« on: 04-24-2009 22:56 »
A thing I've been wondering over a lot is; how Slurm would taste in real life. think about it, when you hear and see Slurm, what flavor are you associating to ? When I hear "Slurm" I think about some sour tasting Dr.pepper-ish flavor, thickness like water, maybe lots of caffeine in aswell.. Please tell me your associations .
DOOP Secretary
Same as Squishies on the Simpsons.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 04-25-2009 04:46 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2009 04:57 »
I think this may just be the most unintentionally dirty thread title ever. Right on, Scruffy@Jail. As for Slurm: I think it would taste like Mountain Dew, only a wee bit more tangy. Oh, and it'd have the consistency of honey. Basically, it'd be the least refreshing beverage imaginable. Doesn't mean I would buy about seven hundred cases of it, though.
DOOP Secretary
It would taste like ink, because it's an animated fictional beverage.
DOOP Secretary
Thank god for italics--otherwise, your very subtle point might have been lost on me.
You're saying that Slurm isn't real, right?
DOOP Secretary
That's the general gist.
DOOP Secretary
In that case, you're quite insightful, coldy. Although it seems to me that making the "Futurama is fiction" argument is kind of futile; I mean, I for one didn't join a Futurama message board because I have a deep appreciation for *shudder* reality.
Semi-topic: I bought a deck of Futurama playing cards about four years ago, and they came in a cannister made up to look like a can of Slurm. For what it's worth, the cards were unfulfilling taste-wise: too much cardboard, not enough hot sauce.
Liquid Emperor
Like Wumpus berries that look like a cross between blueberries and grapes. Maybe some honey flavor overtones too, since it's "processed" through a slug. The Wumpus berries might have evolved an addictive substance like tobacco or poppies to promote their survival. Can't think of anything phyically addictive to humans that isn't plant based.
I dont see the difference between 7-up and sprite Arachno-spores
I just class them as the same and i like sprite more.
if slurm exsisted it probly wouldnt taste very good i wouldnt go by what fry thinks tastes good,'Give me a thorax and some feelers' hmmm yum? and maybe the reason fry drinks it so much not coz it tastes great but coz its so addictive