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Author Topic: The Shipper Thread Version III-Ship Harder!  (Read 103935 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #120 on: 11-12-2006 16:21 »

There'll be a spinoff for that. The Eyeball and Moron Show.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #121 on: 11-12-2006 16:23 »

BUt its not the same, they could be together, but not much will change really, just a few more romantic bits, more scope for story lines.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #122 on: 11-12-2006 16:24 »

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
It'd be a nifty turnaround if Fry gave up and lost all interest, then Leela realized her mistake and spent a few seasons chasing HIM around.

That would be the most annoying, boring and CHEESY thing EVER!!!   :D :) :D

But it would be a big suprise for Fry! 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #123 on: 11-12-2006 16:25 »

But if Fry lost interest, would he care, or would he just leave her hanging as revenge?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #124 on: 11-12-2006 16:27 »
« Last Edit on: 11-12-2006 16:27 by coldangel_1 »

If they are together, then what reason is there to keep watching?... well, aside from the brilliant comedy. The goal has been reached; the objective fulfilled. There is nothing else to do.

« Reply #125 on: 11-12-2006 16:27 »

Originally posted by jle1993:
I hope not, I want to see how Fry and Leela get on as a couple!

Yeah me too really, it's nice to have the big build up to them getting together but it would be a shame to miss out on seeing them as a couple  :(

I like the idea of Michelle making a reappearence in the new series, coming onto Fry and making Leela jealous. At least that might justify why they brought Michelle into the future. Maybe Fry gives up on Leela thinking that he will never be what she wants, and decides to make a go of it with Michelle. That could be interesting   :hmpf:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #126 on: 11-12-2006 16:28 »

Futurama isn't just about Fry and Leela, its about the future and how things and people interact! On that note, goodnight ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #127 on: 11-12-2006 16:29 »

Good morning.
Writer unit32

« Reply #128 on: 11-12-2006 16:38 »
« Last Edit on: 11-12-2006 16:38 »

Originally posted by any1else:

I watched The Sting today, as well as its deleted scenes. I discovered these;

Heh. She says something like "Ooh, honey glazed" and she sounds really turned on      :eek: ..I thought.

Speaking of the deleted scenes,where did you find them?Hey,I'm a Futurama fan only the fifth month
This scene shows that it wasn't only quilt that Leela felt
And also I hate the idea of Fry giving up.Maybe only in the last episode...When he actually already proved to Leela that he loves her and they're ment to be together...

PS,Good evening.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #129 on: 11-12-2006 16:51 »

They are very nice, shippy pics. Good to see them yet again.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #130 on: 11-12-2006 17:36 »

To give up you must first realize that there is nothing left to do and that there is no hope. To realize that you must be a little bit intelligent.
Therefor - Fry will NEVER give up, because he's an idiot.

Bending Unit
« Reply #131 on: 11-12-2006 17:49 »

Originally posted by jle1993:
Or we could all be wrong and they'll start next season going out together. Taking all bets that Michelle turns up to cause trouble!

I put my money on that. That would also be make shippers and all Futurama fans go 'whoaa!'

But going out together does not (normally) mean getting together for good or sleeping together. Apparently they went out together after the Parabox... either the writers conveniently forgot about it or nothing happened. It's this kind of thing that bothers me. Not even a reference afterwards as to how that date go (if at all), when I believe Fry's line in the Parabox There but for a coin flip go we was one of the most compelling lines in the entire series - so sad and so true and so applicable to our world. Once again, I should really elaborate on this in the Deep Down Thread.

Back to the start of the new series: Fry could make a mess of that date and there you are, back to normal...grrr...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #132 on: 11-12-2006 17:53 »

I've felt that, in the last season especially, Fry and Leela occupied an unspoken space of quasi-relationship already. They did go out on dates, spent all their time together, shared romantic moments, kisses, etc. They're basically already a couple, it's just that they don't call themselves a couple... Leela mainly wants to pretend they aren't, but it's obvious.

