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Author Topic: FOX Lineup for January 2006  (Read 1025 times)
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salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« on: 09-28-2005 21:53 »

Fox Schedule for January 2006

Love it? Like it? Hate it? Shows you're surprised to see on there? Shows you wish weren't on there? Shows you're glad are on there? Discuss it here.

I'll start out by saying that I am very disappointed that The War at Home and American Dad are on the winter schedule. Hopefully at least one of those will be canned by then...

and wtf, more "Animation Encores" at 7pm? Does anyone else but me find this to be cruel irony, that the timeslot for show that had liegens of fans (Futurama) has now became wasted space? i hate you FOX.

also, where the f*** is Arrested Development? Will they be on hiatus for the month of January or something?
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 09-28-2005 22:08 »

Who knows, but every show you mentioned sucks except Futurama, but we all knew that, and FOX wangs WAY more than the shows, I hope they all get canned, and I agree with wasted time space.

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 09-28-2005 22:16 »

Where the fuck is Arrested Development?

Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 09-28-2005 22:22 »

House AND 24 on the SAME NIGHT! I know what I'm doing on Monday next year.

As for Arrested Development, I have no idea where it is. It doesn't look like all those shows are finalized yet. There are only two "new" shows from this season listed. I'm sure they'll change it around eventually.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 09-28-2005 23:05 »

Arrested Development might just be on its mid-season break in January. I know they had a 2-month break between Burning Love and Ready, Aim, Marry Me at around about the same time this year.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 09-29-2005 21:47 »

Or maybe they're waiting for American Dad's and The War at Home's ratings to go down so they can can them and then bring Arrested Development in. Though, if they wanted that, they'd schedule them for 7 and 7:30...

Sunday- Fine. Okay enough. They should've left Arrested there, if they put it in winter, though.
Monday- Looks promising.
Tuesday- First half: EVIL! Second half: Good enough.
Wednesday- Seems like their weekday comedy night.
Thursday- Seems like thier teen and 20something night.
Friday- Having an hour of comedy then an hour of drama doesn't seem right.
Saturday- Usual Fox Saturdays.

For the new shows, The Loop seems promising, but probally won't last two seasons. Killer Instincts fit with the new drama Fox. As for Sunday, I think The War should be cut, as should American Dad, which I've hated since I saw the pilot and the first few episodes. I hope they might show a certain older, currently only found on Adult Swim animated show at 7's "Animation Encore" slot, though it will most likely be King or Simpsons, like every year. Actually, scratch the whole "Futurama/ Ar.D back up" thing...
2. What are the Mid-Season backup shows for the 2005/06 Season?
BACKUP SHOWS (to air sometime in mid-season):

o "24" [5TH SEASON]
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 09-29-2005 21:51 »

Still no Futurama, so FOX can suck my balls.

And wrong answer renewing that horrendous American Dad show.

Urban Legend
« Reply #7 on: 09-29-2005 21:54 »

Didn't you get the memo? American Dad has become a good show the last few weeks.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #8 on: 09-29-2005 21:56 »

"24" 5th Season?

Bleh, i remember reading an article when season 3 had finished film and just started airing, and Kiefer was saying how it wouldn't go beyond a 3rd season, cause anymore than that and it would become to unrealistic, and we would start saying, "how could so much happen to this one guy, all in single days"
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 09-29-2005 22:39 »

Originally posted by newhook_1:
Didn't you get the memo? American Dad has become a good show the last few weeks.

Really? Hmmm, I knew I should have started watching it again...

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #10 on: 09-30-2005 06:36 »

remember when FOX was doing all those reality shows well luckily it seems as though the fad has passed on that...but now what we have are a bunch of the same cheesy half-hour comedies and new dramas that all have some mystery to solve...

in the words of the wise prophet homer:


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 09-30-2005 10:24 »

There's always going to be a HUGE amount of crap on TV - it's just a question of what you want that crap to be. I'd take bad comedies and lame dramas over reality TV any day - it's just unbearably awful.

Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 09-30-2005 11:39 »

Yeah. These comedies and dramas are just boring, but reality TV actually eats away at your soul.

