Starship Captain
« on: 05-06-2002 05:54 »
There are actually quite a few, when you think about them--which is your favorite one-or-two-shot minor character? The ones you want to see again, but are afraid they might get screwed up the second or third time around?
This includes speaking and non-speaking roles, but NOT major characters around whom the plot revolves, such as That '80s Guy, Cubert, or Morgan Proctor, or regular minor characters like Morbo. Tell us all why you dig 'em, too, please.
Mine, in rising order:
(4) The Coffee-Maker, as seen in Mother's Day. The voice is hilarious, and expresses such hatred in so few lines...
Coffee Maker: "OUT OF CREAM!...OUT OF COFFEE! (sprays Fry with coffee) HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOWWWWWW?!!"
(3) Dave Spiegel and Fluffers from the vet's office in I Second That Emotion and winners in the pet show from The Day The Earth Stood Stupid: The "pet human" and his alien cat-woman owner. Simultaneously cute, revolting, hilarious, and disturbingly erotic. [zapp]Erotic! Erotic![/zapp]
(2) The Vet: that poor bugger from I Second That Emotion. The character captures the dedication of a real animal doctor, plus he has great reactions to Bender's hostility and Fry's stupidity.
Vet: "Well, the Jaguar didn't want to cooperate, but luckily he knocked one of my teeth out!" Fry: "Hey, what are these rings in Nibbler's fang?" Vet: "Um--I'm still a little woozy from the gazelle-kick this morning...but if he's anything like the common tree, the rings might indicate his age." Fry: (snorts) "Yeah? Well, good luck! It'd take some kind of genius to count all these rings!" Vet: (glances at tooth) "He's five."
(1) The Hypnotoad from The Day The Earth Stood Stupid. Do I really have to explain this one? When design, writing, animation and sound effects all come together this perfectly, it's a glorious thing. ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Okay, some I'd like to see again. The original voice of the PE ship. That voice was soo cool, and the arguement it and Bender had was brilliant. I particularly loved when the ship cut of Bender's head and responded: "Ooops. Sorry! muah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha" Bring that voice back. Phnog. That was difinitely a funny character, and I liked what he brought out in Leela. It'll be nice to see him again, and give Leela another chance to show us some of her acturian kung-fu moves. Always nice to see Leela kick some butt. iHawk. Could be very difficult to do, since he was part of a MASH spoof. But if it could be done somehow, it would be great.
DOOP Secretary
DOOP Secretary
I think we need more brainslug related episodes.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
To be honest, although I loved the Hypnotoad's part in "The Day The Earth Stood Stupid", I don't think he has enough scope or depth to be used again. If they tried using him again, they would have to come up with something new, or it would be just a re-hash of his first appearance, and it wouldn't seem as good as the first time because it would be forced. If they tried a to do something new with him, they could end up ruining him. Someone I would like to see more of is the stripy referee, I thought he was so cool, he's already been used twice but one more time couldn't hurt. I agree with the people who said Phnog, although he's annoying, I sure would like to see him again, especially if Leela kicks his ass
DOOP Secretary
Grunka Lunka dunkity dunka lunkas . . .
DOOP Secretary
Have I mentioned how much I hate Roberto?
transgender nerd under canada
DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by Just Chris: Phnog, he can really tick off a lady. Theory: Phnog never gets laid, and therefore hates all females, If Phnog ever did manage to score, he'd change instantly, and become a feminist campaigner, and a bit of a ladies man where disgusting fly creatures like him are concerned. Anyone else agre?
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Chump: Hmmm... well you can't go wrong with Grunka Lunkas! They were OK I guess but would be much better if they paid a visit to the Brainslug Planet.
DOOP Secretary
Maybe if his voice didn't burrow into my skull and chip away at MY sanity
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Nixorbo: Maybe if his voice didn't burrow into my skull and chip away at MY sanity Personally I thought that whoever did Roberto's voice did a great job. They really gave so much feeling and passion to the character. His performance was very convincing as an insane robot, and cool too .
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
A return of the Neptunians outside an Xmas special would be cool. Not Elzar (although he's a cool character as well), but those shrimpy ones.
"Hey, wanna buy a tiny little kidney." " I'll let you hit me for a buck."
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Bender3000: We need more Brainslugs, Neutrals and Beezlebot. Also, how about an episode with Morbo as the central charecter? That would be cool. I have to admit, it would be pretty cool to see some more of the Brain Slugs. I would also love an episode with Morbo as a cental character. I can't help thinking, had the show been renewed for a 5th production season, there may have been an episode where Mobo's race invades Earth, like he always talks about.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Chump: Maybe a taste of freedom? It is suggested on TLZ that its Zoidy's race who invades, but maybe its Morbo? Or maybe the aliens of the world strike against humans? Or maybe Zoidy's people invade, and Morbo's race help Earth, forever shattering Morbo's illusions about his people conquering Earth.
Originally posted by Bender3000: We need more Brainslugs, Neutrals and Beezlebot. Also, how about an episode with Morbo as the central charecter? That would be cool. Bezabot was cool, love to see him torture the crew in some other venue.