Bending Unit
« Reply #133 on: 11-12-2006 17:55 »
« Last Edit on: 11-12-2006 17:55 »

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
To give up you must first realize that there is nothing left to do and that there is no hope. To realize that you must be a little bit intelligent.
Therefor - Fry will NEVER give up, because he's an idiot.

Nah, he is outgrowing his condition - very slowly though. In Parabox he says he was now sure he & Leela were good for each other - and the preceeding episodes may support that (i.e. he wasn't that convinced Leela was The One for him).

C'mon, quit poking at my alternate ego (one of them anyway)   :)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #134 on: 11-13-2006 00:37 »

Originally posted by Stezzy:
I think the rumours are that they're saving the "resolution" until the very end as getting them together too soon might cost them viwers. I don't know how true that is but it makes sense that they would want to keep the tension going as long as poss. It wil be hard if they make more seasons though.
I’ve heard similar rumors.
Originally posted by coldangel_1:
Yes, apparently there's a final episode scripted to be inserted *whenever* they decide to finish the series, and that it has resolutions.
unno how true it is either. I'm not sure it's the kind of thing they'd willingly release to the public.
I’ve had some thoughts on this rattling about my brain for some time, and was wondering where I might mention it, but, as you two have mentioned it here, this seems as good a place as any.

Has anyone here ever written a detective story? A mystery? A “who-done-it?”

The best way to design such stories (or so I’m told) is to start with the ending, and ‘reverse-engineer’ everything from there.
It would seem the writers of Futurama are taking a like approach, but for completely different reasons.
If, for any reason, the show’s run is cut short (gee, where has that happened before?) the ending is already done, and can, presumably, be released at any time, properly conclude plot lines, and tie a ribbon on the show.
I have the greatest respect for the writers of Futurama; they’ve gifted us with such masterpieces as “Roswell that Ends Well,” “The Sting,” “Godfellas,” and more. Having said this, I am left with some concern…
I’m a Fry & Leela shipper from nose to toes, and flaming-well proud of it, thakyouverymuch.
I think we shippers have a streak of masochism to us. We like the ‘will they or won’t they’ kind of thing. The whole process of two people clumsily coming to know, and being known by another. That twisting and turning path fraught with opportunities for acceptance or rejection, success or disaster, intimacy or apathy.

To do the Fry & Leela story justice, it needs be a long and drawn-out process spanning several episodes, if not seasons.

While I trust the writers of Futurama implicitly, I am concerned that by writing the ending first, they have “painted themselves into a corner;” that they’ve written an episode that will terminate the show abruptly, with... how may I put this... that feels more like a crash than a landing?

Am I alone in my paranoia, or are there others with similar feelings?

I’d like to know your thoughts.

« Reply #135 on: 11-13-2006 00:47 »
« Last Edit on: 11-13-2006 00:47 »

Fry isn't actually an idiot - at least, he's not ALWAYS an idiot.  There's a thread somewhere about smart things he's done, and really, he does have flashes of brilliance at times.  But he's also a determined optimist, and that (despite common cynical opinion   ;) ) is not a sign of stupidity.  It's a decision to not give up "as long as there's one thin ray of hope."  I can see him SAYING he's giving up on Leela (in fact he has), maybe even believing it for a few minutes, but the minute he sees one more "thin ray of hope," he'll be after it with wholehearted abandon.  So if Leela went after him, he'd be like, "Really?  OKAY!". 

And that is utterly adorable of him.   :love:  It's also a defining trait - I can't imagine Fry without that quality.  It just wouldn't be "Fry."

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #136 on: 11-13-2006 01:56 »

SpaceCase - they don't let themselves get painted into a corner. If they wanna completely change something then they will, no matter what's been written. The first version of Jurassic Bark (I assume the episode had a different title at the time) had Fry's Mother petrified instead of his dog. So you see how fluid and malleable they can be. Fluidity is good.

