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Author Topic: The Colbert Report  (Read 916 times)
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Urban Legend
« on: 10-22-2005 21:34 »

A spin-off of sorts from The Daily Show, Stephen Colbert now has his own show which premiered this past week.  Did anyone watch it?  What did you think?

I found the first week to be pretty entertaining stuff.  Mr. Colbert definitely has the chops to carry his own show.  The Word segment is particularly good.  Now if I could just stop thinking of Phil Ken Sebben when I hear him talk.

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 10-22-2005 23:03 »

[Phil Ken Sebben]Ha ha! Rah-pore! [/PKS]

I liked the first few episodes, but I really wonder if there's enough going around to keep the show on the air long enough. There is only so much news to go around with, and TDS covers most of the headlines. TCR does a great job of skewering the punditry tv shows, but it may be overkill. I am saddened that Colbert hasn't gotten argumentative with the guests in the style of the original promos.

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 10-24-2005 23:54 »

You're right,  the amount of news material for each show might get thin in the long run.  Right now though there's so much going on that I think the Colbert Report can do it's thing without retreading on what the Daily Report is doing.  He has been pretty cordial with the guests so far, but it's his first week.  He can't piss everyone off right away or nobody will come on the show.

And apparently we're the only two people who watch.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 10-25-2005 00:52 »

Love it so far.  I actually have been liking it better then Daily Show (which isn't a slant at Daily Show at all, since I would otherwise consider it to be the best show on tv).  It is a concern whether it will sustain itself, but I think it can do it.  And keep in mind that Daily Show can always cover the important stuff while Colbert Report can go over the pointless headlines that real Colbert-like shows tend to cover (like that thing about that school dropping prom).

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 10-25-2005 01:10 »

"Do you know who would be good for this job?  Torquemada."

I have to admit, I wasn't expecting that one.

« Reply #5 on: 10-25-2005 04:00 »

Ever since Colbert said "I'm going to feel the news on you," I knew I would love this show...and I do.

I have a feeling that the getting argumentative in interviews is gonna show up in another segment like the one that was on tonight's show where he "interviewed" the footage of the woman on yesterday's "Meet The Press"...
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