DOOP Secretary
I'm abit skeptical about this though. I've known they were going to "resolve" the Fry/Leela thing with ITWGY for a while but "resolve" can mean alot of things. You could say (before BBS came out) that it was "resolved" in Devil's Hands for example. I personaly take resolved to mean a real end, you know a good one.
DOOP Secretary
I find interesting that the only people who objected to the relationship with Yivo had either one or three eyes.
In addition to the fact that Yivo had one eye.
And the scene where Leela punches Zapp in the face had some pretty apparent 'one-eye' symbolism.
DOOP Secretary
What they need to do is take my advice and realise that not only could the show survive Fry and Leela getting together but it would create tons of hilarious opportunities. The best example I can come up with is Bender getting jealous and trying to break it up. Think of the comedic potential!
DOOP Secretary
1: That was similar but not the same. The attempt to break it up was a pirate themed invasion.
2:I came up with it years ago.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by aknightofni: If they are dating you can go back to old style adventures, have more interesting interaction between the two and feel confident any major shippyness will be addressed on a "date night" episode :P My thoughts exactly. I sometime prefer the older episodes for specifically that reason.
DOOP Secretary
Deca! You've returned! I come bearing gifts of lobsters! Many, many lobsters!
Torgo, bring me my lobsters!
DOOP Secretary
Yes I would. Stop putting words im my mouth.
"ThErE iS nO wAY oUt Of HeRe. It'Ll Be DaRk SoOn. THeRe Is No WaY OuT Of HeRe."
Joel: It'Ll Be DaRk SoOn.
DOOP Secretary
Silence! Is golden! SILENCE! IS GOLDEN!
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by km73:
For all the high comedic value of Torgo overall, I think I had to love his theme music the most. Monotonous, yet creepily memorable. You mean "Manotonous".
So...which Futurama character is most like Torgo?
Space Pope
Scruffy would be the obvious choice, but fortunately there's no one on Futurama even approaching that level of shudder-inducing creepiness. Incidentally, I'm not sure anything has ever made me sob with laughter as much as certain episodes of MST used to do. Ahh, good times. Originally posted by Xanfor: You mean "Manotonous". Get thee to a punnery!!
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by km73: Get thee to a punnery!!
Wow! Referencing 'Hamlet' while discussing Torgo. I...I don't know what to say to that but 5,000 points.
Space Pope
^ Well, actually, your avatar is pretty appropriate for that too. Originally posted by Frisco17: Wow! Referencing 'Hamlet' while discussing Torgo. I...I don't know what to say to that but 5,000 points. Sweet! My diversity has paid off. I guess now my life has a point or 5000 to it.
DOOP Secretary
Hey, where's our pizza?