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Author Topic: Ship Trek: Deep Thread Nine  (Read 61143 times)
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Starship Captain
« Reply #440 on: 07-18-2008 10:37 »

Yea, I remember hearing DXC mention that in an earlier interview; I can hardly wait for the planned Fry + Leela resolution/catharsis- 10 years is a long time  :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #441 on: 07-18-2008 22:26 »

I'm abit skeptical about this though. I've known they were going to "resolve" the Fry/Leela thing with ITWGY for a while but "resolve" can mean alot of things. You could say (before BBS came out) that it was "resolved" in Devil's Hands for example. I personaly take resolved to mean a real end, you know a good one.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #442 on: 07-19-2008 08:25 »

Kindred spirits they may be but isn't there just a hint of irony in the fact that, in tBwaBB, the two characters who seem unwilling (or unable) to limit themselves to single-partner relationships should end up alone in a universe with only each other?

Oh, and I liked how, in the mass 'date with Yivo' collage shot, everyone goes out with one tentacle except for Colleen who has three!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #443 on: 07-19-2008 21:07 »

I find interesting that the only people who objected to the relationship with Yivo had either one or three eyes.

In addition to the fact that Yivo had one eye.

And the scene where Leela punches Zapp in the face had some pretty apparent 'one-eye' symbolism.

Starship Captain
« Reply #444 on: 07-19-2008 22:39 »
« Last Edit on: 07-19-2008 22:39 »


And the scene where Leela punches Zapp in the face had some pretty apparent 'one-eye' symbolism.

Bit of a stretch?

I tend to only notice the double-face-punchism. Don't fuck with Leela.

Its good to hear movie three will be just a no strings fun adventure, and REALLY good to hear movie 4 will not just feature Fry / Leela, but that will BE the movie.

Time for "the mighty one" to get "the other" and go save the universe one more time  :)


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #445 on: 07-19-2008 22:54 »

Originally posted by aknightofni:
Time for "the mighty one" to get "the other" and go save the universe one more time   :)

The young one is most wise.

Starship Captain
« Reply #446 on: 07-21-2008 11:28 »

Originally posted by Frisco17:
I'm abit skeptical about this though. I've known they were going to "resolve" the Fry/Leela thing with ITWGY for a while but "resolve" can mean alot of things. You could say (before BBS came out) that it was "resolved" in Devil's Hands for example. I personaly take resolved to mean a real end, you know a good one.

Good point. I can't imagine the ending will be so conclusive that more can't happen should the show return, but I suppose they don't have to maintain continuity either (proven by the current return after Devil's Hands).
Originally posted by aknightofni:
Time for "the mighty one" to get "the other" and go save the universe one more time  :)
yea, that would work for me  :D


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #447 on: 07-21-2008 22:44 »

What they need to do is take my advice and realise that not only could the show survive Fry and Leela getting together but it would create tons of hilarious opportunities. The best example I can come up with is Bender getting jealous and trying to break it up. Think of the comedic potential!
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #448 on: 07-21-2008 22:46 »

But they just did that, except with Fry and Yivo, didn't they?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #449 on: 07-21-2008 22:54 »

1: That was similar but not the same. The attempt to break it up was a pirate themed invasion.

2:I came up with it years ago.

Space Pope
« Reply #450 on: 07-21-2008 22:55 »

Bender wasn't trying to break them up he was trying to make heaven available for the robots.

I don't want Fry and Leela together. Though there could be good potential I just want them to find other people and be friends.
Bending Unit
« Reply #451 on: 07-21-2008 23:35 »

Bender won't split them up, if you payed any attention to BWABB, Leela is the only one who Bender could tolerate losing Fry's attention to, but he CAN tolerate it because he actually likes her. Not to mention she knows how to switch him off if he misbehaves.

But really, I don't mind one way or the other. I really don't see how comedic potential is lost if they get together. If anything they just go from rejection jokes to marriage problem jokes.

Starship Captain
« Reply #452 on: 07-21-2008 23:55 »

It would be good to see them dating at the end of ITWGY, it would allow a huge amount of potential for the series should it return, let the suspense keep going because everyone will be waiting for the wedding, but also let them turn relationships on / off on a by episode basis. It sounds rough but it is important to have episodes that aren't focusing on some characters relationships, you have to have the no strings attached random adventures without the "but how does that make X feel when Y does!!?!?!?!?". If they are dating you can go back to old style adventures, have more interesting interaction between the two and feel confident any major shippyness will be addressed on a "date night" episode :P

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #453 on: 07-22-2008 23:12 »

Originally posted by aknightofni:
If they are dating you can go back to old style adventures, have more interesting interaction between the two and feel confident any major shippyness will be addressed on a "date night" episode :P

My thoughts exactly. I sometime prefer the older episodes for specifically that reason.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #454 on: 07-23-2008 06:01 »

Originally posted by Archonix:
Jesus fuck I'm depressed now, and I haven't even seen it. Oh well. At least I have a wife to turn to...

I know what you mean. I've been woefully behind on my Futurama for a while now.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #455 on: 07-25-2008 19:21 »

Deca! You've returned! I come bearing gifts of lobsters! Many, many lobsters!

