last Edit on: 12-06-2006 21:34 »

Wow, what a great film, really impressed me.
Modern day high school film noir whodunnit with the guy who played Tommy in 3rd Rock From The Sun as a detective kind of guy finding out what happened to his ex girlfriend (Claire from Lost) and ending up in the seedy drugs underbelly.
It also has that short black haired chick from Heroes and Richard "Shaft!" Roundtree, dig?

Brilliantly shot and great dialogue, A+

Space Pope
« Reply #482 on: 12-09-2006 06:44 »
« Last Edit on: 12-09-2006 06:44 »

Casino Royale

I have to admit that I probably belonged to those people that were a bit sceptical after the announcement that Daniel Craig would be the next Bond.

After having seen Casino Royale all that is left to say for me is:

"I apologize, Mr. Craig, you rock as Bond."

Casino Royale, and not only because of Craig, is without any doubt the best Bond in years.


Goose Patrol
Space Pope
« Reply #483 on: 12-14-2006 20:30 »

Casino Royale
I agree: best Bond in years. B++

Wrath of Khan
I hadn't seen it for ages. Everyone always says it is the best one. It was actually quite boring and without any action at all! Those crazy old days. To watch Star Trek III or not? B

I don't think I was concentrating enough at the start so I had no idea what was going on. Or perhaps even if I had been, I still wouldn't have. But by the end - totally kick arse. A

Urban Legend
« Reply #484 on: 12-15-2006 00:05 »
« Last Edit on: 01-05-2007 00:00 »

Casino Royale:
Ha! Pretty damn awesome. First time the audience has been able to take bond seriously in decades, I swear. This doesn't mean that it doesn't contain larger than life action sequences/characters/etc... but it maintains a level of believavbility not seen since 'For Your Eyes Only'. Actually, it's probably a little straighter than even that.

Now, one may say that it's not Bond without the wacky.. but what this film has in spades is BOND. The character. Not the pastiche. Seriously, this is the best rendition of Bond since Connery... hell, since the novels, probably. He's actually a character with actual understandable motivations for once, beyond 'he's a playboy myssoginist secret agent who all the chicks love'. Don't get me wrong he still IS all that, it's just that he's much closer to being a real person in this movie. And he's also something of a complete prick. Awesome.   :)

Main complaint is in the last 20mins or so, when the movie kind of loses the plot (litterally). It picks it up again eventually, but by that time, the fantastic mood that permiated the rest of the film is lost. 'Tis a pity.

However, the final scene makes up for it somewhat. Smug bastard.   :D


The Prestige:
About as good as you could expect a movie about a vendetta between two rival magicians could be, which it turns out is pretty good. Michael Caine is Alfred, again, and David Bowie plays his straightest role ever...

Compelling, and occasionally chilling. Overall, pretty neat. B

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #485 on: 12-15-2006 15:06 »

The Insider
Slipped under my radar back in 1999, directed by Michael Mann, journalist thriller based on a true story, with Pacino and Crowe.
Very entertaining stuff dammit.
Crowe is a whistleblower for a big tobacco company and Pacino discovers he has a big story and tries to get it out.
If ya got 2 and a half hours to spare, I'd recommend it.


Urban Legend
« Reply #486 on: 12-22-2006 03:47 »

Saw Casino Royale.  Excellent and classic Bond, although a little light on the explody.  The new guy's ugly as sin, but played the part well, and it would have dragged significantly in the middle if I didn't also like poker movies.  Still, a hell of an improvement over the last few Brosnan films.  Well-acted and mostly under-the-top.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #487 on: 12-23-2006 12:59 »

A Clockwork Orange

Just watched it for the first time last night and now I have a new favorite movie. If you can stomach rape then I suggest you see this movie.


Space Pope
« Reply #488 on: 12-24-2006 21:45 »

The Blues Brothers

What an overrated film. The car chases and cameos (Pee Wee Herman!) were great though.

*drives a Nazi filled Pinto off a bridge*


Space Pope
« Reply #489 on: 12-25-2006 00:17 »

Night at the Museum

I found it pretty funny. Paul Rudd has a cameo-ish role! I love him. I've grown to like Ben Stiller over the years. I never cared for those parts where he's like a total ass like in the Meet the Parents/Focker films.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #490 on: 12-25-2006 16:51 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
For Your Consideration

I don't care what anybody says, FYC was a fantastically funny movie.  It is a must-see for any Christopher Guest fan, and for anybody who wants to see Principal SkinnerHarry Shearer dancing on a hip-hop dance show.  Catharine O'Hara outdoes her drunk scene in Waiting for Guffman.


"Could you tone down the Jewish-ness?"

