Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

How many days is 3 years? Also, is the world flat?... *waits for link* No I'm not Zelda, get lost!  ...

DOOP Secretary

Or better: http://theinfosphere.org/Yancy_Fry_Jr. Well that site is wrong. Not about Yancy's age, but it lists both Enos and Mildred with the surname of Fry when we know they were never married.
really good point. Also, that proves that the site is wrong by saying Enos is Fry's grandfather. 
*Ahem* -Enos Fry, grandfather (though, he died in a nuclear test, and Philip fathered his own father).

DOOP Secretary

No, it's perfectly fine. It's only because of the PE crew going back to 1947 that caused Fry to become his own Grandfather.


If we are to believe winna, then AoI I will give you your answer.


I know, but by giving that, the site just proves itself wrong. It basically says Enos is Fry's grandfather, and then says hes not. You are incorrect and you should feel incorrect. The point of the article saying so, is that Yancy grew up to believe Enos was his grandfather. To Yancy, Enos really is his grandfather.


Sure, but that doesn't make his name Enos Fry. It is believed that Mildred pretended her child was Enos' son and named it after Enos' father due to the difficulties she would otherwise have had in the 1940s as the mother of an illegitimate child.


Don't think so. If he was a Fry, his name would have been Yancy, "...just like my grandfather, and his father, and his father's father, all the way back to minuteman Yancy Fry, who blasted commies in the American Revolution."
Note that he didn't say "just like my father."
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Hm. Just noticed something else. The Infosphere contains multiple errors with regard to Enos. For example, Private Enos Fry was a United States Army private in 1947, and was Philip J. Fry's grandfather until certain mishaps changed the course of time (3ACV19). Fry always was his own grandfather. The entry should read more like this: "Private Enos Fry was a United States Army private in 1947, and was thought to be Philip J. Fry's grandfather until a mishap sent Philip back in time (3ACV19) where it was revealed that Fry was his own grandfather, having done the nasty in the pasty with his grandmother following Enos' death in an atomic test accident."


Hm. Just noticed something else. The Infosphere contains multiple errors with regard to Enos. For example,
Private Enos Fry was a United States Army private in 1947, and was Philip J. Fry's grandfather until certain mishaps changed the course of time (3ACV19). Fry always was his own grandfather. The entry should read more like this: "Private Enos Fry was a United States Army private in 1947, and was thought to be Philip J. Fry's grandfather until a mishap sent Philip back in time (3ACV19) where it was revealed that Fry was his own grandfather, having done the nasty in the pasty with his grandmother following Enos' death in an atomic test accident." Multiple such errors unfortunately crop up, it would be impossible to hinder them and still have such an open wiki. But every time I come across one I try to correct it. Thanks for the remark.