Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

I saw the first episode, and recorded the second one. I was really impressed with how it's being done.
The level of historical accuracy is amazing, and it ties in dramatic plotlines to keep the viewer interested.
I'll definitely be watching this one every Sunday...

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #10 on: 12-17-2005 00:15 »
« Last Edit on: 01-14-2007 00:00 »
*bumpus maximus* Ok, I've watched up to episode 10 or something and I'm still impressed. But, I'm pissed off that I didn't get to see the battle between Caesar and Pompeys forces: "Awwww! But I love battles!"  The drama is great in it, it's not quite Lost drama but it's a little bit of drama, which is good. And the unecessary violence and nudity is good too. Go Titus Pullo!  Now, where's Hilo and the rest of you Rome likers?

DOOP Ubersecretary
Finished watching episode 12 (Kalends of February, gettit? "Beware the Ides of March, etc?): Awww... poor Caesar, and Lucious.  I don't like tragedy.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

After Caesar's death, IRL, guess who became emperor 10 years later?


Marcus Crassus was dead (killed at Carrhae in 53 BC by the Parthians) by the time Caesar went at Pompey. Series seems to run from Caesar's final years (52 BC) in Gaul up to 44 BC when he was assassinated.
I like the show and have seen all episodes. It tries to stick close to the actual history but some of it is obviously HBO touches - Nudity (I think this one of HBO's primary traits - can't think of good dialogue, show some naked folks having sex. Lots is good, more is better). Sometimes it's overkill.
They seem to have given the lasses more power than they probably held in Rome (paterfamilias is a Roman concept after all) and I think they got Atia completely wrong. (She seems to have been a rather meek mousey woman devoted to Octavius).
They also seem to have simplified a lot of the actual story. I rather wish they could have spent some time setting things up with a little overview of all the stuff that happened prior to Caesar's Dictatorship (the Gracchi, Marius, Sulla, the use of the courts to prosecute political enemies, the Optimates, what Consul and Dictator actually meant, and the total corruption of the government).
That said, it is pretty good show and HBO is the leader in coming up with interesting series (Sopranos, Deadwood, etc.)

DOOP Secretary

An excellent series. Titus Pullo is awesome. He'd certainly make Asterix cry his eyes out.


Originally posted by ~FazeShift~: z0mg I watched it, it was pretty cool. Mark Anthony is a badass. i watched it last night as well. i was literally on the edge of my seat during the whole show.

DOOP Secretary

It's nice to see a non EEEEEVIIIILL Brutus for once.


i watched last night's episode. i wasn't as into it was i was the season premier.
octavius turned into a sandy vag in my opinion. all he does is whine and complain and constantly wants his way.
i loved the return of cleopatra though. she is looking beautiful.
lucius verenius has totally gone off the deep end. i'm glad he finds he has a new purpose in life or something to keep him going but god damn what a flip from last season.
that "twist" at the very end where you see who was riding in that slave cart broke my heart some.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

So who was in the slave cart? The slave boy? Vorenus his "son"? His wife and children too?
It seems Octavian hit the gym in between seasons.

DOOP Ubersecretary
He grew up a bit alright, young whippersnapper. In this episode: Buggery!  I wonder what Vorenus will do now that Pullo has some interesting news for him, stay with Mark Anthony or go...

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Woo. Great ep. I had expected more slaughter though.
My history is a little rusty. Whom is Brutus associating with and who are his enemies?

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Octavius is the son of (forgot her name) who sided with Marcus Antonius. He is the legal heir of Julius Caesar.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

^^He'll take some getting used to, but he's less bratty. Just a bit.
As for this week: maybe Vorenus' daughter will kill Vorenus in the future?

DOOP Ubersecretary
Guess not kill Zeej, just spy for the guy from that other collegium.
Oh noes! Gaia is going to abort Eirenes baby with that stuff she got!
Sevilla hari kari and Atia cursed!
Anthony and Octavia, and poor Agrippa! Wow, so much in that episode.