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Author Topic: The Goof Thread  (Read 37124 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #280 on: 09-10-2003 08:41 »
« Last Edit on: 09-10-2003 08:41 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk:
Something I noticed when watching 'Mothers Day', I'm not sure if it's already been pointed out. In the scenes of Mom and Professor Farnsworth in their pasts. Mom throws a picture of him at the wall, after he walked out on her, and since then she hasn't seen him for about 70 years. Yet the photo was of Professor Farnsworth as an old man, without hair. But if she hasn't seen him for all that time, how can this be?

Actually, Otis - that had already been mentioned near the top of Page 7:

Originally posted by Rocketboy:
I'm not sure if anyone posted this yet, but on Mother's Day Mom had a picture of the professor and it was supposed to be 70 years ago. But he looked the same!! we even saw him look differint when he broke up with her!! COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #281 on: 09-10-2003 08:47 »

OOooooops, sorry, my bad. I'll have a look back at what came of it.
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #282 on: 09-10-2003 10:41 »

She probably clipped the picture from a newspaper, or something.

Bending Unit
« Reply #283 on: 09-11-2003 21:32 »

A bit off topic of me saying this but why would she clip out his picture if she hates him so?
Lionel Hutz Esq

Bending Unit
« Reply #284 on: 09-11-2003 23:20 »

a thousand years in the future, it is possible that you can update a picture automatically.  It just shows you what that person looks like right now.

Urban Legend
« Reply #285 on: 09-13-2003 00:25 »

Here's couple, I can't remember if they've ever been pointed out before:

In "I Dated A Robot," the pupils in the Lucy Liu-bot's eyes are square during the whole epsiode -- as they should be -- until there is a close-up on her as she lays dying in Fry's arms. Then the pupil's become circular -- as sign that she really had feelings for Fry?

Also in "Fry and the Slurm Factory," after Bender is mutilated by the can machine, there are numerous scens afterwards where the holes is not visible when it should be. Then, to make matters worse, the hole reappears at the end of the pisode when Fry drinks the Slurm pouring out of Bender's body.

Again, the Lucy-Liu thing might mave appeared before, but I can't remember.

Bending Unit
« Reply #286 on: 09-13-2003 05:21 »
« Last Edit on: 09-13-2003 05:21 »

Xmas story- Pine trees revealed to be extinct. However:
ABOG- Fry: Pine needles!
Professor: Excactly.
How would he know what that smells like? Also:
Obseletely Fabulous: ...Emmits a fresh pine scent.
Again, how would she know what they smell like?
There's also another few other references somewhere too.

Edit: Also I've noticed in luck of the fryrish that when bender is getting the safe open, the second time you see the shelf there's a Bart Simpson doll on it.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #287 on: 11-25-2004 04:11 »

i'm new here, so if anybody noticed those goofs before, don't mind spitting on me   ;)

-In "Love's Labour's Lost in Space", they are supposed to rescue two animals of each kind. Nevertheless, they only take ONE of each kind to the ship. (you know what I mean?)

-Okay, this MIGHT be a little obvious and I am quite sure that somebody mentioned it, but in "The Cryonic Woman", Michele appears to have brown hair- while in "Space Pilot 3000", it was black.
-Not a goof, just interesting: In the same episode (shortly before the PE ship lands in LA), there's a (theatre??) with some kind of... "stary" broadway before its entrance. (Sorry, I know this is a horrible sentence-I suck). One of the stars has Morbo written on it.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #288 on: 11-25-2004 09:34 »

Originally posted by Cass:
-Not a goof, just interesting: In the same episode (shortly before the PE ship lands in LA), there's a (theatre??) with some kind of... "stary" broadway before its entrance. (Sorry, I know this is a horrible sentence-I suck). One of the stars has Morbo written on it.

That's Mann's Chinese Theater and the Walk of Fame.  Morbo is a TV personality, so it's not unreasonable that he would have a star with his name on it.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #289 on: 11-25-2004 10:53 »

Originally posted by Cass:
-Okay, this MIGHT be a little obvious and I am quite sure that somebody mentioned it, but in "The Cryonic Woman", Michele appears to have brown hair- while in "Space Pilot 3000", it was black.

I wouldn't call that a goof, just "woman dying her hair". Brown is probably her natural color, black the color she use on special occasions.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #290 on: 11-25-2004 11:35 »

okay, good point.
@David A: Thank you (shame on me), I just didn't know what that thing was supposed to be... walk of fame... should have known that, sorry
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #291 on: 11-25-2004 15:46 »

Nah, you're from Germany; I wouldn't have expected you to know what it was.   :)  If you watch a lot of American movies and TV shows you might have seen it before, though.

