

Originally posted by Marcet_Kroker: Like Kif and Join the KifKifKif Klub (for only 0.00000000000001p
how much is that in canadian dollars?? oh ya i also like kif and bender. just thought i mention cause i can't remember if i had alredy stated and i'm to lazy to look it up.

Bending Unit
Originally posted by Bob_14: how much is that in canadian dollars??
I dunno I think its NOTHING! All I know is money is either metal or paper its also useful if you want to buy stuff. In other words any one who wants to join the club e-mail me an I send you a news letter. Pretty pants but its better than nothing.


I love Dr. Zoidberg the best because his entire race is reminiscent of the whole Jewish community in NYC. In the middle of a heated discussion they'll branch off on a non-threatening banter about unimportant details.  I love Zoidberg more than Homer loved Pinchy.


How about the Beastie Boys? True they were only in one episode and MCA didn't actually lend his voice to the show, but c'mon they're the freakin' Beastie Boys! But if it has to be a regular character it have to be Fry even though if I knew him in real life I would find myself breaking my foot off on his ass.


My favorite has always been Fry.
Bender, Leela, and Nibbler all sort of tie for second place.


« Reply #92 on: 08-15-2001 11:37 »
« Last Edit on: 08-15-2001 11:37 »
One of the main characters? Zoidberg! And Bender. But I LOVE Nixon! Everything he says is funny! (at least I think so. I haven't seen "A Head in the Polls"...) Nixon: "So anyway, we open the panda crate, but what do you know, the poor creature's dead. Upchucked its bamboo. True story." Nixon: "Brannigan! My God, cover yourself. I didn't live a thousand years and travel a quadrillion miles just to look at another man's gizmo." Nixon: "(singing)I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning, like a whirlpool, that never ends..." Nixon: "Looking like that, he talked his way into Jill St. John's bedroom. Nuff said." Hmmmm, all these quotes are from "War is the H-Word". An extremely good episode! !!YAY!! Oh yeah, and Morbo kicks some serious human butt.


Zoidy's my fave.


Bender Bending Rodriguez

DOOP Secretary

Yeah I like to join that club please