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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #440 on: 11-23-2006 07:14 »

I like being a bloke.

Bending Unit
« Reply #441 on: 11-23-2006 07:20 »

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
I wasn't trying to be offensive. I just don't want to have a cock in me or bleed from my genitals.

Fair enough, no problemo...let me put this down... no cock, no genital bleeding for CA... Done!
I wouldn't want to eat someone's poo either.
Whoa, whoa, easy... I don't remember that one.... let's not get carried away...one at a time..

Oh God, Ok. It's so easy to go off-topic - although this wasn't really, considering all this may be considered self-exploration by... err. proxy, was it, Shiny ?

I go to bed now, sleep deprivation and idiotic-boss-hating symptoms start to show...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #442 on: 11-23-2006 07:28 »

Call it train of thought...

Speaking of which: heyyyyy, let's all break into song!!

The world was moving,
She was - right there with it,
And she was...
The world was moving,
She was - floating above it,
And she was...
And she was... glad about it,
No doubt about it,
She isn't sure about what she's done.
No time to think about
What to tell them,
No time to think about what-she's-done,
And she was...

Space Pope
« Reply #443 on: 11-23-2006 11:07 »

Hey hey, hey hey, hey!

And she was looking at herself,
And things were looking like a movie...

I don't even remember what we were talking about. Is there a 'new' point someone would like to surface?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #444 on: 11-23-2006 11:19 »

Fry doesn't compliment Leela often enough.

« Reply #445 on: 11-23-2006 14:26 »
« Last Edit on: 11-23-2006 14:26 »

Originally posted by Fry_B:
I would've also been interested in Shiny's reaction - (shouting) Shinyyyy - would you want to be a man for a whiiiile !!! - no, I'm not kidding !! )

Why should you be kidding?  It's a legit questions. 

Of COURSE I would - I've been wishing for a "Turnabout Intruder" device, or a "feelie" (like a "movie" only you FEEL everything, including emotions), or a virtual reality scenario, or SOMETHING along those lines since I was as young as...as...aw man, I can't remember.  Somewhere between Amy and Dwight.  Barring that, I've been imagining scenarios as "thought experiments." I mean, how else am I supposed to write from a man's POV?  I mean, with any verisimilitude?  (That thought PLAGUED me in my late teens. )  And I read books written by men, and extrapolated, etc.  And I wondered what it would be like to be gay - either a gay man or a gay woman.  Because darn it, who knows what kind of character I might need for a novel someday?  Thinking from other cultures is a given, expecially in science fiction circles - but the gender line is a little scarier for people. 

Fear not, Fry_B, I know exactly what you mean. 

Coldangel, if you're serious about being a writer, you'll have to lose that squeamishness - otherwise your female characters will be puppets, or you'll have to write books with only male characters.  And who (besides gay men) would read them then?    :p

I thought Bend Her was a pretty amazing script for a team of nearly all-male writers to have produced.  I was seriously impressed that they were willing to fearlessly blur the line between the genders like that, and I only hope someday I can find a guy who is that secure in his masculinity.  (And also I thought Fry's courageous efforts at accepting Bender's change were adorable.  Likewise his quick acceptance of Bender's scam-wedding plan - because that underscores how uncomfortable the whole situation made him, and thus how hard he worked at "doing the right thing" by his best friend, DESPITE his personal discomfort.  If I can't have a secure guy, I'll settle for a sincere and well-meaning guy. *sigh* )

Anyway, to discharge previous responsibilities so I can enjoy a guilt-free Thanksgiving dinner (   :))...

Originally nagged by Fry_B:
Shiny, what up? Lately you've missed several topics I would've loved to hear your 'take' on...

I can’t spend ALL my time ranting on PEEL...much as I would prefer that to working or taking care of the house.  So sometimes I get tired and back off for a bit.  No worries, I’ll be back.

such as 1) would you ask a guy who was more like a friend but who declared he loved you (ok, maybe in a hyped state, but you suspect he meant it) to walk your pet AND tell him it's because you may get lucky with that guy over there ?