We have to wait until February for that.  :(

I don't wanna wait!  Wah!   :cry:


Finally saw Borat!, and have to say it was fantastic, but plenty of cringworthy moments.  Pretty sure a lot more of it was staged than they're letting on, but it doesn't ruin the fun.

Cool!  :D

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #491 on: 12-26-2006 17:45 »

Originally posted by MrBlonde:
If you can stomach rape then I suggest you see this movie.


Gosh, I don't know. I've never tried stomach-raping anyone before. Seems hard--is it a requirement for watching the movie?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #492 on: 12-26-2006 18:15 »

Yes it is see you go in through the belly button... I'll let you figure it out your self.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #493 on: 12-26-2006 21:28 »

The rape actually didn't bother me that much.  The sacreligious nature of the film is why I probably won't watch it ever again.  It's a movie worth watching at least once though.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #494 on: 12-27-2006 11:45 »

"What kind of gun is best to defend against a Jew?"
"I'd recommend a 9mm or a .45."

Sacha Baron Cohen is Jewish himself, it's all a bit funny and weird.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #495 on: 12-27-2006 14:48 »

Originally posted by winna:
The rape actually didn't bother me that much.  The sacreligious nature of the film is why I probably won't watch it ever again.  It's a movie worth watching at least once though.

Do you mean when Alex DeLarge was day dreaming of being a Roman solider whipping Jesus? After his answer please go back on-topic.

Urban Legend
« Reply #496 on: 12-28-2006 18:34 »

The Full Monty

Classic.  Pure, understated, indie classic.  Bugger if I feel like doing a proper writeup, though.


Bending Unit
« Reply #497 on: 12-29-2006 12:39 »


I hated this movie. Bugger all!  :finger:  :finger:


Urban Legend
« Reply #498 on: 12-29-2006 20:33 »

Now you're just being petty.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #499 on: 12-29-2006 20:50 »

Bugger all means cheap or nothing just so you know...

Bugger all - If something costs bugger all, it means that it costs nothing. Meaning it is cheap. If you have bugger all, it means you have nothing.

Urban Legend
« Reply #500 on: 01-01-2007 06:56 »
« Last Edit on: 01-01-2007 06:56 »

Movies from the past few months:

Apocalypto - B+
Blood Diamond - B
Rocky Balboa - B
The Pursuit of Happyness - B
Stranger Than Fiction - B
Let's Go To Prison - B- (people seem to really hate this, huh? Come on, it's Gob! How can you hate anything with Will Arnett?)
Happy Feet - B
Borat - A+
The Departed - A+
Harsh Times - C
The Fountain - A
Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny - B-


« Reply #501 on: 01-01-2007 19:42 »


Great fight scenes, but the most entertaining was the one with the kids.  If only they would put kids beating each other up on tv, talk about pay-per-view.


Jet Li should have f*cked the blind girl and the ending was kind of weak.

Starship Captain
« Reply #502 on: 01-02-2007 04:33 »
« Last Edit on: 01-02-2007 04:33 »

Blood Diamond

I only remember it somewhat fondly because it's one of those movies that's so predictable it encourages me to distract myself by thinking about something else the whole way through, thus accidentally helping me improve my mind. Otherwise, though, it's just one big pile of steaming Hollywood shit, served with a side of liberal independent female reporter bitch.


Casino Royale

I agree that it's the best bond film since Connery leftthe series, but I was never too impressed even with him. Mostly interesting, with a very special love on my part for the poker scene and the very intense (for a PG-13 movie) torture bit.


The Departed

It's certainly exciting (and is probably the first Scorcese film since Casino to be so) and filmed with an intelligence that Quentin Tarantino in his wettest dreams will never achieve, and is the single most entertaining action movie in years. Plus, it has Martin Sheen in it. Where the fuck can you go wrong there?


Space Pope
« Reply #503 on: 01-02-2007 13:49 »
« Last Edit on: 01-02-2007 13:49 »

X-Men 2

Is a crapy movie. They don't even have real black people they do black face and call the people aka mutants. What is the deal with the black faced naked chick? Eye candy for men? duh! The movie looks like it's edited my this man:  

I sure didn't know what the hell was going on or cared. Someone just stuck a bunch of movies in one. It sure don't want to see part 1 or 3 after seeing this shit.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #504 on: 01-02-2007 13:53 »

Friends don't let friends post stupid.

Urban Legend
« Reply #505 on: 01-02-2007 13:55 »

Umm...they weren't supposed to be black.  Although now that you mention it, it is odd that there are three blue characters and one black one in contemporary X-men.

Originally posted by LayZ341:
Jet Li should have f*cked the blind girl and the ending was kind of weak.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing about House of Flying Daggers halfway through.  Then it got confusing.

Space Pope
« Reply #506 on: 01-03-2007 09:25 »

Originally posted by Blackadder11:
The Departed

....Where the fuck can you go wrong there?