Any bets on what the next big TV fad will be? My guess is after they have their round at the box office, live action super hero shows will make a comeback.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 09-30-2005 12:02 »

I'd like to see growing popularity in the genre of animal porn - it's the only form of sexual intercourse they're ALLOWED to show on TV.  :(

Urban Legend
« Reply #14 on: 09-30-2005 12:20 »

This schedule loooks terrible.  I think this is also the last seasons for both that 70s show and king of the hill.  Fox better get its shit together or it's gonna be a lame year

Starship Captain
« Reply #15 on: 09-30-2005 12:28 »

Eh. A few decent masturbation jokes hasn't convinced me that American Dad is any better than when it started. Family Guy still regularly destroys it.

Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 09-30-2005 20:44 »

the only shows I liked on that list is Family Guy and American Idol.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #17 on: 09-30-2005 22:21 »

Agreed Joysauce. I tryed watching the American Dad episode last night on Fox, but I didn't like it still. The whole episode was about Stan's wang-dang-doodily and wasn't funny. Fox, get your act straight. American still is not funny.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #18 on: 09-30-2005 22:45 »

Haha I haven't watched FOX Sunday at 9 since Desperate Housewives started airing again...which happened to be last week...screw you FOX!

Starship Captain
« Reply #19 on: 10-01-2005 21:23 »

Originally posted by Benders_Fan:
the only shows I liked on that list is Family Guy and American Idol.



Liquid Emperor
« Reply #20 on: 10-02-2005 00:20 »

Honestly, after Futurama got canned I just sort of gave up on Fox, and network tv in general.  I don't think unique ideas and quality shows can get the support they need on the main networks, unless the show itself is such a staple that it doesn't need as much support anyway (such as with The Simpsons, which is the only network show I'm still willing to watch).  Even on the off chance that a great new show is put on, it'll get cancelled and/or mishandled.  So yeah, this Fox schedule would have been relevant to me before I'd given up on them almost entirely.

With that said....schedule sucks, of course.  I just can't comprehend why shows like "Malcolm" and "American Dad" are still on, let alone all the reality shows and such.  And the networks wonder why people are turning to cable and dvds these days....

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #21 on: 10-02-2005 01:15 »

Anyone here care to give a reason for why the shows suck, instead of just saying "it sucks" or "they suck because it's on FOX"?

There are some pretty good shows on FOX, like 'House', which is in my opinion one of the best shows FOX has aired in the past few years.

Reasons why I support 'House':

1. One of the few shows (if not the only one) where you can learn things and be entertained.
2. Good acting, and good character stories. (See most recent new episode aired).
3. Makes you think about certain issues, like is one life worth more than another, or is it worth it to cure someone if they will eventually die?

In short, get over the damn cancellation, and stop hating new shows just because you want 'Futurama' back. I want it back just like you all do, but I don't let it's cancellation alter my life as it has for some of you.

'The War At Home' looks promising, as does 'American Dad'. (Both shows have had recent episodes that were pretty good.)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #22 on: 10-02-2005 01:31 »

Originally posted by Eyedol7513:

In short, get over the damn cancellation, and stop hating new shows just because you want 'Futurama' back. I want it back just like you all do, but I don't let it's cancellation alter my life as it has for some of you.

It wasn't just Futurama really.  Futurama was simply the final straw.  I haven't seen a show (other then The Simpsons) in a LOOOOONG time that was both really good and given proper support.  After that I just couldn't stand to struggle through the awkward scheduling and iffy futures of anything that might have any real promise.  That said, if anything worthy comes on, there's always the inevitable dvds if I want to see them.

Starship Captain
« Reply #23 on: 10-02-2005 02:13 »

How many god damb shows did they can last year?

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #24 on: 10-02-2005 03:32 »

Originally posted by Eyedol7513:
Anyone here care to give a reason for why the shows suck, instead of just saying "it sucks" or "they suck because it's on FOX"?

'The War At Home' looks promising, as does 'American Dad'. (Both shows have had recent episodes that were pretty good.)

I think I explained why I dislike "The War at Home" pretty well in my first post of my thread "The War at Home":

Originally posted by futurefreak:
has anyone seen that new show "The War at Home"? I think that show sucks too. I mean, in last Sunday's episode, the plot was about how the kids stole their parents' stash of pot. And then the episode ends with the mother high and the father chasing her up the stairs for the rest of the stash. This itself is a really cliche ending for an episode, but it's usually someone chasing someone else for maybe a piece of paper, the last piece of chocolate...but certainly not an illegal drug. That episode basically broadcasted to viewers that smoking pot is the way to go. I just found the whole thing really stupid.