Well, that’s hard for me to say...I mean, you didn’t say what kind of pet, or how long the walk would have to be....

Oh, hang it all.  The embarrassing truth is that I’ve been on about four dates in my life, none of them in recent years, and I’ve NEVER been on one where “getting lucky” was a remote possibility.  So the short answer is that I have absolutely no idea what I would do in that situation because it seems so remote from my actual experience, okay?!  YES, I’m an even bigger nerd than I admit to!  When the movie The Forty Year Old Virgin came out, all my coworkers looked at me and sniggered!

Leave me alone.

2) would you take the risk of being frozen and wake up in a thousand years (supposedly you would survive, but after you thaw anything can happen)

Probably not. Years of science fiction movies have convinced me that apocalyptic dark ages are slightly more likely than comfy advanced civilization.  Also I’m a big coward.  Although in a moment of extreme desperation/depression, I might, if that were the only alternative besides suicide.

3) why do you think Leela was ready to give up her parents in The Sting to basically commit suicide, and does that model a possible real life situation (hint: yes     :) )

I don’t know what real life situation you speak of...I mean, in real life, when people are that depressed and guilt-ridden, they often don’t think about the people in their life that love them; they feel so worthless that they don’t think they deserve love, so yes, I could see that happening.

However, in Leela’s case, since we didn’t see her parents in her dream, I don’t think they were IN it.  I think Leela left her parents “out” of her dream because her guilty mind (conceived in that moment when Fry threw himself in front of her and the bee went through him anyway) concocted the whole dream to masochistically rub her own nose in the face of her culpability and just how awful the results were.  I think her crushing guilt wouldn’t allow her the comfort of her parents’ influence and so she “forgot” about them in that state (you’ve had dreams where certain things “just didn’t exist,” right?  I have anyway...maybe it’s just me... )

Also, since I am on the whinge train, it seems you do not get my pointers / puns (all over the place, and very smart     :) ) and also it appears you miss the fine print     :)

OOF!  Okay, okay, get the pointer out of my stomach.  I got it now.    ;) (I CAN take a hint...but sometimes only if it’s taped to the head of a firmly-weilded sledgehammer. )[/small]

Okay - now I'm off to enjoy the traditional American ritual consumption of the sacrificial turkey (with pie). 

Pig out er, Peace out, y'all!

Shiny "Pass the drumstick and nobody gets hurt" J. Fangirl

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #446 on: 11-24-2006 02:39 »

I've actually written some pretty damn good female characters in my novel and various short stories. Doesn't mean I want to be a woman though.

Bending Unit
« Reply #447 on: 11-24-2006 05:51 »

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
I've actually written some pretty damn good female characters in my novel and various short stories. Doesn't mean I want to be a woman though.

CA, I HAVE NOTED that: no cock, no bleeding genitals. The sticky note is on my monitor, I will not forget. No want be a woman - says CA, he says, him.

Bending Unit
« Reply #448 on: 11-24-2006 07:11 »

Originally posted by Shiny:
Okay - now I'm off to enjoy the traditional American ritual consumption of the sacrificial turkey (with pie). 
Shiny "Pass the drumstick and nobody gets hurt" J. Fangirl

HEYYYYYYY-A!! Shiny kills all outstanding issues with one kick.. The audience (Fry_B being one of the most annoying) lies on the floor in considerable pain; satisfied, however  :)

However I must comment on one response, i.e. the dating issue - I did not want to stir sensitivities; the question was not about your impressive or scarce array of dates but simply if you would have had the heart to do what Leela did to Fry in the Why of Fry, in view of what happened in Parasites Lost. I am quite sure Leela suspects (or feels, remember female intuition ?) deep down (I looove this term, it reminds me of a very smart thread somewhere) that Fry does love her despite the possible other side of parasites.. and was hoping of some sort of explanation (justification?) on why Leela behaved the way she did... from your POV for example. I know we have discussed this already, but I could not find anything posted that I could buy as an explanation.