Shiny - So now I finally know what women find adorable in men. The ability to put up with being walked all over by women.
Personally I lack such a 'turn-the-other-cheek' capacity. I get very bitter and resentful about things like that. Fry must be a better man than me - I should have known the way to a woman's heart is to abandon all pretense of personal honour and self-worth and allow myself to be an emotional dishcloth.
Fry has much to teach us men about how to be servile pushovers.

Space Pope
« Reply #137 on: 11-13-2006 03:36 »

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
Shiny - So now I finally know what women find adorable in men. The ability to put up with being walked all over by women.

I think she might have meant that Fry's patient and willing not to force Leela into something without her being ready for it, or even just knowing if that's what she wants. If she was walking all over him, she'd do it by taking up his offers, then manipulating him to do things and making him think that by doing those things he's helping their relationship when in actuality she's just using him for household chores. No, wait, that's what my mum does to my dad. Nevermind.   :p

It's a good point though. My dad puts up with so many stupid things he gets asked to do, and then told he's not doing them right, but he doesn't do anything about it. What's with that? What if Leela does finally reciprocate Fry's feelings then takes over everything and Fry's reduced to a little boy cowering in the corner because if he doesn't do what the missus says she'll break up with him?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #138 on: 11-13-2006 03:40 »

I can see that happening. He's spineless and she's domineering.

« Reply #139 on: 11-13-2006 03:44 »
« Last Edit on: 11-13-2006 03:44 »

I don't think Fry is a pushover - he's just very much in love and he believes deep down that Leela loves him too. After all, she's nearly kissed him several times and actually kissed him (I mean snogged)at least twice that I can remember, so that's telling him she feels something for him. He's willing to put up with everything because he loves her so much. He knows they should be together and he won't give up no matter what. I think it's very sweet!

Spacecase - I see your worries that it will all come to an abrupt end but hopefully the writers will be showing Fry and Leela getting close as the new episodes go on, like we've seen in the past. I imagine the writers will make the "reslution" episode be like the last piece in the F/L romantic puzzle and can be slotted in at any point as long as the way the episode is written makes sense. Perhaps Fry nearly dies or something else really dramatic happens and bang - Leela realises she can't live without him. It's like Scully says in the X Files (I can't remember the exact words though) - that one day you wake up and you see something different in someone like a light has been switched. I think if its done correctly by the writers, it would be realistic for Leela to suddenly fall heads over heels for Fry. My only concern is how long this will take, as it will be hard to drag it out over several seasons without it looking unrealistic.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #140 on: 11-13-2006 03:48 »

Thus proving that love is an insideous mental illness.

Space Pope
« Reply #141 on: 11-13-2006 03:51 »

Yeah, but apparently it has health benefits too...
Apple Tea

Bending Unit
« Reply #142 on: 11-13-2006 04:14 »

but health insurance costs way too much

« Reply #143 on: 11-13-2006 04:33 »
« Last Edit on: 11-13-2006 04:33 »

Originally posted by coldangel_1:

Shiny - So now I finally know what women find adorable in men. The ability to put up with being walked all over by women.

No, you goose.  It's the ability to be endlessly optimistic. (*Shiny slaps hand to forehead*) Oy, vey....

Personally I lack such a 'turn-the-other-cheek' capacity. I get very bitter and resentful about things like that.

Really?  Wow.  I'd never have guessed.  I mean, that seems so out of character for you.

Fry must be a better man than me - I should have known the way to a woman's heart is to abandon all pretense of personal honour and self-worth and allow myself to be an emotional dishcloth.
Fry has much to teach us men about how to be servile pushovers.

Servile?  Fry is the laziest character on television who isn't comatose.  And he's always doing things that Leela doesn't want him to - she does not WANT him to endlessly pursue her, but he keeps doing it anyway.  He's more likely to do the exact opposite of what she asks him to do than the converse.

Emotional dishcloth?  Fry's emotions exist in blissful disregard for those around him.  He annoys Leela constantly with his attentions, utterly regardless of her wants in the matter  - if he weren't so guileless and good-natured, he'd be a pretty scary stalker-type.

