
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk: When Cuberts character developes more in the future I'm sure he won't be so bad after all. They said the same about Wesley Crusher. And after 4 seasons he was still an annoying little brat.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Here's a good way to kill him, seal him in a room with Bin Laden and they could have a bear handed brawl to see who wins.

DOOP Secretary



Make a Human Clay Pigeon out of him...Fling him...Blast him...JUST FOR LAUGHS.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #132 on: 01-12-2002 19:30 »
« Last Edit on: 01-12-2002 19:30 »

Bending Unit
« Reply #137 on: 01-20-2002 04:59 »
« Last Edit on: 01-20-2002 04:59 »
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
I've rethought my whole Cubert stance; he needs to sacrifice himself to save the PE crew from a deadly danger. And it needs to be violent, gory, explosive, highly ironic, and 100% garunteed fatal.
Not like the eventual death of Poochie, we need to see him go out. But just as fatal, with a sworn affy thingy (I know the word but can't spel it) from FOX stating that he will not return unless the PE crew travel backward thru time, and meet him in the street, where they run away very fast, so as not to give him any airtime.
Chrissy, I like the way you are thinking, but maybe you could outline your death-plan to give us all the warm happy glow that comes with the death of one that is hated by all.
Did I just go overboard?
Naaaah. Probably not. Where is my medication?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Hmm, well he DID insult Leela in "A Clone of My Own", what with the whole depth-perception thing and all. I read a post by Javier Lopez that depth perception isn't that critical to a starship pilot. So Leela complains to her union. The "Federation of Inter-Stellar Starship Captains" then use their mob connections to "make Cubert sleep with the fishes".  I'm not in favor of letting him die an honourable death. That way he'll always be remembered for his noble selfsacrifice, and not for being a bedwetting little annoyance. Hmm, this intense hatred of an animated person is quite disturbing. You guys now a good shrenk?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by Teral:
I'm not in favor of letting him die an honourable death. That way he'll always be remembered for his noble selfsacrifice, and not for being a bedwetting little annoyance.
Would you rather be annoyed every time you remeber him, or would you rather be satisfied that he died to save the PE crew, including Leela and therefore he has paid for his abominable crime? As to the shrink, yes I live on the same terrace as a psychologist, and no I am not a patient. Teral: We all lust after animated characters from time to time. Be they simpsons, Futurama or that chick from KOTH, some animated personalities just have all their lines in the right places.  And of course there are the real life people you never met in person, (referring to all the female PEELers that we all lust after due to the fact that they are all female, and most male PEELers are highly charged hormonally unbalanced males between 13 and 45  Oh, and Sarge, who is a highly charged hormonally driven senile old man who draws robots, aliens and old people for a living. Sarge: That was a description compiled from VF's postings, and Futurama quotes. Please put down the knife....

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is bruished and spongy.

DOOP Secretary

Oh, a thread I've never heard of yet extremely funny.
So, to give my answer to the poll question, I'd set the Robot Mafia onto him. I would drop a piano on him, but that never works in cartoons. Amy would never have snu-snu with a little kid. Plus, a little kid like Cubert. Plus, Cubert might enjoy it too much.
Bent Again


Drop him in the suicide booth(complete with viewing window) and make him hit the 'slow and painful' option

Starship Captain
Mashed into a pulp, have his eyes gouged out, his elbows broken, his kneecaps split, his body burned away, his limbs all hacked and mangled, his head smashed in and heart cut out, his liver removed, his bowels unplugged, his nostrils raped and his bottom burned off, etc.
Bent Again


And his p***$!!!
Right thats enough singing for now!!


argghhh... all that gore... i'm not gonna sleep very well tonight....lol the black hole seems one of the cleanest methods.... and could be funny to watch... frantic arm waving, gasping for oxygen, stretching and distortion... (as seen in cartoons... not sure how a real physicist would describe that one) it's got it all...  I think it's healthy to hate cubert... stops me taking it out on innocent nerds... like you all. <moe>I'll rip your eyes out and shove 'em down your pants so you can watch me kick the crap out of you</moe>