Apart from that misunderstanding... all good  :) And do visit again, after coming down from the turkey high.. ('ey fellows, what's ThanksGiving ??)

Bending Unit
« Reply #449 on: 11-24-2006 07:22 »
« Last Edit on: 11-24-2006 07:22 »

Sooo... The Devil's hands was on today. I wonder if this means they will stop airing Futurama now or was it a random pick ? Either way, the last 30secs or so make a grown-up man weep (yeah we know who that is). I don't know, it is that desperate hope, it is definitely the music and also the feeling that Fry and Leela's story was prematurely ended and their eventual relationshop is just suggested...masterfully, but she at least should have gone and taken his hand and so on...anyway, yes it is a possible ending and yes it strongly suggests they do get together... in the end.
Now, an unsettling thought: what if the 2008 edition proves successful and keeps going & going and they never show the ep where they do get together ? Grrrrr..... angry...:angry:

As for a new topic, CA's on complimenting is not bad; I would also propose the topic WHAT THE HELL WAS LEELA DOING with that Star Trek Guy in Where no Fan has gone Before ?, after all that happened in Love and Rocket and The Why of Fry (see that burned pic in the end of that ep)? I'm lost.

Bending Unit
« Reply #450 on: 11-24-2006 07:24 »
« Last Edit on: 11-24-2006 07:24 »

 Bummer - duplicate - must go to sleep!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #451 on: 11-24-2006 07:45 »

Fry_B - Leela snogging with William Shatner in WNFHGB was really more a joke about Shatner as Captain Kirk in Star Trek: TOS than anything else. It's become the butt of many a Trek-related joke that every time Kirk came in contact with some beautiful alien woman she would inevitably fall in love with him and be all over him and then never be seen again. It happened in every other episode.
Apparently women can't resist Kirk/Shatner. Not just women either - he can't resist himself.
I direct your attention to this amusing aside:

I watched Devil's Hands too. I didn't cry, but I did make a sighing noise that I'm not proud of. Dunno if Ten will go back to Space Pilot now or what...
As for angst re: long-running series leading to extended UST; I wouldn't mind. I like the UST. Keeps you on an anticipitory high.

« Reply #452 on: 11-24-2006 13:22 »
« Last Edit on: 11-24-2006 13:22 »

Fry_B: I honestly don't know.  Emotionally, I'd like to think I wouldn't, but I know intellectually that the human animal (well, ANY animal) has two basic instincts: survive and breed.  From what I've heard (from friends more experienced than I) when you've got the "urge to merge," most everything else takes a backseat for a short while - and other people, places and situations lose a great deal of emotional impact, no matter HOW much you care about them in your "right mind."

Of course there are limits - if Fry had been in physical danger I'm sure Leela would have forgotten about Chaz until Fry was safe, or if Fry had even been more obviously miserable I think Leela would have "snapped out" of her own POV a bit and spoken more gently to him.  But that lust-driven short-term self-involvement is not just psychological but actually biological.  When you're feeling "in love/infatuated/in lust," the part of your brain that regulates critical response and discernment LITERALLY goes on low-power.  Love is blind AND stupid, and evolution wants it that way (for obvious reasons).

Thus Leela's blindness to Chaz's faults, and blindness to the nuances of Fry's mood.  Remember, Fry's major expression of dismay was to Bender - Fry was fairly low-key (for Fry) about how he was feeling when Leela was actually talking to him.  Sure, she knows he's said he loved her, but he's also said he loved a robot, and made out with a radiator.  Besides, when you can walk around in a towel in front of someone without self-consciousness (who ISN'T your lover), they've pretty much reached a "friend" status in your mind that is nearly sibling-level.  This doens't mean that shifting to romantic mode is impossible, but it does mean that one has them pretty strongly in the "friend" category and isn't automatically going to be aware at all moments of their on-and-off protestations of love for you.  Combine that with the tunnel vision of the "MUST MATE NOW!" reptile-brain urge, and you get a recipe for insensitivity in an otherwise sensitive person (and Leela's sensitivity fluctuates wildly ANYway).

