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Author Topic: The BEST Alien in Futurama (POLL)  (Read 8546 times)
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PEE Poll: The BEST Alien in Futurama (POLL)
Elzar   -5 (4.5%)
Morbo   -43 (38.4%)
Kif   -11 (9.8%)
Lrrr   -10 (8.9%)
Hyper Chicken   -5 (4.5%)
Nibbler   -9 (8%)
Brain Slug   -3 (2.7%)
Fnog   -1 (0.9%)
H.G.Blob   -3 (2.7%)
Hypnotoad   -17 (15.2%)
Human Horn Dealer   -1 (0.9%)
Nudar   -1 (0.9%)
Yivo   -2 (1.8%)
Slurms MacKenzie   -1 (0.9%)
Ndnd   -0 (0%)
Heather   -0 (0%)
Jellyfish Nurse   -0 (0%)
Yarn People of Nylar 4   -0 (0%)
Grand Midwife   -0 (0%)
Total Members Voted: 112


« Reply #80 on: 11-15-2011 00:58 »

I'll show you...

I will go back to Huge Glenatioun Blob Land...

I will show you..

« Reply #81 on: 11-15-2011 06:24 »

What about Zoidberg?!?! :confused: :confused:
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #82 on: 11-15-2011 21:28 »

The following statement can also apply to Dr Zoidberg, the reason is essentially the same, just replace "she" for "he"...

1) We know she would win if she was on it ;)
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #83 on: 11-15-2011 22:03 »

If she were availabe, I would have voted for Heather.

Reason: The show and secondary sources often mention the cliche of "Alien Babe", but -as far as I remember- there was in fact none (I won't count Leela, for she already looked too human before her origins were revealed, and the Amazonians are basically just big human women).

Okay, Heather was no love interest for any character, just the "let's have an attractive woman work at a youth spa, for an old crone would scare away customers". But yet..she was the closest to a classic cliche that should have been present in Futurama (this is just a too strong sci Fi classic that it should have been ignored)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #84 on: 11-15-2011 22:11 »
« Last Edit on: 11-15-2011 22:20 »

When I made the original poll there were only 10 options, then I edited it recently for the now available 12 options, so if there's ever an option to get even more options in the future then I'll add Heather. I gotta admit it's true that there's not enough chicks on there. Just remind me in, oh, say another 10 years or something ;)...

Starship Captain
« Reply #85 on: 11-17-2011 07:11 »

Human Horn Dealer (who I'm semi-surprised to see you've included). "What do I care what you think, I'm a porno-dealing monster"- that guy's the best.

Urban Legend
« Reply #86 on: 11-20-2011 14:47 »

If the poll was for the funniest alien I would pick Morbo, hands down, because he makes me laugh all the time.  But for the best alien, I had to go with Nibbs.
That was my thinking exactly.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #87 on: 11-22-2011 21:24 »

On the lines of "hot alien babe", there's always Gladys Lennox.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #88 on: 11-22-2011 21:36 »
« Last Edit on: 11-22-2011 21:40 »

On the lines of "hot alien babe", there's always Gladys Lennox.
Sure, and that Miss Universe beauty pageant featuring mostly creatures that are completely unattractive to humans was a great spoof on the "alien babe type", no doubt about that :)

I was rather refering to the traditional alien babe...not quite human, but with an hourglas figure and still considered sexually attractive to human beings.
Sure old plots in a parody mostly demand a new twist, but from time to time, it's appropriate to bow your head to those classics that where there since the genre's beginning, by using them rather unaltered for once :) (And after over 100 Episodes, I think it's about time to have one classic Alien Babe...does not have to be a long or important scene, just the respect for that old cliche. Because there is a reason some cliches manage to get that old... ;) )

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #89 on: 11-22-2011 23:18 »

On the lines of "hot alien babe", there's always Gladys Lennox.

The rhythmic beating of her fluorescent cilia do it for me every time...

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #90 on: 12-05-2011 23:04 »
« Last Edit on: 12-05-2011 23:08 »

I voted for Morbo, as he has so many memorable lines.

I like Lrrr, but I think he is at his best when he is arguing with Ndnd.