As for American Dad, I don't like it because I find it offensive in several situations. I remember them previewing an episode with a line calling Mexico "God's Blind Spot"...I watched the episode, I don't remember much of it but several instances I found lines to be offensive. oh here, I found a post I made concerning this very issue in the "American Dad" thread on July 12, 2005:

Originally posted by futurefreak:
I saw the first episode of American Dad and was unimpressed. I haven't watched it since then (yay - Desperate Housewives on at 9pm!) but I did catch one the other week. I think I am generally easygoing when it comes to jokes, but some of them were just offensive. I don't mean politically either. I forgot what they were talking about...but it was the episode with the dad boxing at the end or something. I would think that FOX would be getting numerous complaints about the show's slanders on various ethnic groups. I remember this one preview for another episode of the show that they kept reairing...calling Mexico "God's blind spot"...it wouldn't be so weird if they hadn't kept reairing that same clip over and over on the station during the commercials of other shows

I gave the show a try...it just isn't my cup of tea.

speaking of "blind spots" though...how can FOX premiere these half-hour sitcoms when the average viewer at home can tell from the previews that it won't make it? I mean seriously...did anyone thingk Quintuplets or Hot Dog on a Stick would come back for another season? the only reason "Stacked" is coming back is because of FOX's unofficial motto: "sex sells"

edit: p.s., some of you might bring up that "hecho in mexico" comment made by Bender in Futurama and question its offensive nature, well, truth is mexico makes some shoddy merchandise     :D  and shame of you for badmouthing futurama!

as for the last american dad episode I[/i] saw....

Originally posted by futurefreak:
 I suppose that's not much different than Futurama and all its masturbatory-related euphonisms...like "Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love" when the plot centered around Zoidberg getting rid of his "male jelly"...however I still dislike American Dad. i saw an episode a couple of weeks ago, where the liberal daughter sleeps with the guys boss? I am in no way of that party affiliation but I would be offended as it is portraying liberal people to be sluts...the truth is any part affiliation can be slutty...   :D

my job is done (for now...)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #25 on: 10-02-2005 04:20 »

American Dad is pretty offensive, but no more than a lot of other shows on TV. And it's not like they're only targetting these things. It's like South Park or Family Guy - they go after everyone, and everyone gets it equally.

And hell, you're an Arrested Development fan, and they've made fun of these exact same groups just as much. Mexico is portrayed as a smelly, crappy wasteland where chickens run around the streets, people are lining up with their suitcases to cross the border using the staircar, and you're attacked instantly for doing Gob's chicken dance. Lindsay's the token liberal character, and she goes around protesting things just for the sake of protesting things. And yeah, they DEFINITELY weren't potraying liberal people as sluts when they had her wear a red top that said "SLUT" in giant letters... 3 times.  :rolleyes:

How you can consider American Dad's digs at these groups to be offensive and Arrested Development's to not be is beyond me...

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #26 on: 10-03-2005 01:02 »

Fine, I'll go one step beyond that and say what else sucks about American Dad. The drawing, that's right, I'm discriminating based on drawing! I never liked the way Family Guy was done, and it's the same thing with American Dad. But it's more than that. It's a politically based show with nowhere to go. I find it stupid and lame because I do not like the type of humor they have, it just isn't funny to me, I don't know how else I could say that. Do I need to diagram it out for you? I DON'T FIND IT FUNNY, SAME AS FAMILY GUY. Sorry I didn't develop a 5 paragraph thesis paper based on this. and I want my 30 min back for each episode I saw. Luckily Desperate Housewives is back on for new season now...  :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #27 on: 10-03-2005 01:05 »
« Last Edit on: 10-03-2005 01:05 »

American Dad sucks, the end.

I don't like it because it's "offensive"..the jokes just seem kind of forced. And the character stereotypes are a little too rigid. Having the main character (Stan is his name?) be paranoid of communists/terrorists every episode just isn't funny. And the characters are too much like the ones from Family Guy.

The show is just too predictable. And it sucks.


Bending Unit
« Reply #28 on: 10-04-2005 17:35 »

I like The War at Home, but the laugh track kills it.  I'd be surprised to see it go past 2 seasons.
American Dad is ok... but when it's on after Family Guy it just doesn't cut it.
Arrested Development is great... damnit.
Pumped for 24... as for it being unrealistic... yeah, but it's television, enjoy the crazy action for what it is.
American Idol.... why?  Every year I see those commercials that are like "this is where the competition really heats up!" or "this is the best final group EVER!"  it's just repetitive... sure some of the people have talent, but it gets old after like 5 seasons
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