That's my take.  It was certainly insensitive of Leela, but it wasn't quite as cut-and-dried cruel as I've seen it characterized.  I think it's the kind of mistake we all might make, and I think Leela giving Fry a kiss at the end was an acknowledgement of his true importance to her.

Re: Leela smooching Shatner. 

I was fifteen when I commenced my "Trek" phase, and Kirk had no appeal for me then.  But recently a had a chance to see a rare cut of the second Trek pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before," and was kind of amazed at how much of a babe the young, slim Shatner was.

Unfortunately, I can't find a clip that shows this - I think he just looks better in motion than in still shots.  But this is better than nothing:

A long way from TJ Hooker, eh?  I don't blame Leela a bit.  ;)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #453 on: 11-24-2006 13:33 »

So thats what I've been missing! I am now going to start watching the old episodes of Star Trek.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #454 on: 11-24-2006 16:42 »

For sexy boys in uniform?  :laff:

Any Leela/Kirk shippers out there?

Say... Fry doesn't seem to have any reaction at all to the affair...

Bending Unit
« Reply #455 on: 11-24-2006 18:56 »

^That was the main reason to why I hate that episode so much. Fry's not even jealous! It's a bit out of character for him. And I don't like the idea of Leela kissing anyone other than Fry.

And Futurama is starting with the pilot again on Channel 10 in Aus. I researched this about a week ago. They showed until the end of season 4, then showed the season 5 episodes that hadn't previously been shown when Futurama was on Tuesdays at 8pm (so Bend Her, Obsoletely Fabulous, Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV (a really bad episode I thought) and TDHAIP (I've finally seen it now). Now they're starting again because they've shown every single ep.

I was so scared that they were going to take it off for Summer TV but it's all good.

« Reply #456 on: 11-24-2006 19:45 »

Of course he's not jealous - Fry is a Trekkie, he KNOWS the Kirk charisma is a superhuman force! 

Seriously, I think he didn't feel threatened because it was just a momentary physical thing, not an emotional attachment of any sort.  I think he correctly divined that it was Shatner's means of self-defense against a much deadlier opponent.  ;) 

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #457 on: 11-24-2006 20:12 »

Haha, I was gonna say just that Shiny. Fry's a hardcore Trek fan - he'd have been surprised and disappointed if Shatner DIDN'T make out with Leela.  :laff:

Bending Unit
« Reply #458 on: 11-25-2006 05:01 »
« Last Edit on: 11-25-2006 05:01 »

Originally posted by Tastes Like Fry:
For sexy boys in uniform?     :laff:

Any Leela/Kirk shippers out there?

Thanks for the screencaps TLF!

Mmmyeah...not impressed. Did Kirk scr*w every woman he came in contact with ? Because really Leela's tank top was rolled up and (to upset Cyberphobia, but I am upset too 'cause truth hurts; hey, Leela is not my girlfriend, but it's the possessive aspect of males - we like to HAVE women, even if they're posters or cartoons) I do believe Kirk has his hands fondling Leela's boobs (Cyberphob, listen to this, it's sadistic but again probably true), especially suqeezing her nipples. And (to have Cyberphob chasing me around with a big spanner - bah.. she won't catch me... OW!) given enough time, Leela would've done him right there on the rock (well where else??)

Ok,... I have to mention two things before I embarrass myself more (yeah it's possible):

1) I have seen some Star Trek (and the movies) but I'm ashamed to admit I have not seen all eps and although it struck me as very smart (say compared to Star Wars - hehe) ... well... maybe I'll pick it up now - why not. So, ColdAngel, thanks for the heads up.
2) Fry may have been a hard core ST fan but he had a poker face looking doewn at Leela going for it. This would have been a prefect place to show the fight between gealousy (which would have been something new for Fry ... maybe I am wrong) and his devotion to Star Trek. I know what I just said is sort of raw and sounds like playing the holophoner with my OWN hands, but...(shrugs)..