Gladys is allright, for me its all about Heather's pig snout, or the Jellyfish Nurse's big squishy booty.  As for hot alien babes, alien females are almost always beautiful and attractive, while males of the same species are almost always revolting.  Case in point, compare Oola with Bib Fortuna.  Not a pretty sight is it?  

There are exceptions though, like the Na'vi, which seem to have been designed with gay teenage furries in mind.  
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #91 on: 12-19-2011 22:00 »
« Last Edit on: 12-19-2011 22:10 »

Now after nearly a decade we've actually reached 100 votes! I think now it would be a relevant time to note how the first 100 votes tallied up for future reference. These are the current standings:

Elzar - 5
Morbo - 38
Kif - 10
Lrrr - 9  
Hyper Chicken - 5
Nibbler - 7  
Brain Slug - 3
Fnog - 1
H.G.Blob - 3  
Hypnotoad - 17
Human Horn Dealer - 1
Nudar - 1

The percentages aren't necessary at this point due to the nice round figure pertaining to exactly the same percentage score as the number of votes for each character. Interestingly, every character has at least one vote, and it seems that Morbo is easily the most popular alien out of the choices available. As you can see he has a somewhat comfortable lead at present...

Hypnotoad is second by another fairly comfortable margin. I have to wonder if had the poll been made today how different the standings may have been in say a decade? Or if they'd be pretty much the same? I think that Hynotoad may have given Morbo a bigger run for his money today as he's become a somewhat more recognised cult character known even to those who aren't Futurama uber-geeks. Hell, he even has his own T-shirt available in regular high street shops! I don't see Morbo or any of the other characters here with that amount of cult status, not even Nibbler...

Hyper Chicken has fared surprisingly less favourably than I'd have expected, and Lrrr is also a little lower down the rankings than I'd have predicted at this point too. He's not even third in the running. Hopefully some additional votes in the future will see things shaken up a bit more...
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #92 on: 12-22-2011 23:39 »

The results are roughly what I expected, the only exception is Kif's performance of only 10 votes (I thought he would do better).

But on the other hand, he just got too much screen time to remain completely alien. In many scenes, Kif talks/acts like a small/green human, while the other aliens (Morbo, Hypnotoad) can keep their non-human, strange beaviour more easily.

Bending Unit
« Reply #93 on: 12-23-2011 11:45 »

I would have voted for Slurms if he was there but out of those I chose Lrrr.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #94 on: 12-24-2011 06:03 »

Hyper Chicken is one character I really just don't like at all.

Kif seems like a little green human, yeah. He's about as alien as Leela seemed pre-season 3. Which is, not very.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #95 on: 12-24-2011 12:06 »

pre-season 3.


Delivery Boy
« Reply #96 on: 01-05-2012 04:46 »

I just love nibblykins. he's the cwutest. ;)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #97 on: 01-24-2012 22:18 »

As we now have 20 poll options on Peel I have added Yivo, Slurms MacKenzie (I can't believe I didn't put him on already!), Ndnd, Heather, Jellyfish Nurse and the Yarn People of Nylar 4. That leaves two spare options, so if anyone has any requests for an alien I've not included (apart from Dr Zoidberg*) then please post them!...

*As previously mentioned, too much of a main character...

Starship Captain
« Reply #98 on: 03-18-2012 10:12 »

Let the record show that I surely would've originally voted for Heather. Man she's hot.

Bending Unit
« Reply #99 on: 03-19-2012 05:15 »

It was a close call between Kif and Slurms MacKenzie. I voted for Slurms as I was shocked at how few votes (none) he had so I thought it'd be fairer to choose him, Kif has had plenty.
Slurms was such an awesome, deep character! A beautiful tortured soul! What a DUDE aswell! Sacrificing himself to save the others! And yes he did do it partly because he wanted to die anyway but that just makes him so much more intriguing and tragic...
It's a shame he only had one episode because he was greet. :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #100 on: 03-19-2012 09:19 »

Slurms is a fine choice. "Party on, contest winners" at the end of FATSF is my favorite line from that episode. His voice amuses me.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #101 on: 03-19-2012 13:52 »

I think the Grand Midwife should be added.  She's more deserving then a few of the other choices (which admittedly, don't have any votes.)

