DOOP Secretary
One for you:
'It is a fine thing to be honest, but it is also very important to be right.'
'A fanatic is a man who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.'
I feel that... 'This is one of those cases in which the imagination is baffled by the facts.'
Heh heh...
DOOP Secretary
This avatar is a self-portrait. It's less angry than my old furious Fry.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Decapodian:
But I agree with you that Xanfor is a pendantic bastard but that's why we all love him. I'll have you know I was perfectly legitimate.
Originally posted by coldangel_1: I've had a theory for some time about the nature of societies, that they inevitably produce 'the man for the hour' when the need arises. It may be analoguous to ant or bee colonies responding to pheremonal signals to spawn more soldier units when the colony is attacked, or other species giving birth to a specific gender when that gender is lacking in the community. When humanity faces peril, our society has a way of producing the kind of person we need to overcome... men like Christ, William Wallace, Churchill, Gorbachev, etc. Fry may be an example of collective unconscious 'hive thinking', whereby the necessary 'tool for the job' is produced as a function of the whole.
I was thinking when I read this, you should read the Book Emergence by Steven Johnson. It deals with the 'emergence' of intelligent patterns out of seamingly vast and complex processes. I think ant colonies was one of the topics covered, he looks at patterns in internet activity too. I liked your idea anyway!
DOOP Secretary
Similar concepts are examined in the anime 'Stand Alone Complex', where the Net itself becomes the spawning ground of an actual human collective consciousness, and in Neal Asher's Spatterjay series of sci-fi novels which involve the evolution of terrestrial hornet colonies into super-intelligent hive minds that communicate with humans.
Frida Waterfall
I hate to be the one to resurrect the "Fry is Pope" topic, but how would you think Fry would react to obtaining that role? If he became space pope, wouldn't he have to change his behaviour immediately? Instead of him being naive and impulsive, he would have to mature into a stern, wise, universal figure of space christianity fast. Also, if he did become space pope, since it is a very prestigious and honorable role, wouldn't that mean that it wouldn't be accepted if he married Leela? I'm sure if somebody even found out that he had a romantic connection between the mutant during his time as pope would cause a universal uproar.
Originally posted by coldangel_1: jle1993's asked me to let all who care know she's not coming back here again. Ostensibly she's bored with the place. That's too bad. Oh well, she'll probably be back next week anyway.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by coldangel_1:
jle1993's asked me to let all who care know she's not coming back here again. Ostensibly she's bored with the place.
DOOP Secretary
If we're throwing a party for jle, I gotta invite those Spetznaz guys she beat up a few weeks ago. They just got out of the hospital and they have a score to settle.
A party? What should I bring? Junk food?
Originally posted by Sine Wave: Whipped cream and a bathing suit. ...Can I bring the junk food instead?
DOOP Secretary
This party seems to get better every time somebody posts.
Frida Waterfall
... And when is this party supposed to happen?
And how come I didn't get an invitation?
Well, maybe if you showered every once in a while, you'd be invited.
Originally posted by SonicPanther: Well, maybe if you showered every once in a while, you'd be invited. Rats, there goes my invitation...
Originally posted by any1else: Beep.
Love that moment... My brother quotes that. It's hilarious. All you hear is "Beep" and everyone thinks he's crazy.
I'm missing it too. And when we do debate nowadays the topics we debate on are pretty dumb (no offense guys).
I always thought that was the first real shippy moment in the serious, by which I mean it's the first time we really find out about FRy's attraction to Leela.
A guy wouldn't jump all over his new best friend in a situation like that unless he's serious about the woman involved. He actually met Leela first, and in any case, he knew Bender for, what, a few hours?
Originally posted by HipNoJoe:
What about SP3K? [Fry holds out his hand to Leela. She gets the implant gun ready. Fry cringes and looks away. The gun clicks but Fry feels nothing. He opens his eyes and sees Leela drop her own chip on the floor.] Fry: Your chip. What are you doing? Leela: Quitting. Fry: Why? Leela: Because I've always wanted to. I just never realised it before I met you. [She puts her hand on his and smiles. Bender puts his hand on top.] Fry: What is the matter with you? [Bender quickly takes his hand off.]
This scene alone has got to set a precedent for the entire notion of Fry / Leela shippiness, even though she goes on to insult him, date serious jerks in his face ( the mayors aid), etc, in later episodes. Of course if they had fallen in love right away, there might have gone a massive chunk if not all of Futurama to come thereafter?
DOOP Secretary
My dear shippers, once you hear Dolly Parton’s original 1974 recording of ' I Will Always Love You', the song made popular and sucky on the Bodyguard soundtrack, you will truly, and possibly for the first time in your entire life, know what it means for things not to suck. And at that point, your entire universe will turn upside down. Everything that used to seem normal to you will suddenly seem right. Anyway, cute pictures. ( Braces hopefully for an explosion of the Exploding Shipper kind)