Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
« on: 03-28-2002 15:10 »
« Last Edit on: 01-24-2012 22:12 »
Originally posted by Teral: Well, Bender was bound to win this. Benders presence in the pool makes it unbalanced, and thus the results of the lesser robots is somewhat random. Maybe we should make a pool without Bender? I totally agree with what Teral said in the previous Poll. In my opinion many of the best robots were left out of the old Poll altogether, like Beelzebot, Roberto and Robot Santa. Nurdbot had a great idea but could have executed a little better... Here is a better poll, it contains many robots who were in the previous Poll along with some others I felt should have been included but weren't, only this time there is no Bender for the reasons which Teral gave*. We already know that Bender is the ultimate winner, but this Poll is to fairly find out how the other robots score... *edit - as of 22nd of January 2012 there is, as Randi wanted Bender added... **double edit - also, Destructor has been added... ***triple edit - As of the 24th of January 2012 we now have 20 poll options, so many more bots have been added!...
AAARRRG!! Curse you! I can't decide! Beelzebot!, no Robot Santa!, no wait, Roberto! no, no... AArrrgg!! ..... nnn.. nn...
Gata go with Malfunctioning eddie! "Look I barly exploded at all.. We can control that with medicatoin."
DOOP Secretary
(Not quite right, I know, but . . .)
"When you see the Robot Devil, tell him I'm a'comin'!" "Hey, he says -" "I heard."
Just Chris
Urban Legend
Best robot I think...Beezlebot. "Aw hell, I mean heck." "That's all right, you can say that here." My second favorite is The Masked Unit. "Time to open a file of whup-ass on you"
nnnnn.... nn.. nnah! Beelzebot!
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Nice work, Otis. This poll is a great deal better balanced (what with Bender out and all).
I voted for Robot Santa. Now that's a robot with attitude, I love that. Plus John Goodman's voice in "Xmas Story" was perfect for him, absolutely perfect. John DiMaggio did a great job in "A TAle Of Two Santas", but I really wish they'd brought Goodman back.
You'd DARE bribe Santa? I'm going to stuff coal so far up your stocking, you'll be coughing up diamonds!"
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Thanx for all the complements everyone I must admit I'm a little surprised that Beelzebot and Malfunctioning Eddie are so far ahead at the moment, both are great choices though.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by BrainSluggo: I hope everybody's remembering the Robot Mafia. Otherwise, I'll have to give you all the CLAMPS!!! (snap snap) Heh, I would have put them on, if there was more space.
DOOP Secretary
She ended up getting the Beta Romero, with extra eagle.
Bending Unit
my vote goes to malfunctioning eddie. NurseBot: "He is very excitable. So don't say anything to surprise him." Malfunctioning Eddie: "Pleased to meet you." Fry: "Actually, we have met once before." Malfunctioning Eddie: "WHAT?!" *boom*
Beezel bot is the best robot ever. Plus he had a great song and dance number.
I think Roberto. But i do like most of the others as well. Haven't seen the Robot santa yet though {I haven't seen the first Christmas episode, and Sky, in their wisdome, desided not to air the second one, we only get 11 episodes in seson 4}
<-------------- Guess who I picked
My vote has to go to URL...
URL is the Cop Robot isn't he?
"Hey baby, wash that off before you put it back"
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Binder:
BTW, Who is the robot in my avatar? He was in the episode "Mars University". He's the president of "Epsilon Rho Rho", Benders old fraternity. You can see a picture of the entire fraternity here.