Bending Unit
« Reply #102 on: 03-19-2012 18:29 »

I love Slurms' voice too! Who was it who voiced him? Billy or Dave Herman or... Who?

I would have to agree with you SGF, the Grand Midwife, Grand Lunchlady, Grand Funeral Director and Grand Priestess should be on there. :)
We never hear what her other job is do we?
She says "I work five jobs, all of them grand."
But those four are the only ones we hear...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #103 on: 03-19-2012 19:34 »
« Last Edit on: 03-19-2012 19:36 »

I think the Grand Midwife should be added.  She's more deserving then a few of the other choices (which admittedly, don't have any votes.)

Ok, I reluctantly added her. I don't like her, but who am I to stop others voting for her?  Hopefully no one votes for her, or can't even if they want to :p...

Bending Unit
« Reply #104 on: 03-19-2012 20:18 »

What don't you like about her Otis?
I think she's funny. :)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #105 on: 03-19-2012 21:23 »

I don't find her all that funny, the humour seems kinda forced. Her voice is very annoying, and, well, I just didn't like the ep all that much so her role wasn't one I particularly cared for...

Bending Unit
« Reply #106 on: 03-19-2012 21:43 »

Oh righto.
Not your thing then? :)
I guess you're talking about the KGKUAN episode?
(I ask because she has a few other appearances.)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #107 on: 03-19-2012 21:51 »

Yeah, KGKUAN, one of the worst eps of the original run in my view. I know a lot of people like it though, so they're welcome to to liking her...

Bending Unit
« Reply #108 on: 03-19-2012 22:31 »
« Last Edit on: 03-21-2012 04:43 »

Hurmmm. Weird.
I didn't think it was awful but I didn't love it either. I thought it was kind of an average episode.
What made you hate it?
(Don't worry, I'm not the sort to get offended by people who don't like exactly the same things as me cuz I'm not an emotionally immature idiot. Unless they're heinously racist or sexist or something but that's because they're stereotyping opinions are usually very, very WRONG, not just because I disagree with it.)
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #109 on: 03-20-2012 01:15 »

I really like the Grand Midwife.  She's an odd character to pin down, but I quite like her.  She's one of my favourite bit players, along with Morbo, Petunia, Hattie and Hermaphrobot.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #110 on: 03-20-2012 11:30 »

Grand Midwife: I will now take my leave. I live here so I won't actually be going anywhere, but you don't have to talk to me anymore.

:laff: :laff: :laff: :laff: :laff: :laff: :laff:

Grand Midwife: As the tea boils, please join hands with your beloved smizmar. [Kif looks away.] Oh, right, sorry. But I memorized the ceremony by rote and it mentions her a lot.

Kif: I'll try to endure.

Grand Midwife: Good, 'cause I'm not changing it. Now turn ye to and gaze deeply into each other's eyes.

She sure has some great one-liners.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #111 on: 03-20-2012 20:41 »

Hurmmm. Weird.
I didn't think it was awful but I didn't love it either. I thought it was kind of an average episode.
What made you hate it?

The whole vibe of the ep didn't sit well with me. The plot wasn't great, I prefer Kif and Zapp as a double act, but it all felt off to me with this. Bender wasn't funny, he was just annoying. The ep didn't engage me, it felt so different to Leela's Homeworld and Love & Rocket which I love. I couldn't understand why. Anyway, this isn't the thread for this...

Bending Unit
« Reply #112 on: 03-21-2012 04:49 »
« Last Edit on: 03-21-2012 04:51 »

I'll agree with you on that, maybe it could have been better if Zapp was there to exasperate Kif like usual.
I don't even remember Bender being in it very much at all. I can't remember any of his lines from that episode anyway.
I found Bender really annoying in Rebirth and was worried that he may stay that way throughout the series. Luckily he didn't. :)
Anyway, I'll shut up now because (as you said) this is the wrong thread for this.

Space Pope
« Reply #113 on: 03-24-2012 01:16 »

I went with Morbo,  I had a hard time between him, Kif and the Hyper Chicken. I went with the one the cursor was closest too. Also I like destroying things.
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