Torgo, bring me my lobsters!

Space Pope
« Reply #456 on: 07-25-2008 19:57 »

TORGO: Very well, but the master wouldnot a... approve! *hobbles away*

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #457 on: 07-25-2008 22:10 »

Yes I would. Stop putting words im my mouth.

Space Pope
« Reply #458 on: 07-26-2008 14:51 »

Eep, Torgo refs in the shipper thread!

"Torgo, put your dress on and get in there, you're missing all the fun!"


[Quote may be inexact].

« Reply #459 on: 07-26-2008 23:53 »

"ThErE iS nO wAY oUt Of HeRe. It'Ll Be DaRk SoOn. THeRe Is No WaY OuT Of HeRe."

Joel: It'Ll Be DaRk SoOn.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #460 on: 07-27-2008 00:03 »

Is golden!

Space Pope
« Reply #461 on: 07-27-2008 00:09 »

For all the high comedic value of Torgo overall, I think I had to love his theme music the most. Monotonous, yet creepily memorable.

« Reply #462 on: 07-27-2008 00:49 »

Ah, the haunting "Torgo" theme...  ;)


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #463 on: 07-27-2008 01:21 »

Originally posted by km73:

For all the high comedic value of Torgo overall, I think I had to love his theme music the most. Monotonous, yet creepily memorable.

You mean "Manotonous".

Space Pope
« Reply #464 on: 07-27-2008 04:49 »

For highly comedic effect, take all the scenes where the women are fighting and add the Benny Hill theme tune.

Starship Captain
« Reply #465 on: 07-27-2008 08:13 »

Yakety Sax makes everything better!

« Reply #466 on: 07-27-2008 08:47 »

So...which Futurama character is most like Torgo?  ;)

Space Pope
« Reply #467 on: 07-27-2008 09:22 »

Scruffy. The Janitor. He's always staring at jugs in the Professor's basement...
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #468 on: 07-27-2008 10:25 »

Originally posted by Archonix:

Scruffy. The Janitor. He's always staring at jugs in the Professor's basement...

Jesus, Arch, that's a groaner.  :nono:

Space Pope
« Reply #469 on: 07-27-2008 14:38 »

Scruffy would be the obvious choice, but fortunately there's no one on Futurama even approaching that level of shudder-inducing creepiness.

Incidentally, I'm not sure anything has ever made me sob with laughter as much as certain episodes of MST used to do. Ahh, good times.

Originally posted by Xanfor:
 You mean "Manotonous".

Get thee to a punnery!!


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #470 on: 07-27-2008 21:31 »

Originally posted by km73:
Get thee to a punnery!!

Wow! Referencing 'Hamlet' while discussing Torgo.  I...I don't know what to say to that but 5,000 points.

Starship Captain
« Reply #471 on: 07-27-2008 21:36 »
« Last Edit on: 07-27-2008 21:36 »

Shakespeare angers up my blood.

Posted in the movie news thread, but:  http://www.slashfilm.com/wp/wp-content/images/benders-game.jpg  Benders Game cover art.

The possible scenarios of Leela telling Fry to "hop on for a ride" are numerous and hilarious.
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #472 on: 07-27-2008 22:11 »

Well Fry still looks like a pansy-ass chump, can't say I'm surprised.

Starship Captain
« Reply #473 on: 07-27-2008 23:08 »

Does look like he will be kicking some ass as a dragon though.

Starship Captain
« Reply #474 on: 07-28-2008 12:16 »

Originally posted by Sine Wave:
Well Fry still looks like a pansy-ass chump, can't say I'm surprised.

As usual, the cover is an homage to old horror posters. The running joke places Leela as the strong hero (typical male character) and Fry as the helpless (hapless?) woman. Pretty much like the show has always been....
Don't you think?
La Belle Leela

Starship Captain
« Reply #475 on: 07-28-2008 18:03 »

My ears are burning.

Space Pope
« Reply #476 on: 07-28-2008 18:16 »

:laff: Well, actually, your avatar is pretty appropriate for that too.

Originally posted by Frisco17:
 Wow! Referencing 'Hamlet' while discussing Torgo.  I...I don't know what to say to that but 5,000 points.

My diversity has paid off.
I guess now my life has a point or 5000 to it.   :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #477 on: 07-28-2008 18:16 »

Hey, where's our pizza?
La Belle Leela

Starship Captain
« Reply #478 on: 07-28-2008 21:26 »
« Last Edit on: 07-28-2008 21:26 by Torgo »

"Manos" was a good MST3K episode.

I finally picked up MST3K: The Movie on DVD the other day.

Crow: "Give Uncle Scrotor a hug!"    :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #479 on: 07-28-2008 22:03 »
« Last Edit on: 07-28-2008 22:03 »

Originally posted by ALequalsGREAT:
 As usual, the cover is an homage to old horror posters. The running joke places Leela as the strong hero (typical male character) and Fry as the helpless (hapless?) woman. Pretty much like the show has always been....
Don't you think?

Well except for the BBS cover. Though this might be because he's the hero of the movie in the end. Or at least a form of him is.
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