Also sorry to post again several times, I am often away all day and only get to post late at night.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #459 on: 11-25-2006 05:21 »

Conflict between idolization of Kirk/Shatner and love for Leela probably clashed and cancelled each other out... or meshed gears in his brain so he kinda just stood there looking blank.
I dunno... He's not much the jealous type. He's been miserable in the past about Leels shacking up with other blokes, but not directly jealous of the bloke in question; they don't usually come into the equation except for the times when they've been complete jerks, and then Fry's seeking to protect her. William Shatner's not a jerk - she could do worse... and has.
Furthermore, he might have been feeling bad... but since he was with a large group of other people he may have done what I do when a girl I like snogs some other bloke: make no outward show of emotion - bury it all - continue as normal - and then when I'm alone, burn myself with a cigar.

Bending Unit
« Reply #460 on: 11-25-2006 06:13 »
« Last Edit on: 11-25-2006 06:13 »

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
make no outward show of emotion - bury it all - continue as normal - and then when I'm alone, burn myself with a cigar.

Let me remember - what did I do? Cause they all in the end snoo-snoo someone else, don't they (whaa that was mean), even only to find out how it is with someone else (that is, if they were virgins when they met you - yes, it is possible, I'm not delirious). Err...well once I got someone else (which was my next g'friend) and showed up at the same party as the ex and  made out a lot (it's low but it feels good). Is that called 'rebound' here ? Anyway... it happened several times with one exception... yes..the exception is still with me    :) so yeah, cherchez la femme !, ColdAngel - she will not do it, she will love you... (for the rest see a character called 'Marjorie' in Simpsons).

I thought you were above mortals' feelings and just used females for a) practising chivalry and b) raw sex (not necessarily in that order) - ok, kidding...

Which could bring us to the question that I'd like to ask the distinguished audience:

Say you saw your boy/grilfriend making out with your greatest role model slash idol slash the one you sacrifice things and pray to, with a view to having sex with him / her. What would you do?


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #461 on: 11-25-2006 06:28 »

Me? Use people? Never.
I haven't even been close to having a girlfriend in a very very long time. This may have something to do with the fact that I only ever leave my house to go to work or buy food.
Nevertheless, I'm not really that fussed. There's a lot of effort involved in making a relationship and I'm not confident that I really have any idea how to go about it anymore, or that I could really be bothered. Relationships are to me what juggling chainsaws is to normal people - something not to be attempted - best left to those who are stupid enough to have actually learned how. I have no interest in it.
I'm fortunate, however, to be someone who doesn't really get the feeling of lonliness at all, despite being completely alone. I'm comfortable with it and I've accepted the inevitability of that outcome in my life.

Which one was Marjorie?


Bending Unit
« Reply #462 on: 11-25-2006 06:44 »

Originally posted by Shiny:

That's my take.  It was certainly insensitive of Leela, but it wasn't quite as cut-and-dried cruel as I've seen it characterized.  I think it's the kind of mistake we all might make, and I think Leela giving Fry a kiss at the end was an acknowledgement of his true importance to her.

A hard one, right Shiny?... Sometimes you may need to relax the Leela-defending stance I guess. Ok, I accept the towel & friendship argument and maybe the one with Fry not showing his devastation when Leela was foolling around with the improtant guy.
But I am not sure about the 'mate now' argument. NOW, there is a DISCLAIMER to this: I have not switched sides, I have not been a female, so I do not know 100% what is going on on the other side. But I find it a bit unbelievable that Leela we know was in heat - although she did say in Love and Rocket that 'given the chance, I'd give in to urges far more shocking' - or similar.
So, there may be a side to Leela we are not being shown (i.e. it is in scripts and writers' brains). A side I am not sure I like. Look, I can't speak for all males, but if I get a really that bad urge for mating I would still spare the poor girl that told me she loved me (maybe while she was high on something (worms?) that allowed her to get over her inhibitions) and get her to walk my pet for any other reason, not forcibly make her my confident and 'buddy' and tell her that I may go and snoo-snoo this really important girl, ('unlike you, loser', or similar understood).


