Mini Poppler
I think most people seem to stick to the general discussion section, but yeah you are right! There are a couple errors in most shows like that. They also go in a car in Lesser of Two Evils when they go to that 20th century theme park, which has wheels. Another error 

Things like this fly by people that are not of fanatic status and only watch episodes once. I bet the writers don`t spend forever deliberating on if the show`s completely flawless.

Its true I believe, Andie.
But does this really matter? Matt Groening and David X Cohen and the rest of them (:P) dont spend their time looking fot things like this... Thats what I think anyway...
Im sure they have people who are employed to watch the episodes and give reviews, but all they want is $$$ (Money).... They are getting paid for it... I dont think they really care!
Now, Lets move on Shall We? Okay... a little Scenario here... If you made your own Animated Series and spent all the time you have spare wurking on it, Would you go back checking through the older episodes to make sure there are no Flaws?
Maybe, Maybe not. But the average of us wouldn't... You may do it for the first few episodes but the collection of episodes starts to rize after the first few seasons and your only putting extra work on yourself to do this.
I'm sure we all have our own Opinions on this But lets not go putting down the Futurama writing team for these 'Little Flaws'... not many people notice them and thats the main thing.
If you notice them, That doesnt mean you have to tell everyone you know about it, This only gives the show a bad reputation...
We are suppoused to like the Show, Not point out every single last little flaw We see!
If you want to talk about it, I suggest you make a Section on this for 'Flaws' and If people want to put the Show down, They go to the 'Flaws' Section.
I pity you little Flaw People, who live down below the real world... There is a better worldf over this world and The people who dont talk about 'Flaws' are on the top!
Okay, I went tooooo far in depth there, So im gunna stop... yus... stop now...
Yus, I need sleep. We all need sleep. Lets all sleep.


Noone is putting down the show. We are just tring to catch stuff that may have missed the first time.
There are a lot of inconsistencies in Futurama, but don't forget that Futurama is an animated comedy show on television and not the bible (even that one has inconsitencies)! I think that the creation of a flawless science fiction universe is not something that the creators of Futurama intend. As Amy said : "Bender, your beer belly's so fat your lid won't close. And tha doesn't even make sense!" With that said, keep on nit-picking! It shows you really think about a show and don't just consume it.

Well, maybe the people of the future take simple machines like "the wheel" for granted so much that they just rool over them without thinking. Just sit back and enjoy the show! You know what? I think I`ve come up with more in-depth explamations for these things that have probably never crossed the writers minds.
Hi - just signed up - great forum!
Anyway, I see two ways of looking at this:
1) Hey, it's just for comedic effect! Sometimes you have to have a bit of inconsistency to make a good joke.
2) I think the point was that everyone used hover vehicles and the concept of a wheeled vehicle for ground transport was hard to grasp - sure, they may have seen one in a museum or used in robots or something but I get the feeling that most people in Y3K wouldn't understand how all the parts work (that the wheels were separate from the car, were on axles, etc.) and would not be able to figure out right away that you could build such a vehicle yourself.
Ok, so the second point is kind of rationalizing it, but I'm kinda partial to the first one anyway.

Does the fact that a wheel appeared on the show before make the joke less funny? Had enough? I thought so!

I have to agree thoroughly. I mean this is a comedy show right? and that was a joke right? then if it made you laugh it did it's job very successfully. I liked the comment on the bible before and I'd have to saw that's the most flawed and inconsistant book I've ever seen.