Abandoned personal honor?  How?  Fry does what HE wants, what he believes is right.  (Well, okay, Bender talks him into things.  But we were talking about honor in regards to Leela. )  It was FRY who dragged LEELA off to search for the Star Trek crew...to Tibet to use the monks' telescope to find Bender.  The only thing Fry followed Leela on that he thought was a bad idea was the Space Bee mission...and he complained the whole time and tried to talk her out of it. 

Yes, he still went, but it seems to me that there is honor in following your Captain even when you don't agree with her decision; and there is certainly honor in risking your own life to save someone you care about, even if they stupidly got themselves into the situation (it's what Leela did for Fry when he drank the Emperor, after all).

And self-worth?  It was Fry who dumped Michelle in "the year 4000," despite the fact that she was the only living soul on Earth (as far as he knew) who was familiar to him.  Michelle wants exactly what you said: a servile, emotionally dependent dishtowel she can walk on.  So, you think I'd have been rooting for her, right? 

WRONG!  I adored Fry for dumping the cold-hearted user and having the courage to set off alone in a barren wasteland.  Because I have NO interest in seeing Fry be subservient!!!

(Honestly, I can't believe I actually had to SAY that.   :rolleyes: )

What I love about Fry is that he perseveres in the darkest of circumstances, and that he's emotionally honest with himself. His capacity to keep going isn't ENDLESS; he did give up on finding Bender in "Godfellas," but look how far he went first!  It's because he wanted Bender back, and he exhausted EVERY option humanly possible in trying to reach that goal. 

Likewise, he loves Leela and wants to be with her.  Leela, unlike Michelle, IS a good and decent person worthy of his love; even though he always fails to win her (romantic) love, she remains good, decent, and worthy.  Far from using him, Leela very rarely asks Fry for anything outside her role as PE captain. So of course he's still going to feel love for her...and because he perseveres no matter what the odds, eventually he tries to win her heart again.

What Fry doesn't do, which I find endearing as all get-out, is what most of us would do in similar circumstances: start to deny the fact that we love this person and turn to a "sour grapes" kind of resentment, and eventually a bitter anger at the other person - a rage that is wholly a projection of our own frustration that we can't have what we want.  No, Fry remains emotionally honest: he loves Leela because she's great, and denying him doesn't make her NOT great, so he keeps loving her.

So when I say all it would take is Leela to make the slightest move toward Fry, it's because I know that, even if he has finally despaired utterly of being Leela's love, Fry will not be fooling himself that he doesn't still love and want her.  Nor will he resent her or blame her for his own pain - because he knows that she never set out to hurt him, she was only acting the way she felt was right for her, and she had ever right to - Leela is under no obligation to fulfill Fry's emotional wants, especially at the expense of denying her own.

Now, it's three-bloody-twenty-A.M., I have to get up at seven, and I'm going to sleep. And next time, before you accuse me of something as atrocious as that, you can ASK me if that’s what I meant - or at least allow in your post for the faint possibility that you might have slightly misunderstood me.  Otherwise, I’m going to skip the explanations and just get offended.

« Reply #144 on: 11-13-2006 04:37 »
« Last Edit on: 11-13-2006 04:37 »

 Ignore that!  Hit wrong button....

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #145 on: 11-13-2006 04:55 »

Yeah well....... shut up!  :p
Yeah, stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

I've had bad experiences.

Bending Unit
« Reply #146 on: 11-13-2006 06:20 »

Originally posted by Shiny:
 Ignore that!  Hit wrong button....

Apparently ColdAngel saw that anyway - he seems to see everything  :)

Shiny, I will be commenting to your post on DD since really it should have been there... and DO get your sleep - I know the feeling and urge to reply NOW... but being a zombie at work or hitting a tree on the way there or back is not cool...but most of all, will result in even more delay in your postings  ;)

[@ ColdAngel]CA, can you tell me what eps were on today and Fri ? I missed them  :(
On another matter, you seem to irritate Shiny more than I do... and on purpose - but the result is also some really good posts.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #147 on: 11-13-2006 06:27 »

Again, all who oppose Shiny get swallowed up by big words and excellant explanations.
We salute you.