So I do not want to ask female PEELers if they sometimes get the urge to mate no matter what and everyhting gets blurry. (I bet the answer would highly inmterest male PEELers though, esp CA  :) ). From my experience, - grab onto something, here we go - yes there is a greater appetite at the end of the period period...period. But nothing like that. Now I may be rambling so forgive me and don't hit me too hard.

Soooo...That scene in the diner or whatever it was upsets me about the most in the entire series since Chaz was no Cpt Kirk or anything like that... and she was not deceived (Al) or under extreme stress (Zapp) etc... Hmm... yes, a difficult one, Shiny... well that may prove that Leela IS modelled after a real woman - not because of the 'urge to mate' thing but I guess because women are cruel sometimes and oblivious to our love... ta-raaa! (Exit)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #463 on: 11-25-2006 06:48 »
« Last Edit on: 11-25-2006 06:48 by coldangel_1 »

bet the answer would highly inmterest male PEELers though, esp CA

Why am I being painted as some kind of... what? Sex maniac?
I haven't had sex in six years.

Space Pope
« Reply #464 on: 11-25-2006 07:07 »

Originally posted by Shiny:
YES, I’m an even bigger nerd than I admit to! When the movie The Forty Year Old Virgin came out, all my coworkers looked at me and sniggered!
Are you me, 20 years from now?  :eek:

Originally posted by Fry_B:
Say you saw your boy/grilfriend making out with your greatest role model slash idol slash the one you sacrifice things and pray to, with a view to having sex with him / her. What would you do?

I don't think I'd do anything. Even if the person they were 'making-out' with wasn't anybody I knew in some way, it would really just be a hit to the old self-esteem and I'd move on with my life and try to get over it. I can't see it mattering who they were...But in that episode, with Leela and Kirk going for it, I saw it more as joke, not anything for Fry to worry about...but still...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #465 on: 11-25-2006 07:10 »

Yeah, we're reading too much into a light comedy episode that might as well have taken place at any point in the series' run.

Bending Unit
« Reply #466 on: 11-25-2006 07:34 »

Originally posted by Fry_B:
Mmmyeah...not impressed. Did Kirk scr*w every woman he came in contact with ? Because really Leela's tank top was rolled up and (to upset Cyberphobia, but I am upset too 'cause truth hurts; hey, Leela is not my girlfriend, but it's the possessive aspect of males - we like to HAVE women, even if they're posters or cartoons) I do believe Kirk has his hands fondling Leela's boobs (Cyberphob, listen to this, it's sadistic but again probably true), especially suqeezing her nipples. And (to have Cyberphob chasing me around with a big spanner - bah.. she won't catch me... OW!) given enough time, Leela would've done him right there on the rock (well where else??)
*Chases Fry_B around with a big spanner*

You don't know that they were up to the breast fondling/nipple squeezing stage yet. In the first pic, one of Kirk's hands is on Leela's shoulder and the other is on her back so he's not doing it there. And the second pic is only straight after the first one so he's probably not doing it there either. They were probably only heading to that direction. So I believe you are wrong, at this stage of their making out session.

Originally posted by Fry_B:
Say you saw your boy/grilfriend making out with your greatest role model slash idol slash the one you sacrifice things and pray to, with a view to having sex with him / her. What would you do?
Hmmm my (hypothetical) boyfriend making out with Delta Goodrem? LOL! As if he would get that lucky!

Seriously, I wouldn't stand for it though. Even if it's Delta, he would still be cheating on me and I wouldn't be able to trust him to not do it again. If he's willing to be with another person during his relationship to me, then he's not going to be worth my time and effort (and feelings). If he loved me (or was willing to learn to love me (assuming it was at the start of the relationship)) he wouldn't do it.

As for what I would think of Delta: I would convince myself that she didn't know that he was taken.