Welcome to PEEL, by the way.   :D

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #292 on: 11-25-2004 23:11 »
« Last Edit on: 11-25-2004 23:11 »

I'm not sure about this, but in "Parasites Lost" there may be one goof.

When Fry holds out his hand, Leela takes it with her left hand. But when they cut to Fry's chest, you can see Leela's hand. The point of all this? You can see her wrist-thingy. It's supposed to be on her right hand only, but in that quick scene, you can see it on her left.
Don't know if this is good, so can someone please check it, so I will know I'm not crazy.
Also, if this was mentioned before, I apologize.

Urban Legend
« Reply #293 on: 11-26-2004 00:31 »

They also reversed it in Space Pilot 3000 - the first scene where they call attention to it, actually, when she calls for backup.  I'm almost positive that this instance has been mentioned before, since it was brought up on the commentary, but I thought'd point out the animators weren't all that consisteny.

Urban Legend
« Reply #294 on: 11-26-2004 09:30 »

In "Raging Bender" how does Bender get a drill through his head? The Clearcutter doesn't have a drill! Is it hidden?
bending unit 44

Delivery Boy
« Reply #295 on: 11-27-2004 12:54 »

I have something that I made a whole thread about but since on one has spoken on it ill say it here...

In the episode 'Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles' whenever Leela and Fry are racing with her freinds, when they fly past the cinema, to the very left you can see El Chubaneebray, who bender flushed to the sub sewer, how odd...


Bending Unit
« Reply #296 on: 11-27-2004 18:03 »
« Last Edit on: 11-27-2004 18:03 »

Maybe it's one of his children.

EDIT: It looks like someone already made that suggestion on another thread.  Great minds thinks alike, I guess.

« Reply #297 on: 11-27-2004 18:39 »

i thought it was just a statue. it doesn't move.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #298 on: 11-27-2004 18:54 »

We noticed El Chubinibre there a long time ago... you can see him running across in another episode as well, Leela's Homeworld I believe...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #299 on: 11-28-2004 07:54 »

I read about him being in TMLH but I've never spotted him....have to try pausing the scene I guess....

Also when do you see EC in Leela's Homeworld....?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #300 on: 11-28-2004 09:51 »

When the camera shot goes down to the sewers, you see EC chasing the leg guy.... ..I think..

C'mon Gleno! Duh!  :p

Starship Captain
« Reply #301 on: 11-28-2004 10:15 »

Originally posted by catindisguise:
When the camera shot goes down to the sewers, you see EC chasing the leg guy.... ..I think..

Yeah, I recall that happening. Either that or we're both imagining the same thing  :p

Hedonism Bot

Bending Unit
« Reply #302 on: 11-29-2004 11:39 »

Wasn't that 300 Big Boys?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #303 on: 11-29-2004 19:34 »

I just watched TMLH the other night and I'll be damned if I didn't see El Chubanebray....heh
He does move though he's not just a statue like somebody else said....howe did I miss that....?!?!?!

« Reply #304 on: 11-29-2004 22:12 »

[Melllvar]It was meeeeeeeeee![/m]

Space Pope
« Reply #305 on: 11-30-2004 00:26 »

What's that supposed to mean?

« Reply #306 on: 11-30-2004 02:32 »
« Last Edit on: 11-30-2004 02:32 »

I said it was a satue.

Starship Captain
« Reply #307 on: 11-30-2004 08:49 »

Originally posted by Hedonism Bot:
Wasn't that 300 Big Boys?

Yeah, you're right.

Starship Captain
« Reply #308 on: 04-16-2005 14:21 »

The Day the Earht Stood Stupid

I think thats the name of the episode, when Fry runs into the Libary and gets trapped in the books, they are all really still in the Libary. So when Fry writes his own book even if Fry and leela got out of it wouldn't the Big Brain still be in the Libary thinking he had flown away

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #309 on: 04-16-2005 19:48 »

"Libary" ^^
Starship Captain
« Reply #310 on: 04-16-2005 20:09 »

lol... the irony... the day the earth stood stupid... then libary... is this situational or verbal irony?  :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #311 on: 04-17-2005 01:11 »

I don't know about that, but on the Season 3 cover art, That Guy's hair is orange when it should be gray. Has anybody else said/noticed that?