Bending Unit
« Reply #148 on: 11-13-2006 06:30 »

Hail to thee, oh Shiny one.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #149 on: 11-13-2006 06:34 »

Yep. 'Round these parts she's know as The Queen of the Ship.

Space Pope
« Reply #150 on: 11-13-2006 06:39 »

I think Mr. Coldangel is just used to his own words and forgets there can be other ways about things.

Or he doesn't care that there are other ways. It's hard to tell. It's probably both.

Bending Unit
« Reply #151 on: 11-13-2006 06:39 »

No kidding! Where is these parts anyway?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #152 on: 11-13-2006 09:18 »

Post was too long. I only skimmed it. Really couldn't be bothered reading it ALL, 'specially when it's about optimism. Ugh... I have nothing to say on the virtues of optimism except that I have never seen any benefit to it and it inevitably seems to be a quality of rather stupid people.

Fry-B: Don't know, I missed them as well. Got the DVDs though.

Maz: The second thing.

Bending Unit
« Reply #153 on: 11-13-2006 09:24 »

Originally posted by Fry_B:
 can you tell me what eps were on today and Fri ? I missed them   :(

In Aus? Monday was Pharoah To Remember and Friday was Where The Buggalos Roam. Well that was Melbourne anyway but I think it's the same all around Australia.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #154 on: 11-13-2006 17:01 »

You get the orginal US voices in Australia, right?

I was wondering-did anybody notice that a lot of the time Leela does something irrational, it involves Fry? I mean, Anthology of Interest 1, The Sting, (going to sleep forever) etc? I'm not saying every time, so don't point out all the moments when it doesn't, but I'm just sayin'...
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #155 on: 11-13-2006 17:40 »

Let's not call it irrational, let's call it 'impulsive'. It's how Fry lives everyday, and I think it's starting to influence her.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #156 on: 11-13-2006 17:59 »

Yuppers. Look at this one too-She was willing to give up everything she had, everything she loved to be with him.

What I find truly emotional as well is that this is set after Leela finds her parents. She would even lose them to be together with Fry.
Didja ever notice that?

Bending Unit
« Reply #157 on: 11-13-2006 18:13 »
« Last Edit on: 11-13-2006 18:13 »

Originally posted by KitKatBar-Fry:
Yuppers. Look at this one too-She was willing to give up everything she had, everything she loved to be with him.

[Pic of Leela ready to abandon the waking world]

What I find truly emotional as well is that this is set after Leela finds her parents. She would even lose them to be together with Fry.
Didja ever notice that?

What did she have at that point? Yes the parents - but somehow they don't know, and so do not come to the rescue and she doesn't seek their help. Somehow the parents aren't there (and they can't be always - remember e.g. they're not allowed on the surface). Why, and how this relates to us ? Read in the DD Thread - I'm putting it in there    :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #158 on: 11-13-2006 18:25 »

Originally posted by KitKatBar-Fry:
You get the orginal US voices in Australia, right?

Yeah. We get so much US TV that it's easy to understand accents. I've noticed sometimes that when an Aussie is talking on US TV, they use captions LMAO. How lazy can you get?

« Reply #159 on: 11-13-2006 21:45 »

I'm not the Queen - Venus is Queen.  I've decided I'm the High Priestess, since I'm always pontificating.  :p

Coldangel, if "bad experiences" are no excuse for self indulgent 'weakness,' how are they sufficient excuse for outbursts of anger and sneering contempt?  I'm just askin'....

Everybody who said nice things, I thank you.  You make an afternoon of fighting heavy eyelids at work worthwhile.   :)

Captions for Aussies?  Now I've heard everything....

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