

I've got one but I don't know whether it's been done before and I also Don't know whether it's a goof or not... In Bend Her, Bender is dressed in a head-scarf, dress and bloomers, however, when Bender gets his sex-change he looks entirely different, wouldn't the Olympic Guys notice?

DOOP Secretary

Episode: Space Pilot 3000 Event: Fry rubs condensation off one cryogenic tube, and then falls into another one of them. Pic: Episode: Anthology of Interest I Event: 'What-If' senerio replays Fry's last moments in 1999. Fry rubs condensation off one cryogenic tube, and then fails to fall into another one of them. Pic: Could there be a reason?

DOOP Secretary

How could it be a mistake? Why did they reanimate the scene with a new guy, instead of just using stock footage from the pilot? I'm wondering if it's a foreshadowing of some sort...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

The old What-If machine wasn't precise enough to allow it to recreate the past with absolutely certainty. Hence the finetuning in AOI II.
Alternatively, only the actual question "What would happen if I didn't fall into the freezer doodle?" is is shown with any degree of precision, everything else in substituted with generic approximations.
Let's call him Ted.

DOOP Secretary

Who, the guy with the glasses or the one without?


How many years (in the show) had passed between the two sightings of the back of Yancy's head? Maybe he just changed his hair style sometime before his wedding.
Liquid Emperor
Shinyass, I'm not sure from your description what the problem is. I think the Liubots were pushing the screen forward before they burst through which would blur the image. But are you saying the image goes sharp>blur>sharp>blur?
The exploding vampire is one of my farvorite bits, but I though he was just saying a typical vampire "blaah!"

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #673 on: 08-24-2006 15:25 »
« Last Edit on: 08-24-2006 15:25 »
Originally posted by futz: Shinyass, I'm not sure from your description what the problem is. I think the Liubots were pushing the screen forward before they burst through which would blur the image. But are you saying the image goes sharp>blur>sharp>blur? Nononononononnononononono, this bit: "Mr Mayor, if you are a vampire, look in the mirror!" "I can't, i'm a vampire!" After that, the luibots walk through the screen, then the part where the vampire explodes appears on the screen again, the exploding vampire scene appears twice
Liquid Emperor
Mmmm, maybe since it was a cheesy movie they replayed the same explosion over several times in slow motion from several angles. ??? The Liubots walked through one of the slomo scenes?
Liquid Emperor
H. G. Blob


That was a fair spot robo_puppy_girl but a few pages back it has been discovered before hand. So we can't say your excellent eagle eye was the first we've heard about it.