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Liquid Emperor
« on: 09-18-2004 09:00 »
« Last Edit on: 09-19-2004 00:00 »
Right, this is the first Futurama topic i've started in almost a year, so bear with me. What i am in the process of doing, is making a list of Bender's functions through the series. I am currently about a third finished, and it isn't getting done quickly, but it is getting done, during my spare, offline hours. There are also a few specifications and interesting tidbits in there too.
At the moment i'm going to just copy/paste the whole text document, no formatting, except for the basic one in the document itself.
The indented points are things he's pulled out of his chest cabinet, which is a side-project to this. I was going to do all the stuff that he successfully steals too, but that can wait.
Now this list is really sketchy, because in the beginning i was going to make it extremely comprehensive, listing even the most obvious things, but i soon saw the stupidity in that, so forgive the obviousness in the first few episodes.
If anyone wants to help, some re-checking would be greatly appreciated, it's very easy to lose concentration while doing this, so there will be a lot of notable redundancies which i would love to be reminded about. However, i will not be posting lists that you people make. It's nothing personal, it's just for the sake of order and consistency, feel free to post them yourself even if they're early, they will be very handy for cross-checking when the time comes.
One last thing of note, i am trying to mention things once each, and avoid repeats, unless it's particuarly noteworthy.
Again, the indented points are items he's had in his chest cabinet.
[small]Space Pilot 3000 - Can 'breathe' (Implied by the cigars) - Waste disposal - Can (Has to) drink. - Bending girders (Implied) - Eyes can zoom - Detachable Arms - Adept at stealing - 3 Beer Bottles - "Shits bricks"
The series has Landed - Flaming Burps - Detachable head - Independently working head and body - Another Beer bottle - Flips out and starts singing like a folk singer, when head is subjected to a magnetic field. - Hand can spin - Extendable Arms - Can survive in the freezing cold
I, Roommate - Retractable antenna - Keys to apartment - Visor comes down, mouth light turns off, for sleep - Has dreams - Can whistle - Push-button selective memory eraser - Thought transmitting antenna interferes with satellite transmission - Gets a mouth-rust when 'sober' - Huge Wirecutters
Love Labour's lost in space - Has a GayDar - The first time you see Bender drinking something non-alcoholic (Coffee)
Fear of a bot Planet - Can make popcorn, and has his own butter for it. - The package of Lug-Nuts - Cannot do 'The robot'
A fishful of Dollars - Can pour oil out of a pipe in his mouth - Monocle
My Three suns - Windscreen wipers on his eyes - Has no sense of taste - Martini
A Big Piece of Garbage - Detachable head - Several beer bottles - Can skull a bottle of beer in about 1 second - Heartbeat, or equivilant, is a bongo drum beat.
Hell is other robots - Can dispence beer from his Chest cabinet by pressing his antenna - Can drain power from electrical appiances, by plugging it into his head - Strong enough to alter the ship's course manually - Has replaceble limbs - Is tickled by having stuff welded to him - He is a paper shredder - 5 Playing cards, all aces - Hard-drive can be used as a Turn-table - Bootleg Tapes - Fenced diamonds - A cock fighter - His own indecent magazine line - Can use stolen metal wings to fly
A flight to remember - Can take eyes out of his head - Has a cheating unit for gambling - Can use his finger as a printer
Mars University - Can crush a beer keg on his forehead - Can waterski
When aliens attack - Has a grill in his chest cabinet - Head can be used as a digital camera, pressing his antenna activates the timer - Has a patriotism unit - Martini shaker
Fry and the slurm Factory - 40% Zinc - Can sneeze, his lack of nose makes his eyes slide out a bit :laff: - Has a temperature guage in his chest cabinet - can swim - Extendable limbs - Has his second non-achoholic drink (Slurm)
I second that emotion - Head and torso can pivot without his legs moving - Can feel pain even on detached limbs - Has a targeting sensor, for when his eyes are closed - Can spin head on his finger, like a basketball - Can juggle - Hand can spin, used as an electric mixer - Can be used as an oven - Has a spell checker - Can have chips (Upgrades?) installed by hammering it into his head - Head and legs can be hydrolicly compressed
Brannagin Begin again - Cannot nod - Hand can spin, used for cleaning
A head in the polls - 40% Titanium - Head can work indepenently - Head can control a toy car, while in it - Has a self distruct botton on his body - Body can be controlled by a head-jar attached - Baby - Head can be recycled for a 5c deposit - Head Can growl fiercely enough to vibrate and move - Has audio tape record and playback, pushing his antenna ejects the tape
Xmas Story - Can spit - Has a tinted visor, for snowboarding - Can snowboard proficiently
Why must i be a crustation in love? - Shiny enough to reflect light
The lesser of two evils - Can get 'Ass whiplash' - Chlorine (Flexo) - Head grinds when pivoting (Continuity) - Can still see through eyes, even if detached - Atom of Jumbonium
Put your head on my shoulder - Ass combusts in low speed collisions - Can change the colour of his 'teeth' - Has an optional combination lock on his chest cabinet - Roses - Wads of cash
Raging Bender - Can flick stuff - Can choke - Has a car jack-type thing in his chest cabinet - Weighs 525lbs - Can cock his arms back into place - Chair - Can click his fingers - Can sniff, and smell - Coathanger - Still seems to function when completely flattened
A Bicyclops for two - 3 Goldfish - Toaster - Can eat a sword, causes pain - Huge wad of loot
A clone of my own - Has a microphone input and volume control on his side - Can roll up 'sleeves' - Can give people electric shocks - Water
How Hermes requisitioned his groove back - Retractable visor - Is compatible with X-ray specs - Can shuffle cards by 'chewing' them, can them spit them out at an extreme speed - Has befriended a nut - Brain can be downloaded to a floppy disk
The deep south - Seems to have regular screw-in lightbulb replacement eyes - Has a volume control for his snoring - Has bags of oxygen - Ass can be used as a floatation device
Bender gets Made - Is ticklish - Camera - Officially proclaims he doesn't have a nose (Continuity) - Takes off a table cloth without affecting the tableware - Stores a huge amount of oil... somewhere - Has a british voice modulator - Eats money to store it
Mother's day - Has booze, and theft target sensors - Antenna can cause him to be a slave to mum -
The problem with popplers -
Anthology of intrest I -
War is the H Word - Can have wheels added, an covert to a wheelchair
The Honking - Has a remote, with a mute button - Ass has motion detectors... for some reason - Eyes can be 'bloodshot' - With the right programming, can turn into a ware-car - Fry
The Cryonic woman - Hammer - Head can be used as a container - The arm of a former prime-minister of Norway[/small]