

Yeah, I saw an interview with the Spyhunter movie's producer on G4.
What happened to Hollywood? everybody went shoppin' at the video games industry mall.

DOOP Secretary

Unless Luigi is played by John Leguizamo. that would be HAWT.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Zogonif: it would either be good or Crap That is so deep.

Urban Legend
After some deliberation I decided that this would be the best palce to post the review (hopefully it will become apparent after the review) Final Fantasy VII: Advent ChildrenThe reason i have posted this here is beacuse I would not recomend this film to the movie going public but jsut to those who have played the game through. Sure you could watch the film and marvel at the visual specticle but the film draws very heavily on teh knowlge of the game. The film is set 2 years after teh end of the game. The world is now plauged by an afliction called geo-stigma. Cloud and the rest of the team return when a new group led by the man called Kadaj atempt the regain Jenova's head for what tehy call Reunion. One of the main problems I had with the previous Square atempt at a movie was the lack of good action sceens. This film certainly has tackled that. Some of the action sceens are breath taking. Especailly the final confrontation with Sephiroth The film is basically a visual show case with a story tagged on. Not that I am saying the story was bad it I just don't think that is was the film will be remebered for. The voices all seemed fine to me and hopefully they will get some good voice actors for the English dub. All in all this film was a Final Fantasy VII fanboys wet dream. Whether it will hold up over time I am not sure but it was fun. 9/10

DOOP Secretary

That movie doesn't exist, Goc.

Space Pope
« Reply #71 on: 10-06-2005 04:24 »
« Last Edit on: 10-06-2005 04:24 »
Originally posted by Nixorbo: That movie doesn't exist, Goc. like in: a) I have erased this movie from my memory. or b) I haven't noticed that Chris Roberts quit game-making to fulfill his dream of becoming a director...?

DOOP Secretary

or c)Angel: In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed.