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Author Topic: futurama, delivery impossible...  (Read 2798 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #40 on: 05-17-2003 18:07 »
« Last Edit on: 05-17-2003 18:07 »

Originally posted by green-gesus:

That means the universe phases
12230590464.00000000000000000 00002 every second. I'm guessing its cyclical could be described using a function. Scientists doing anything with this info? or is it just a interesting fact.

Originally posted by BarneyBurnham:
You're way off, the universe phases 12230590464.00000000000000000 00003 every second.

*hits both with his "Behold! Script logic!"Baseball bat*

*Violent TOTP Dance*
No Monkeys this time!

Urban Legend
« Reply #41 on: 05-19-2003 17:41 »

Yeah and I bet if you told someone in the 1003's that in 2003 you would be able to type words into a machine and comunicate with someone over 100 miles away in less then a second you would be burned at the stake.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #42 on: 05-20-2003 05:52 »

Just look how fast they managed to get to the moon in the second episode. I think deliveries to other planets THAT quickly are possible if they can get to the moon in a matter of seconds.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #43 on: 05-20-2003 15:03 »

Arthur C Clarke: "Any sufficiently advanced technology , will be indistinguishable from magic."

« Reply #44 on: 05-24-2003 09:08 »

Originally posted by getak2003:
Yeah that is true with all the double exponential growth thing, that is, if we don't turn our backs on science and head to the dark side. by that i mean naure and herbal medicines using good chi and shit like that.

i am all for using herbal medicines and think that tribes and medicine men of these shit hole rain forest places have alot to tell us about how herb mixes work and stuff, but i say take it to the lab and tell me EXACTLY what is the active ingredient and how we can use it to make money. none of this all natural medicine that doesn't do crap and keep people from going to actual phecisians and doctors.

did you know that if we didn't have those damn dark ages full of the inquisitian and death to thinkers that we could have the year 3000 today? shakespear would have been typing up his works on a computer and columbus could have gone to the damn moon. we lost like 1000 years of advance ment and for what? to burn people at the stake for saying the earth is round?


Good point. And the French and the British might have been lobbing nuclear weapons at each other 600 years ago, in which case...


Space Pope
« Reply #45 on: 06-03-2003 13:39 »

The simplest and best explanation is that Cubert is really an idiot coming up with illogical explanations for everything.

Actually I have a theory. Since the Futurama cartoon world is a 2D representation of the 3D world, there is height and width, but not depth, so by altering the angle at which the 2D world was viewed from any distance could be travelled in no time at all by aligning it on the non-existant "depth" plane.
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