Well you could have seen the movie The Departed is based on, Infernal Affairs, before. And in that case you might be disappointed about the end of "The Departed".

I'm not saying that the Departed is a bad movie, but the end made me think that they were paid a visit by some Chinese censors during the production.


Bending Unit
« Reply #507 on: 01-03-2007 14:05 »
« Last Edit on: 01-03-2007 14:05 »

Hey Mr. Blonde: I have one piece of advise for you: BUGGER OFF!   :finger:   :finger:

Urban Legend
« Reply #508 on: 01-03-2007 22:34 »

The only way "Infernal Affairs" is better than "The Departed" is it had way more Asian deaths. Am I right, peeps? *high five*

Please note: This was only a test. If your hand is in the air right now, you are a racist.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #509 on: 01-04-2007 20:51 »

Originally posted by DaveMason:
Hey Mr. Blonde: I have one piece of advise for you: BUGGER OFF!    :finger:    :finger:

Did you have a bad day today pumpkin?

Anyways just rented The Omen (remake) and the only thing I could come up with was: Meh...  C+

Space Pope
« Reply #510 on: 01-04-2007 21:38 »
« Last Edit on: 01-04-2007 21:38 »


Was too short of a movie. The fat guy and other gay naked dildo stuff not needed or that funny. The rest of the stuff was funny.


Space Pope
« Reply #511 on: 01-05-2007 21:35 »

Casino Royale
I totally saw the old "bomb in the back pocket" gag coming!  :D

SlackJM: Prepare to be agreed with! The most sexcellent Bond film in years.

I didn't really like the Le Chiffre death, though. Sure, I know they're trying to break the old Bond conventions, but I like a good old fashioned villain showdown.

Mr "Really, I'm not Emilio Largo, I swear" at the end just didn't cut it.


Urban Legend
« Reply #512 on: 01-05-2007 23:19 »
« Last Edit on: 01-05-2007 23:19 »

Night at the Museum - C
This is the first Carla Gugino movie I've seen where she wasn't topless. Boo.

Space Pope
« Reply #513 on: 01-09-2007 08:29 »

Superman Returns

How can a movie about a man who can cut diamonds with his foreskin be so boring?

We get it, we KNOW Superman can fly, we don't need 30 minutes of footage of him doing nothing but that to get the point across.

Even that scene where a bullet bounces off his eye was a lot nicer in the trailer!  :cry:

Kevin Spacey and Parker Posey livened it up, shame there wasn't more of them. I suppose Brandon Routh was alright, but choosing him because of his resemblence to a man who, when you get down to it, was more famous for his horse falling skills than his acting skills was not really a good idea.  :nono:

VERY Interesting anecdote: I thought Val Penn was M Night Shyamalan.  :(


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #514 on: 01-09-2007 15:16 »
« Last Edit on: 01-09-2007 15:16 »

What a twist!
Singer did a great job with the reboot button, the next one will be better, he just had to explain to kids and stuff that Superman is strong and stuff, and he has a boner for Lois.

Wait for The Silver Surfer to see an indestructible guy, he's basically Jesus and God and Superman combined, if my Wiki reading is right.

Space Pope
« Reply #515 on: 01-09-2007 19:38 »


Another one of them movies that should have did more at the end but didn't. Was good for a few laughs.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #516 on: 01-09-2007 20:13 »

The Good Shepperd
It had my man Matt Damon in it, but still managed to take up a lot of time, and the plot wasn't even that good. The only reason it was barable was cause I was with a hot chick.


Little Miss Sunshine
This was actually a lot better than expected. It has steve carell in it, so you can't really go wrong. His character was hillarious, and so was Dwayne, the kid that didn't talk.

An Inconvienent Truth
Only watched it so I can say I saw it. God, Al Gore is such a sore loser.


Urban Legend
« Reply #517 on: 01-10-2007 16:54 »

Dumbass. Al Gore is awesome to the maxxx. You're going to be banished to his moon-dungeons.

Seriously, though, this thread reminds me of how little I go to the movies anymore. I used to go all the time. Oh well... I don't have the money to see 50 movies in a year, and even if I did, I'd spend it on something cooler.
Urban Legend
« Reply #518 on: 01-11-2007 05:34 »

Probably drugs.

Great. Now in real life I'm talking like they do in this movie but with a deep Aussie accent and country slang. Still, one of the best movies of this decade so far. Right up there with Palindromes.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #519 on: 01-11-2007 09:26 »

Casino Royale

Everything up to the torture scene
Tense, exciting, and sexy.  Everything a Bond movie should be.

The last 20-30 minutes or so
Halp, halp, won't somebody help me?  My plot has holes in it and it's sinking faster than a collapsing house in Venice!

Overall, the best Bond movie since Goldeneye. 
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