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Author Topic: Panucci and Socrates  (Read 1407 times)
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canned eggs

Space Pope
« on: 07-14-2003 04:51 »

From Anthology of Interest I:

Fry: "You believe me about the monsters, right Mr Panucci?"

Panucci: "There's only 3 real monsters kid: Dracula, Blacula and Son of Kong.  Now quit picking your nose and knead that dough!"

From Apologia Sokratous:

Socrates: "But do we not think that
divinities are either gods or children of gods?
Do you say yes or no?"

Meletus: "Certainly."

Socrates: "Then if I believe in divinities, as you say,
if divinities are gods,
this would be the riddle and game I mention,
you are saying that not believing in gods
I believe in gods again, since I believe in divinities.
If on the other hand, divinities are bastard children
from nymphs or from any others, whoever they are said to be,
what person would think there are children of gods,
but not gods?

"For it would be just as absurd
as if one thought there are children of horses and asses,
namely mules, but did not think there are horses and asses."

Does anyone think there's any chance the writers (DXC wrote this one, but there's no guarantee any particular joke is his) had Meletus in mind when they decided that Panucci would believe in Son of Kong, but not King Kong?
aussie dude

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 07-14-2003 13:34 »

i know that dxc and co can be obscure but surely this is too obscure even for them

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 07-14-2003 14:59 »

No, thats too far gone.
canned eggs

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 07-14-2003 15:23 »

Look I'm not claiming this is some kind of hidden intertextuality, I'm saying the reason Panucci's line is funny is because of the ridiculousness of believing in Son of Kong without believing in King Kong.  Anyone who's read Plato will have a particular reason to appreciate the absurdity of that belief.  Meletus is what I thought of when I heard the line, it's what I would have thought of if I had written the line.  Am I on my own here?
aussie dude

Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 07-14-2003 15:25 »
« Last Edit on: 07-14-2003 15:25 »

well you are probably not on your own but you will be in an extremely exclusive group, though having said that i do get the point you are trying to make.

« Reply #5 on: 07-14-2003 16:59 »

I doubt it, I think it was just a clever coincidence.

Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 07-16-2003 06:38 »
« Last Edit on: 07-16-2003 06:38 »

It probably was a co-incidence, but it would be nice if it wasn't. And by the way, Socrates is not obscure! He was in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, ferchrisake! And also, I hate to be picky because I love the fact that you did this thread, but that was not the best translation ever, canned eggs. Still, I'm glad you brought it up. Are you a classicist, a philosopher or just an interested amateur?
canned eggs

Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 07-16-2003 19:38 »
« Last Edit on: 07-16-2003 19:38 »

I couldn't remember the text by heart, so I Googled around for it, and I found a couple translations. This one was in meter, so it's not the best, but it was closest to what I remember from the first time I read it.  The other ones were more vague about the crucial point:

"what person would think there are children of gods,
but not gods?"

So I went with this one, largely for that line and the next.

To answer your question, I'm a philosopher in the sense that I'm a cognitive scientist, but my specialty is generative linguistics.  I only remember Plato from college.

Also, it's not Socrates that everyone objects to as obscure, it's Meletus, and the particular argument from the particular dialogue.
aussie dude

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 07-17-2003 00:05 »

he doesnt nesicarilay say he doesnt believe in kong it could just be king kong is dead and only his heir is still alive but i too think it would be much  cooler and more impressive if it were intentional, i am impressed however by your subtle and obscure reasoning

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 07-18-2003 11:06 »

Originally posted by canned eggs:
This one was in meter, so it's not the best, .

In meter!? What the hell for? It's not poetry!

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