So I'd be angry at my boyfriend but not at my greatest role model slash idol slash the one I'd sacrifice things and pray to. Probably.

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
Which one was Marjorie?
Err... Marge.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #467 on: 11-25-2006 07:36 »

Marge... right... I roll my eyes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #468 on: 11-25-2006 08:07 »

^At me? Were you being sarcastic when you asked that question?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #469 on: 11-25-2006 08:14 »

No, I didn't know who he was talking about. I roll my eyes because he could have just said Marge.

Bending Unit
« Reply #470 on: 11-25-2006 08:18 »

Ohhhhhhhhhh I get it now.

« Reply #471 on: 11-25-2006 08:24 »
« Last Edit on: 11-25-2006 08:24 »

Leela and Shatner were NOT about to "do it."  Leela's shirt was just riding up because they were lying on uneven ground, and notice Shatner's hands were very carefully NOT creeping up anywhere.  He was being a gentleman (hey, it could happen!).

I defend Leela so vociferously because people seem to judge her more harshly.  Y'see, Futurama is done largely from Fry's POV, so naturally people see things from Fry's perspective...but that leads, I think, to people getting a Fry-centric view of the Futurama-verse and forgetting that there are multiple viewpoints in any situation.  Plus there IS a cultural tendency to judge women more harshly in matters of sexual behavior (Leela snogged Shatner, but Fry DID IT WITH HIS GRANDMOTHER) and I feel compelled to point that out when it happens.

Bending Unit
« Reply #472 on: 11-25-2006 08:27 »

Yeah Fry did it with his grandmother! That's worse! But then Leela did it with Zapp! That's just as bad! They're equally as bad as each other.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #473 on: 11-25-2006 08:30 »

I was cheering Leela on in that scene with Shatner. I was like "Go girl!". It's Captain Kirk for cripes' sake.

Bending Unit
« Reply #474 on: 11-25-2006 08:33 »

And I was like "No! NOOOO! Stop Leela! It's Fry who loves you! Not him!"

« Reply #475 on: 11-25-2006 08:38 »
« Last Edit on: 11-25-2006 08:38 »

Cyberphobia, if your bf shared a long, audience-hootworthy liplock with Katie Segal at a fan convention, how mad would you get?  How about if they got stuck in an elevator together and were discovered in a clinch?  My gut reaction (in my imagination    (  :rolleyes: @ self ))  is something like "Well, it WAS Katie Segal."

(PS, read my post a couple posts up)
(PPS - I guess you did.   ;) )

Bending Unit
« Reply #476 on: 11-25-2006 09:19 »

I so would not forgive my boyfriend for snogging Katie Segal. Just because she's famous, doesn't make her better than me!

« Reply #477 on: 11-25-2006 09:57 »

Why would that make her better?  How about just "good in a different way?"

You can love steak best, and want it every day, but still enjoy a bite or two of gourmet sea-bass when it's right in front of you....without ceasing to love steak best and wanting to have it every day.

Now I'm hungry.

« Reply #478 on: 11-25-2006 10:02 »

PS - I'm assuming your bf (and my hypothetical bf) would stop before the napkins started coming off the laps.

Or have I over-extended the metaphor again?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #479 on: 11-25-2006 11:35 »

Damn, now I'm hungry too... and I have no steak OR sea bass!
With my last breath - I curse Shiny!

But seriously... 'twould be unrealistic for Fry or anyone to expect Leela to be monagmous to a relationship that doesn't even exist. Sure, they had romantic moments, imtimations and such, but Leela never acknowledged any feelings at that point or committed to any kind of union. Fry's lack of response could also be seen as an acceptence of that fact... and as such maybe a sign of him growing up a bit; being realistic and mature.
Also, I believe this ep took place before The Sting, am I right? Yes, I am, I just checked - The Sting comes directly AFTER, and that is, I believe, the episode where Leela finally realizes she loves Fry. WNFHGB is before said realization, so there would be no emotional compunction or moral issue with her doin' the wild thing with Willy Shatner.
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