Urban Legend
« Reply #312 on: 04-17-2005 09:09 »

How come nibbler has a diaper, a litter box, and goes on walks?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #313 on: 04-17-2005 10:24 »

Because Leela wants to be extra careful about the dark matter?

Space Pope
« Reply #314 on: 04-21-2005 18:12 »

Originally posted by Dr.Jerkbird:
The Day the Earht Stood Stupid

I think thats the name of the episode, when Fry runs into the Libary and gets trapped in the books, they are all really still in the Libary. So when Fry writes his own book even if Fry and leela got out of it wouldn't the Big Brain still be in the Libary thinking he had flown away

I think I get what you're saying ... Fry never was actually crushed under the bookcase, but he had started writing his own (that wasn't shown, because it was meant to be a surprise).  Fry wrote that he had been crushed, and the brain picked up on that, and Leela perceived it to be true, because she was trapped in the brain's power, as both she and Fry were in 'Moby Dick', 'Tom Sawyer', and 'Pride and Prejudice'.  Fry also wrote in what the brain did, and he acted on that, possibly because he was so wrapped up in what he was doing to Leela.  I hope that makes sense.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #315 on: 04-22-2005 12:19 »
« Last Edit on: 04-24-2005 00:00 »

Don't know if anyone mentioned this one yet, but in "Insane in the Mainframe", when Roberto stabs Fry, it goes through the can of oil. Wouldn't Roberto eventually end up stabbing Fry in the chest, even if it isn't deep enough to kill him?

Ok. I have another one, and since double posting is not good: In "The Deep South", Fry says he is staying with Umbriel. Leela then replies "What about us?" Now, was that "us", as in Fry and herself, or "us" as in Planet Express?

Bending Unit
« Reply #316 on: 04-25-2005 07:03 »

Originally posted by Goldfish:
Xmas story- Pine trees revealed to be extinct. However:
ABOG- Fry: Pine needles!
Professor: Excactly.
How would he know what that smells like? Also:
Obseletely Fabulous: ...Emmits a fresh pine scent.
Again, how would she know what they smell like?
There's also another few other references somewhere too.

mabye its because they had smell-a-vision and mabye there was pine scent in some old movie. unless smell-a-vision wasnt invented then.

and also when roberto stabs that can of oil in frys pocket wouldnt the can spark and ignite the oil becuase im pretty sure motor oil is flammable.

and and also why would fry even need that oil seeing he ate those anchovies that are supposed to permanantly lubricate a robot forever

Starship Captain
« Reply #317 on: 04-25-2005 14:27 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2005 14:27 »

Pine trees may be extinct, but those car air fresheners will exist until the end of time. (as a product, I mean, not individually)

I'm pretty sure that just stabbing a metal can won't make it spark, except perhaps in movies.

Fry doesn't know that anchovies permanently lubricate robots... and he's kind of not a robot, so he doesn't 'need' any sort of oil at all.   :)

Originally posted by Pataloca:
Don't know if anyone mentioned this one yet, but in "Insane in the Mainframe", when Roberto stabs Fry, it goes through the can of oil. Wouldn't Roberto eventually end up stabbing Fry in the chest, even if it isn't deep enough to kill him?

Ok. I have another one, and since double posting is not good: In "The Deep South", Fry says he is staying with Umbriel. Leela then replies "What about us?" Now, was that "us", as in Fry and herself, or "us" as in Planet Express?

It may stab Fry, but it wouldn't make much of a difference in the end, as it wasn't feeling Roberto's knife cutt his arm that snapped Fry out of it, but seeing the blood, which would be mixed in with oil and not visible in the possible chest wound.  Unless you are commenting that there is no stab wound on Fry when the knife is pulled away, but I can't remember the specifics of the scene enough to comment on that, so I'll chalk it up to the magics of SkinTanium Armor. 

Regarding the Deep South, it's likely that Leela ment 'us' as in the PE crew, seeing as the Fry/Leela romantic relationship wasn't that big of a focus on the show at that point, but it's just as open to interpretation as everything else. Only the writers really know for sure (and even then...).

Urban Legend
« Reply #318 on: 04-25-2005 20:13 »

The Goof Thread? Isn't this the Goof Forum:rolleyes:

Bending Unit
« Reply #319 on: 04-25-2005 22:18 »

Originally posted by Ranadok:
I'm pretty sure that just stabbing a metal can won't make it spark, except perhaps in movies.
i dunno, it worked with my deodorant can.
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