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Author Topic: What has UnrealLegend noticed recently or otherwise?  (Read 31926 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #40 on: 07-31-2017 09:46 »

I've been there for nearly two years. And I've never actually seen the quiche assembly area, but given that it's literally egg floating in pastry before it gets cooked, there's not much to be disgusted by... unless you hate egg as much as you claim, haha.

I like the smaller 200g quiches. The family sized ones have a bit too much pastry for my liking. Not a huge fan of the lasanges since the meat is fairly low-quality and the sauce lacks any real flavour. We make spinach and ricotta cannelloni as well, and I quite enjoy that!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #41 on: 08-01-2017 04:31 »

That's pretty cool.  Labeling sounds pretty enjoyable to me honestly; I like doing repetitive tasks for some bizarre reason.

Space Pope
« Reply #42 on: 06-08-2018 16:08 »

You forgot to mention the Spider-Man pyjamas, and the fact that I do all of this while having a threesome with Mary-Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy.

So, I was skimming through my post history (yeah, I'm weird like that), and this post caught me completely off-guard. What the hell is wrong with me. :laff:

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DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #43 on: 08-25-2018 07:12 »

Huh.  Spicy!
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