DOOP Secretary
Wish I understood these inside jokes winna.
FTFY Everyone understands a little bit of winna; no one understands all of winna, least of all winna himself.
Felt kinda depressed looking at a whole forum whose most recent thread post was last year.
Update: URL saw Spiderman Homecoming, enjoyed Spiderman Homecoming, however, any info on the consumption of general movie snacks has not been released. Any release of these endeavors will result in immediate update and will be duly noted.
Update: it turns out URL dislikes practically all cinema food and finds it extremely overpriced, understandably. He also finds it distracting?? Is URL secretly a loud chewer? Has he turned down potential SO's for their movie theater eating habits?
Have I taken this too far?? I really hope so cause I don't do much
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DOOP Ubersecretary
Since we're here, and the subject I suspect is floating sometimes unspoken in the air, what is the place supposed to be now? Perhaps it is what is, or what it was meant to be. However, the heart of my questioning along these lines, since we are here, is rather what do we actually want from what is here, and furthermore what would be enjoyable with it?
I, for one, really enjoyed the wiki myself. I also have a plan to make something related, but that's less of a group project until I make major headway.
I basically just use this place as a boredom outlet to annoy URL or give the many insightful facts I previously stated. And yeah the wiki is a great place to get lost in, it reminds me of those youtube references. Like, you can start scrolling through old POTM's and then end up on the banned Peelers account sor Tnuks Trivia. Im pretty narcissistic when it comes to wikipeelia however, constantly checking my forever unaltered wiki page
DOOP Secretary
Im pretty narcissistic when it comes to wikipeelia however, constantly checking my forever unaltered wiki page
LOL, I altered it 8 whole hours ago And in order to keep from GETTING THE CLAMPS, I'll nudge this train back towards its base course: I'm pretty sure I recall UrL saying that he often fills his 5-disc DVD player up with Spiderman discs and watches all five on repeat until he passes out. He likes to see some of the more subtle things that he didn't notice during previous watchings.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #23 on: 07-12-2017 07:31 »
« Last Edit on: 07-12-2017 07:38 »
I just noticed that my page still has me listed as an Urban Legend, and I've also forgotten my password.
Is there a reset password option? The other option might be to PM Xanfor and hope that he comes by more than twice a year. [edit] I couldn't edit a wiki page to save my arse from a rabid drop bear, but I think I've managed to at least update your rank, UrL. Let me know if I've screwed it all up.
The Wiki just gets cooler the further you go honestly, I love going back to find old PEELers I knew back in my era (LMP, CL27, MRM, of course Tachy and Winna, you guys are like PEEL gods lol, and Danny was around then too, I think him and CL27 were friends, or at least she talked about him)
DOOP Secretary
Sorry to hijack your thread, UrL: feel free to kick me out any time! The Wiki just gets cooler the further you go honestly, I love going back to find old PEELers I knew back in my era...
Yeah, I enjoy browsing the wiki and older Peel threads for fun, typically on my lunch break When my post count reached the point where I leveled up to Liquid Emperor I spent hours combing through the wiki, trying to determine the chain of succession so that I could pay proper respect to those who came before me. In the end it wasn't possible because there have been several Peel apocalypses since it began and the chain was broken in several places. ...Danny was around then too, I think him and CL27 were friends...
Somewhere there's a Twitter thread that Danny made, and I know he enjoys interacting on Twitter and FB with his Peeler pals. Why not forward on his Twitter handle to her? Found it: The Twitter Thread
Lol dont beat yourself up too hard, it was like 5 years ago and short online speaking from all I remember :P
URL also please update us on your many interesting encounters
Ooo lasagna
todays update: URL is currently employed at one of the worlds finest Lasagna Factories (which apparently also produces quiche). Let us know how your next work day goes Unreal, back to you (insert pretentious sounding news anchor name)
DOOP Secretary
My first enjoyment was was programming binary boxlifters—very similar to your evaporators in most respects.
So both FedEx and UPS? I work in a factory that produces lasagne and quiche, and sells them to supermarkets.
Another Peeler who sometimes visits #FC worked in a big automated bakery, doing QA work. No quiche, though.
DOOP Secretary
So UrL, how long have you worked there? And I'm familiar oft-quoted phrase concerning the making of sausages or politics, but how does quiche stand up in that regard? Would it be possible to observe the making of quiche and still be able to stomach the stuff? For reference, I utterly detest eggs, and in all of my lifetime have only eaten quiche once. And it was voluntary. And it was disgusting.